Doogie Wolfson Hammers Brewster

So oleboy41, I see you posted a link over there to this thread. Now that does qualify you as a "snitch". That is really really bad in the neighborhood I came from. Watch yourself now.

Actually if anyone is 'snitching' it was you for posting something Doogie said in a premium forum, meaning that those words weren't intended for public consumption like what he says on the radio. I started a thread about a thread here, in a public, open forum that all can see and most on GI would've seen anyway since many are members of both sites. That's like me 'snitching' to Brewster about what Fat Pat says about him in an article.

3rd grade level ... Since you're are in the strata it appeals

You writing "you're are" right after bashing something for being at a third grade level is kind of funny, too. No offense, of course.:)

Actually if anyone is 'snitching' it was you for posting something Doogie said in a premium forum, meaning that those words weren't intended for public consumption like what he says on the radio. I started a thread about a thread here, in a public, open forum that all can see and most on GI would've seen anyway since many are members of both sites. That's like me 'snitching' to Brewster about what Fat Pat says about him in an article.

Please explain to me how posting "premium" content can in any way, shape or form constitute snitching.

Thus far, there really is no room for debate. Dantonio has done a better job than Brewster. Then again, I'm not really making any definitive judgements until after year five.

It's becoming more and more clear that certain folks on this board simply don't like Brewster and regardless of whether he succeeds or not, will always have something against him. Trying to convince these folks otherwise is proving to be a futile effort.

Personally, I like certain things about him and others not so much. But I'm willing to give the guy a chance and wish certain other folks would do the same.

Please explain to me how posting "premium" content can in any way, shape or form constitute snitching.

I don't need to since I wasn't the one who started the 'snitching' crap. All I said was that posting premium info 'hey look what Doogie said over on this premium site' is much closer to snitching than posting free info. Its comparable to Doogie sitting at dinner and telling 10 people what he thinks about Brewster and 1 guy then going and announcing it to the world.
All I did is take what the guy announced to the world and let the other guys at the dinner table know that what Doogie said is now public knowledge. Once again, thanks for the amusement, though, Sport.

I don't need to since I wasn't the one who started the 'snitching' crap. All I said was that posting premium info 'hey look what Doogie said over on this premium site' is much closer to snitching than posting free info. Its comparable to Doogie sitting at dinner and telling 10 people what he thinks about Brewster and 1 guy then going and announcing it to the world.
All I did is take what the guy announced to the world and let the other guys at the dinner table know that what Doogie said is now public knowledge. Once again, thanks for the amusement, though, Sport.

Do you even know what the definition of the word "snitch" is?

If you're using the old, archaic meaning of an "informant," then technically you're correct.

However, we are clearly referring to the Carmeloesque definition of tattling to law enforcement, which you have done not only by bitching about it here, but also posting this thread on GI.

I love it when people get caught in their BS and then start pointing fingers at everyone else.

I have accounts on both, and I find it pretty pathetic that there is always bickering on both sides. We are all Gopher fans. I, personsally chose to pay for content on GI. No one forced me to. I read stuff on both sites. Honestly, why do people on GI care so much if people from Gopherhole show what's being said on there. Get over it. Us "premium" members on GI aren't any more special than the Gopherholers. It's all info about Gopher sports. Does it really matter where we read it from? Is there really nothing else people can worry about?

I don't see how this is a rip on Brewster at all. I'm as big of a Brewster supporter as anyone but it's clear Dantonio has had more success in his first two years than Brewster has. Now I would argue that this fact may have to do with the amount of talent each coach got to start with but that is just my opinion and that seems to be a sensitive subject for some on this board so I will leave that alone for now.

You can copy all quotes/cds/mp3s...whatever. You just can't make money off them.

The difference between the two is their track record. There is a large perception (fair or not - though I consider it absolutely fair) that Bielema's initial successes were solely result of the roster that Alvarez left for him, and nothing more. You will note that his record has gotten worse in each successive year.

Dantonio, on the other hand, took Cincinnati to two bowls in three years, and has hit the ground running with MSU. He left Cincinnati a much better program than the one he inherited, to the point where it is now the best team in the Big East. Of course, Brian Kelly has a little bit to do with that, but I don't think anyone, at this time, feels Wisconsin will be better when Bielema leaves than it was when Alvarez left.

It is also worth noting that their records are exactly the same over the last two seasons (16-10), but the programs are on polar-opposite trajectories.

And as far as Brewster v. Dantonio, it is valid because we theoretically could have had him instead of who we ended up with. Time will tell if it was the right choice, but as of right now, I think any sane person would say MSU got the better guy. And this is coming from someone who is as excited about Brewster as anybody.

To be fair, when Dantonio took over MSU, I suspect he had a little more talent and a whole lot less rebuilding to do then Brew did at MN. If the argument is about resumes, fine, but this is going in directions concerning the quality of coaching that if you are going to make accusations, examine all the dynamics that go with it.

My rebuttal

I have always enjoyed the lively discussion here on GopherHole...

I was brought on board by Zach J & Matt O at GI as a columnist...My byline makes reference to a columnist, I try to come up with material that gets everyone talking...I have failed at that, but I also at times have succeeded...It's unfortunate that I was blacklisted this morning without even a phone call made my way...The Dantonio vs. Brewster debate was a good, lively discussion...In no way did I slander Brewster....and in no way did I rip into Brewster....I made a case for Dantonio....some will agree, some won't...that's what I thought was the purpose of the message board...
Journalistically, I was taught to do things a certain way from some of the best in the business - Paul McEnroe & Chris Ison...was taught to tell the truth and when giving an opinion, backing it up with facts...not one thing I have written on here (GI) has been factually wrong...the issue I am getting from this particular GI staff member, the same one who blacklisted me, is....directly from a text....we want positivity and that is what has been working...not saying that there isn't a balance, but they don't want Reusse stuff either...
My rebuttal was - no there isn't a balance when you blacklist me for creating a legit, intelligent debate....Where is your journalistic integrity?....Please tell me you're not that frightened to tell 2 certain "U" coaches/office types that I am independent from you and the rest of the GI staff and was hired to share my opinion, which may not always be positive...

Again, I was told when I was hired that I was able to give my opinion...and really, am the only one who can, due to relationships that need to be maintained...but a GI staff member now feels differently and thinks in his mind his checks are coming from the Bierman Bldg, not from the Rivals headquarters.

As for the Maturi-Brewster's nothing that hasn't been reported before, but details were left continue to maintain a personal relationship with this GI staff member, someone who's been invited to my wedding, I will not get into a lot of the's tied to Dunbar's dismissal and Brewster's tweet ripping Patrick. Professionally, we disagree a ton...but personally I enjoy his company and would hope we can maintain a friendship.

You can copy all quotes/cds/mp3s...whatever. You just can't make money off them.

actually from a licensing standpoint that is wrong. but you can tell yourself that if you want. from a copyright standpoint you may be correct. however it is the licensing stuff that really is applicable here. having said that... who cares... i need football to start now.

Thanks for the post Doogie. Your perspective is much appreciated and your comments were fair and balanced.

Go Gophers!!

I have always enjoyed the lively discussion here on GopherHole...

I was brought on board by Zach J & Matt O at GI as a columnist...My byline makes reference to a columnist, I try to come up with material that gets everyone talking...I have failed at that, but I also at times have succeeded...It's unfortunate that I was blacklisted this morning without even a phone call made my way...The Dantonio vs. Brewster debate was a good, lively discussion...In no way did I slander Brewster....and in no way did I rip into Brewster....I made a case for Dantonio....some will agree, some won't...that's what I thought was the purpose of the message board...
Journalistically, I was taught to do things a certain way from some of the best in the business - Paul McEnroe & Chris Ison...was taught to tell the truth and when giving an opinion, backing it up with facts...not one thing I have written on here has been factually wrong...the issue I am getting from this particular GI staff member, the same one who blacklisted me, is....directly from a text....we want positivity and that is what has been working...not saying that there isn't a balance, but they don't want Reusse stuff either...
My rebuttal was - no there isn't a balance when you blacklist me for creating a legit, intelligent debate....Where is your journalistic integrity?....Please tell me you're not that frightened to tell 2 certain "U" coaches/office types that I am independent from you the rest of the GI staff and was hired to share my opinion, which may not always be positive...

Again, I was told when I was hired that I was able to give my opinion...and really, am the only one who can, due to relationships that need to be maintained...but a GI staff member now feels differently and thinks in his mind his checks are coming from the Bierman Bldg, not from the Rivals headquarters.

As for the Maturi-Brewster's nothing that hasn't been reported before, but details were left continue to maintain a personal relationship with this GI staff member, someone who's been invited to my wedding, I will not get into a lot of the's tied to Dunbar's dismissal and Brewster's tweet ripping Patrick. Professionally, we disagree a ton...but personally I enjoy his company and would hope we can maintain a friendship.

Doogie - 1st of all, welcome to the board!
2nd - It takes a big man to speak out and confront things being said about him, and that's great that you're addressing this head-on
3rd - I think it was a good debate. When you look at two newer coaches, it's natural to compare and contrast them. There are some things both have excelled in - I personally, like to see people, like yourself, that can look at both sides. If you agree or not, good discussion is always a positive, and gets people thinking.

I have always enjoyed the lively discussion here on GopherHole...

I was brought on board by Zach J & Matt O at GI as a columnist...My byline makes reference to a columnist, I try to come up with material that gets everyone talking...I have failed at that, but I also at times have succeeded...It's unfortunate that I was blacklisted this morning without even a phone call made my way...The Dantonio vs. Brewster debate was a good, lively discussion...In no way did I slander Brewster....and in no way did I rip into Brewster....I made a case for Dantonio....some will agree, some won't...that's what I thought was the purpose of the message board...
Journalistically, I was taught to do things a certain way from some of the best in the business - Paul McEnroe & Chris Ison...was taught to tell the truth and when giving an opinion, backing it up with facts...not one thing I have written on here has been factually wrong...the issue I am getting from this particular GI staff member, the same one who blacklisted me, is....directly from a text....we want positivity and that is what has been working...not saying that there isn't a balance, but they don't want Reusse stuff either...
My rebuttal was - no there isn't a balance when you blacklist me for creating a legit, intelligent debate....Where is your journalistic integrity?....Please tell me you're not that frightened to tell 2 certain "U" coaches/office types that I am independent from you the rest of the GI staff and was hired to share my opinion, which may not always be positive...

Again, I was told when I was hired that I was able to give my opinion...and really, am the only one who can, due to relationships that need to be maintained...but a GI staff member now feels differently and thinks in his mind his checks are coming from the Bierman Bldg, not from the Rivals headquarters.

As for the Maturi-Brewster's nothing that hasn't been reported before, but details were left continue to maintain a personal relationship with this GI staff member, someone who's been invited to my wedding, I will not get into a lot of the's tied to Dunbar's dismissal and Brewster's tweet ripping Patrick. Professionally, we disagree a ton...but personally I enjoy his company and would hope we can maintain a friendship.

Wow, what a post. I cannot believe that the GI people would censor a real life journalist because it is remotely critical, which it wasn't even. This just shows that Doogie is an actual journalist and the GI powers are shills for the program. Call a spade a spade. Doogie is a respected journalist with a career track record and the person at GI that sensored this is a guy that makes money off of 16 year olds. Good for you for taking a stand Doogie. You weren't even critical. I can't imagine that the staff would be upset about that at all.

The only thing that could make this thread better now would be if lawrence21 showed up.

You guys make my 10th grade students look like mature, sophisticated and respectful individuals. This is embarrassing.

Again, I was told when I was hired that I was able to give my opinion...and really, am the only one who can, due to relationships that need to be maintained...but a GI staff member now feels differently and thinks in his mind his checks are coming from the Bierman Bldg, not from the Rivals headquarters.

unless...the paychecks are coming from bierman??? :cool02:

I have always respected Doogie and thought he got a raw deal at KFAN. He's a great guy. I can't believe he got railroaded like this. Too bad that money is more improtant to some people. The thing is that people dont' realize about sports is that coaches or athletes or whomever are in it for themselves. If someone on GI or GH is going to help a coach get further then they will use them. They aren't actually friends. Do you think that Brewster will give a rats ass about anyone in Minnesota media if he were to ever leave? of course not, but Doogie will always be here and so will friends. If what Doogie says is correct, then whoever it is at GI just chose getting his ego stroked by a coach who is has something to gain over friendship. I hope I never get to that place in life.

Sorry, child, there is much more to it than the fat pat episode, there is a laundry list which includes his entire 3rd grade level twittering--quite tedious to anyone above the level of an 8th grade education.

As opposed to the enthralling and erudite Twitterings of Mark Richt and Peter Carroll?

Not sure why I'm entering this mess and Tundra is right, we need football to start.

That being said, Doogie, I think you are really missing the point. You can talk about your journalistic ethics or education all you want, but Rivals is not based upon "get the scoop at all costs", or "there is nothing wrong with dropping negative innuendo" if you hear things 3rd hand re: the coach or certain players. I'm guessing that Rivals mods "relationship" with their Bierman connections is extremely important to them being allowed access to provide the type of coverage and inside information that members expect at GI. For you to write articles that include phrases like "mental midget" in reference to specific Gopher players among other things is well below the professionalism that site expects and deserves. It has nothing to do with journalistic integrity. I'm pretty confident that Gopherlady would not use that type of description in any of her stories even if she thought the same.

"When you look at two newer coaches, it's natural to compare and contrast them."

Excellent point GLady. I don't know what the big deal is here. It was simply a guy comparing two coaches who came into a conference at the same time. I think it's natural that Brew over the years will be compared to Dantonio, as well as Lynch (he's entering his 3rd year at IU, right?). There's any easy starting point to compare what they've accompished. Switching sports, that's pretty much why I'll always most compare Tubby to Beilein & Lickliter, as they all came into the Big 10 at the same time. So far, the Tubby/Beilein comparison pretty much is a dead heat, they're both working wonders in just 2 years.

My terminology was wrong

I wholeheartedly agree on the mental line I used...I clearly overemphasized that point...I should've written - he is still learning the position, or physically he's ahead of where he's at mentally...and I accept blame...
As for the GI debate, I was encouraged, right from the start, to provide my opinion.

GI (Rivals) makes their living on inside information. This information is more easily obtained when the coach allows certain access based on favorable reporting. It is the same for all Rivals sites. You do not cut off your own access to this information by reporting negatively on those allowing you this information. Doogie should have know this. Opinion is one thing, being dumb is another. I enjoyed Doogie's work over at GI but he should have known better than to write what he wrote. By the way, NervousGopher = Pantherhawk.

And as far as Brewster v. Dantonio, it is valid because we theoretically could have had him instead of who we ended up with.

Actually, that really isn't the case. Dantonio was hired by MSU in November of 2006. At that time, Glen Mason was the Minnesota football coach, getting his team ready for the Insight Bowl. So, unless Dantonio was going to walk away from MSU after 30 days on the job, we had no shot at him.

Thus far, there really is no room for debate. Dantonio has done a better job than Brewster. Then again, I'm not really making any definitive judgements until after year five.

To paraphrase Glen Mason; Some guys are born on third base and think they hit a triple.

MSU and Minnesota are very different programs. MSU already has a strong active fanbase. Numbers wise, Michigan has more instate talent, and they had us beat with the players they already had on their roster. They(MSU) didn't need a promoter for their program like Minnesota did/ does.

Regarding Dantonio coming here, who is to say we even had a legit shot at Dantonio? I'm not even sure someone else with ties to the Buckeyes would have come to Minnesota following Mason. Many Buckeye fans, etc. felt that Mason was as good as Minnesota could get and that he (Mason) got a raw deal.

IMHO It is a mistake to slam Brewster for promoting this program. We need him to do this. If he can start to turn the corner in 09' and 10' I think this program will really take off. In game coaching could be debated, but we've needed a promoter and a recruiter for a while. I may be alone on this, but I say give Brewster a chance.

Wow, Doogie are you trying to be permanently banned or have you already?

GI (Rivals) makes their living on inside information. This information is more easily obtained when the coach allows certain access based on favorable reporting. It is the same for all Rivals sites. You do not cut off your own access to this information by reporting negatively on those allowing you this information. Doogie should have know this. Opinion is one thing, being dumb is another. I enjoyed Doogie's work over at GI but he should have known better than to write what he wrote. By the way, NervousGopher = Pantherhawk.

You have to be careful though who is giving the insider info to GI and what type of info it is. For instance, if Bierman is feeding info about recruits to GI then that would appear to be a possible NCAA violation.

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