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  1. AO54

    Online presale code for US Bank Stadium College Classic basketball

    Yeah, obviously they've got a month left, but the prices are just preposterous. There are $66 seats that are farther away from the court than the worst seat in the Barn. The seats in Blue are unsold
  2. AO54

    All Things Richard Pitino Tweets

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  3. AO54

    Which of "The Threesome" will return next year?

    I assume you saw this and were just too lazy to share. :cool: <script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
  4. AO54

    Michigan Hype Video

    I'm ready to run through a brick wall after watching this one. Great job BTN!
  5. AO54

    All Things Dredrick Snelson Thread

    <script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
  6. AO54

    Jacques Perra transfering

    St. Thomas it is. <script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
  7. AO54

    Gopher QB Impostor?

    No, not Mitch Leidner. It appears someone falsely claiming to be a former Gopher starting QB participated in a challenge event at Linwood Family Fun day. It was a mystery who was going to show up according to this post. "Breaking news. We are excited to announce a Cow Chip Throw challenge...
  8. AO54

    Reusse runs the U

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Looks like our favorite columnist might outlive Sid after all.
  9. AO54

    $1 Million summer tournament Royce is playing with the badgers. It's never been harder to cheer for him, and that's really saying something.
  10. AO54

    ESPN College Gameday predicted to come to Minnesota Please please please Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. AO54

    Gophers vs Badgers for the title in '62 we were HOSED! per the Sports Show

    <iframe width="853" height="480" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Starting at 15:56 another reason Sid is referred to as "the Great Man"
  12. AO54

    ESPN worst case scenario for UW: Minnesota wins Big Ten

    Brian Bennett at least thinks there's a chance.
  13. AO54

    NIT TV ratings

    <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Just got <a href="">#Gophers</a>-SMU local TV ratings. Holy bleep! Peaked at a 13 rating. For comparison: 10p SportsCenter normally does a 0.1 rating.</p>— Darren Wolfson (@DarrenWolfson) <a...
  14. AO54

    Reusse: Most overrated scandal in the history of sports

    Great stuff from last Friday ESPN1500 with Ariel McDonald It seems we're exceptionally blessed with former players who have natural radio talents with...
  15. AO54

    Clash of the Classes

    from @ryanjamesmn The big 3 together for the first time.
  16. AO54

    Tyus Jones to Duke.

    You heard it here first..... <script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
  17. AO54

    12/27 - Rashad Vaughn will NOT attend the U

    Watch out now. Hopkins haters are about to explode. RECRUITING TO PLAY FOR ANOTHER HIGH SCHOOL!!!!!!BLEAREAHGERHA!!!!
  18. AO54

    Norwood Teague Next on ESPN 1500

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