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    Furnace filter airflow

    Came across this today when my ductwork was getting cleaned. I'm confident this is correct. We use 3M filtrete filters. On many of the Filtrete filters the airflow arrow is backwards. The mesh on the outside of the filter should be next to the blower compartment on your furnace. That protects...
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    I Believe in the Death of Julius Caesar and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

    Since it's the 'Ides of March' I thought I would spare the political forum from this and more or less challenge us to admit that there is much we believe in that is unverifiable. Do we have faith that it happened? If you can cross this bridge there are many others you may venture to go on...
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    Looking to join an NCAA pool

    I'm looking for an NCAA pool to join. Up to a $25.00 entry. Anyone got anything?
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    Fascinating Biblical History

    I couldn't vouch for the person who made this video but it's not uncommon knowledge. The real Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia? Quite likely apparently. There are numerous sources for this. Pretty amazing.
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    State Fair 2022

    Have you been to The Fair? Are you planning on going to The Fair? We went opening day and then again Saturday with the kids and grandkids. All is well. The crowds are back.
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    Kenobi Final Fight Scene

    As one of those people who saw Star Wars when it came out in 1977, I've been waiting for this for a long time. Fun stuff right here:
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    having trouble posting a link

    Hello, I'm having trouble posting this link: https:// I put a space in between the / and m after the https:// so I could at least post the text for it. When I paste that into a thread it...
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    duplicate thread

    duplicate thread.
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    Big Ten vs Big East Series

    If I'm not mistaken this was just announced. Sorry if it was posted elsewhere.
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    Lacey Holsworth, Adreian Payne's young friend, dies from cancer

    Very sad to read this today:
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    I will not miss some of the drama the last few years but I sure will miss this..

    I am curious if we have a player who will take on some of Trevors role this year?
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    Basketball season starts tonight on the B10 Network

    After flipping back and forth between the Vikings and The Walking Dead and not being able to really tell the difference I'm thankful basketball returns to the Big Ten Network tonight. Indiana is going to beat the hell out of an exhibition team but I really don't care.
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    Indiana - Minnesota Replay at 1:00 today on BTN

    BTN has had basketball replaying for the last day or so and it's Indiana at Minnesota today at 1:00.
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    Unbalanced Big Ten schedule favors Wisconsin gives Iowa a rough road

    I don't know if this has been posted or not but here it is anyway: --------- The release of the Big Ten's unbalanced schedule earlier this week undoubtedly inspired different reactions from various fan bases. They were smiling in Madison. They were cringing in Iowa City. Wisconsin caught a...
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    Press Conference Stream?

    I know it's a bit late to ask but is there a link to the press conference stream available?
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    Would a new coach want Joe Esposito?

    Just kicking this around as I saw him name mentioned on another thread. Would Esposito be an asset to a new coach for scheduling?
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    Renaming Tubby's Barn

    Since it's already being called the Golden Gopher Basketball Forum, coach depending of course: Shaka's Shak Buzz's ... Beehive? ( sounds silly I know ) Just spitballing. :) Fwiw, I'm sad to see Tubby gone. He was a man with integrity and those aren't always easy to find.
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    Couple of great games on Comcast OnDemand

    If you have Comcast and the OnDemand feature you can go under local and then under BTN and for your viewing pleasure is the 2009 overtime win at Wisconsin and also Blake Hoffarber's buzzer beater in the BTN tourney against Indiana in 2008. Fun stuff. :)
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    Gophers make Gavin Schilling's final four teams
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    We haven't won at Northwestern in four years

    Can we please turn that around tonight. That is all.

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