Barreiro/KFAN rant


Bruce Smith for Governor
Nov 20, 2008
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Now I know that KFAN is not always the most Gopher-friendly place to be and that many Gopher fans ignore it altogether. While it is not always easy to listen to their criticism, I usually sort of take it with a grain of salt. (And frankly when it comes to Gopher football, there is plenty to be critical about these days). If they are ever challenged as being too negative, the radio jocks response is often "what have I said that is incorrect?" or "if you think this criticism is tough, you should see what it is like in a 'real' sports town." (such as NY, Chicago, etc.) Fine, I get it.

Yesterday, however, their banter made me realize just what a shtick of ragging on the Gophers has become (at least on Barreiro's show). Barreiro and his sidekick Justin Gaard were going on and on about the Big Ten Network's replay of the 1989 Gopher meltdown - huge embarrassment to the program, one of the worst defeats ever, etc. (I was there, it was horrible, and it certainly was a memorable game for the Buckeyes. Again I get it.) They were wondering why the Gophers did not get a "equal opportunity" game broadcast, namely their win at Columbus in 2000.

They broke for a commercial, I called the station and talked briefly with Gaard (at least it sounded like him). I rather politely informed him that the "equal opportunity" game that the Big Ten Network is playing this week is the 1981 Gopher win over the Buckeyes. The two games are usually shown one after the other. The 1981 is a much more exciting game than the one in 2000 and it does feature the last win by the Gophers in Memorial Stadium. "Thanks," he rather quickly replied and we both hung up.

I was not really expecting a retraction or correction from the two when they got back on the air - was sort of figuring that they would move on to something else, but at least I had said my piece. Oh no, they got back into again. No mention of the 1981 Gopher game, only that the Big Ten network was going to repeat the 1989 game two more times this week. Glen Mason (a Big Ten Network employee) is going to be on their show today, and Barreiro said he is going to ask Mason as to why the Gophers cannot get equal time with the 2000 game. Gaard was almost delighting in his observation that the only time Gophers are seen on TV is when either another team needs to be highlighted on the Big Ten's Greatest games, or during the pro football draft when all the clips show the player of interest against the Gophers.

The obvious message they are conveying is the Gophers stink and have stunk for a long time. And I do not deny that for 30+ years it has often been a challenge to be a Gopher fan. But I am bothered by the subtle message that they are sending in that the Big Ten Network does not even respect them enough to give them a "Greatest Game," even though they were informed that this is not the case. Evidently the truth does not matter - it does not fall within their "shtick."

Fat little tennis player Justin Gaard says "we" when talking about both the Gophers and the Hawkeyes. Sorry, but there is no crossover between those two fanbases.

People that take talk radio seriously have let to learn how to walk without dragging their knuckles on the ground.

Was the 1981 game on TV? Does anyone have tape of it somewhere?

Was the 1981 game on TV? Does anyone have tape of it somewhere?

For a while you could download it on Big Ten Network on demand from Direct TV, but I'm not sure if the game is available anymore. I'm sure that Comcast has a similiar on demand channel, so if you suscribe to either of those I would check there.

justin gaard (of KFAN) is nothing but a 30 year old child......and a virgin

that the circle-jerk, d-bags over at KFAN have a fat-ass ioweee hogeye grad like justin gaard as their gophers football recap guy pretty much tells you all you need to know when it comes to reasons why not to listen to KFAN.....ever

Gaard is fine. Rip away til the gophers clean their *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# up. Boo Hoo message board

I guess I'm in the minority, but I think Gaard does a great job. He is the one guy who at least will defend the Gophers on occasion. Plus, I think he has pretty good takes.

that the circle-jerk, d-bags over at KFAN have a fat-ass ioweee hogeye grad like justin gaard as their gophers football recap guy pretty much tells you all you need to know when it comes to reasons why not to listen to KFAN.....ever

Who's the child?

I happened to be listening to this and found it to be pleasantly unoffensive. And I was thinking maybe they've got the message. But then seeing that they disregarded the info on the '81 game I'm once again dissapointed. Schtick, facts don't matter. Most likely they were just setting up the show today with Mason.

The 1981 game was on TV earlier this week, I believe. Also, as part of the "Greatest Games" series, I remember watching the BTN folks show the gophers OT win over Purdue at the dome (forget the year), Mason's road win over Penn State, etc.

It always amazes me that people even listen to guys like Barreiro. Wouldn't you think being in a position like he has (sports talk radio) that he would at least watch the games enough to know the players names? I stopped listening to KFAN 3 years ago, when it became clearly evident to me that these guys know less about their subjects than any professional in any profession.

I guess I'm with KFAN on this one (unless they were being sacastic). It does seem to me that everytime you see the gophs in a "classic" replay or via highlights, it's us getting beat or the other player busting out a hugh play against us. I would rather have KFAN complain about the U not getting enough positive representation than having them harp on the fact that we got creamed in the 1989 game or the normal stuff they always say about the gophs. Plus, it's radio, their job is to fan the flames, get people riled up and sell advertising. They probably focused on the 2000 game and ignored the 81 info since they were having Mason on as a guest.

Here we go again...

Don't listen to Kfag and business owners please don't spend advertising dollars there. Are they still the smarmy bastards they used to be???

I guess I'm in the minority, but I think Gaard does a great job. He is the one guy who at least will defend the Gophers on occasion. Plus, I think he has pretty good takes.

You are definitely in the minority.

JG never stands up to Burrito's incessant ripping of the program. When has he stood up to Dan and defended the program or Brew?? I just don't hear it, ever.

Gaardsy's 'experience' when it comes to Gopher FB is the occasional game with his family season tickets.

Closed circuit to Gaardsy: Grow a friggin pair!!!

You're not going to hear him stand up to Barreiro because it isn't his job to do so. He is the sidekick and is of a lessor status than the show host.

that the circle-jerk, d-bags over at KFAN have a fat-ass ioweee hogeye grad like justin gaard as their gophers football recap guy pretty much tells you all you need to know when it comes to reasons why not to listen to KFAN.....ever

When did Wren start writing your stuff?:p

Now I know that KFAN is not always the most Gopher-friendly place to be and that many Gopher fans ignore it altogether. While it is not always easy to listen to their criticism, I usually sort of take it with a grain of salt. (And frankly when it comes to Gopher football, there is plenty to be critical about these days). If they are ever challenged as being too negative, the radio jocks response is often "what have I said that is incorrect?" or "if you think this criticism is tough, you should see what it is like in a 'real' sports town." (such as NY, Chicago, etc.) Fine, I get it.

Yesterday, however, their banter made me realize just what a shtick of ragging on the Gophers has become (at least on Barreiro's show). Barreiro and his sidekick Justin Gaard were going on and on about the Big Ten Network's replay of the 1989 Gopher meltdown - huge embarrassment to the program, one of the worst defeats ever, etc. (I was there, it was horrible, and it certainly was a memorable game for the Buckeyes. Again I get it.) They were wondering why the Gophers did not get a "equal opportunity" game broadcast, namely their win at Columbus in 2000.

They broke for a commercial, I called the station and talked briefly with Gaard (at least it sounded like him). I rather politely informed him that the "equal opportunity" game that the Big Ten Network is playing this week is the 1981 Gopher win over the Buckeyes. The two games are usually shown one after the other. The 1981 is a much more exciting game than the one in 2000 and it does feature the last win by the Gophers in Memorial Stadium. "Thanks," he rather quickly replied and we both hung up.

I was not really expecting a retraction or correction from the two when they got back on the air - was sort of figuring that they would move on to something else, but at least I had said my piece. Oh no, they got back into again. No mention of the 1981 Gopher game, only that the Big Ten network was going to repeat the 1989 game two more times this week. Glen Mason (a Big Ten Network employee) is going to be on their show today, and Barreiro said he is going to ask Mason as to why the Gophers cannot get equal time with the 2000 game. Gaard was almost delighting in his observation that the only time Gophers are seen on TV is when either another team needs to be highlighted on the Big Ten's Greatest games, or during the pro football draft when all the clips show the player of interest against the Gophers.

The obvious message they are conveying is the Gophers stink and have stunk for a long time. And I do not deny that for 30+ years it has often been a challenge to be a Gopher fan. But I am bothered by the subtle message that they are sending in that the Big Ten Network does not even respect them enough to give them a "Greatest Game," even though they were informed that this is not the case. Evidently the truth does not matter - it does not fall within their "shtick."

They have interns that answer the phone...they get takes like that non-stop and trust me they don't relay any of them to the host or sidekick. Nothing personal.

I dont know how i would ever figure out that the gopher program has been bad over the years without danny telling me it

his audience must be dumb because he has to preach this to them over and over and over

also.....speaking of bad and getting destroyed........sid hartmanns sunday morning show absolutely destroys danny's "sunday sermon show" is an absolute bludgeoning

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