Recent content by BballMama

  1. B

    B1G Game 11: Gophers visit UCLA (2-2-25)

    Other than the last couple minutes, this has been a very enjoyable game to watch. I like the heart and hustle the Gophers are showing. We just needed a few more of our buckets to fall, and a few more stops to stay in the hunt for the victory.
  2. B


    With the addition of the PAC teams, and all of the talent they are bringing, I would’ve been surprised if we had any players on the preseason top 10.
  3. B

    College Sports Madness Top 44

    #38 Princeton #37 Gonzaga #36 TCU
  4. B

    Transfer Portal 2024

    Most schools post their roster updates in June, once the new recruits and transfers have reported to campus. With all the AAU tournaments going on right now, I’d rather have the coaches focusing on recruiting, rather than updating the website, which really doesn’t matter right now.
  5. B

    2023-24 Gophers on TV

    We will go to a couple games this year. However, with the price of Big 10+ being twice as much as ESPN+ per month, and 1/10 of the programming, especially basketball, I guess we’ll just be watching other conferences again this year.
  6. B

    2023-24 B1G Non-Conference Schedules

    This will be the first year of not traveling to watch either of my children playing. It might be fun to drive down to Drake to watch Iowa, if it doesn’t conflict with the Gophers schedule.
  7. B

    Braun Selected for US 3on3 Trials

    I’m looking forward to seeing how much this experience on the 3x3 circuit translates into increased confidence and leadership on the NCAA floor. Especially against more experienced, higher ranked programs.
  8. B

    BREAKING: Oregon & Washington joining Big Ten, becoming latest schools to leave Pac-12

    Even though the Big 12 has lost teams to the SEC, they are picking up new teams from the dissolution of the PAC. I foresee more shuffling between the the 4 remaining P5 conferences, as well as Mountain West, Big East, and a few others.
  9. B

    Banham elevated to Gophers assistant coach as Plitzuweit finalizes staff

    This is awesome news for Rachel! It’s nice that she’s making plans for after she’s done playing with the Lynx, especially now that she’s getting married soon.
  10. B

    Transfer Portal

    I never understood the transfer of Öberg. I watched both her and Hart when they were in AAU and high school, and I would definitely rank Hart well above Oberg as far as skills. I was not impressed by Oberg’s mobility, or rather the lack thereof, for her position. Given that they just finished...
  11. B

    Transfer Portal

    One possibility for a back up center would be Ila Lane, 6’4, from UCSB. Local connection is that the UCSB coach is from Willmar Minnesota.
  12. B

    Transfer Portal

    That’s a bummer. I would’ve loved to watch what Franie Hottinger could’ve done in a gophers uniform! And Wilke as well.
  13. B


    I’m sorry, but knee injuries are not caused by blind spots on the floor. They are caused by genetics (especially in girls), landing wrong, twisting unexpectedly, or a combination of those factors….
  14. B

    Transfer Portal

    I would guess that Hailey Van Lith would be heading to Washington. As they are an Adidas program, and she is already sponsored by Adidas, that would be a good fit. (Although, she’s a big enough name that she could change sponsorships pretty easily.) Especially since she’s from there, and just...
  15. B

    Gopher WBB 2023-2024

    I did see something on another site that suggested that Wilke is coming to Minnesota from Wisconsin.

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