STrib Letter to Editor: Coach Kill we feel for you, but watch your language


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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We feel for you, but watch your language

When I first heard about Gophers football coach Jerry Kill's seizure, I empathized with him, because my son also experiences seizures. However, after hearing Kill's interview on TV, I was less than supportive.

His language during the interview was upsetting. An article came out in the paper called him "feisty," but I would call him "crude." At least the paper cleaned up his language a bit.

This thought came to me: If he talks like that during a live interview, I can only imagine the language he probably uses in his position of coach.

I do wish him well in getting the seizures under control. Now I wish he would get his tongue under control.


Go Gophers!!

Wow Carol Moen..... we all can't live in your world of Dr. Seuss.... in other words, shut up. He's a #^@!*$ football coach!!!!!! If my kids weren't coached by a guy you claim to be "crude", I would be finding them a new coach who is "feisty", because then I know they'll be playing the right sport.

Yes Carol, I'm sure that his bad language is one reason he doesn't have any loyalty from his staff or his players either. Geez, grow up!

Here we go. Another person who thinks the world is unicorns and glitter. So many people swear. Even 4th graders swear. When my high school football coach swore, I didn't crawl into the fetal position so why would a D-1 student-athlete. I HATE PEOPLE WHO LIVE LIFE SO BLIND!!!

While I agree with the sentiments expressed in this thread it's kind of funny we're saying as much in a forum where our naughty words are censored.

Jerry Kill says: "Tone down my damn language!? You can bet that North Dakota State isn't toning down their damn language!"

What was so bad about his language? I watched the replay of his conference and I don't remember anything that would be considered bad although I wasn't exactly paying 100% attention to it at the time.

What was so bad about his language? I watched the replay of his conference and I don't remember anything that would be considered bad although I wasn't exactly paying 100% attention to it at the time.

He used the word damn and hell a few times. Never the F word like I thought whenever I saw the thread about Kill going absolutely haywire at his press conference. I would guess people like Carol prefer to say that beavers spend their time building "water retaining devices"

What was so bad about his language? I watched the replay of his conference and I don't remember anything that would be considered bad although I wasn't exactly paying 100% attention to it at the time.

It was edited online, but no, he didn't drop F-bombs and wasn't offensive.

Seriously, the man had 20 seizures in the past week, he's exhausted, frustrated, and is trying to get a team to win. I would like to see Carol take all that on and not swear. She should see me after 2 glasses of win. Some people need to lighten up and get a grip on reality.

It was edited online, but no, he didn't drop F-bombs and wasn't offensive.

Seriously, the man had 20 seizures in the past week, he's exhausted, frustrated, and is trying to get a team to win. I would like to see Carol take all that on and not swear. She should see me after 2 glasses of win. Some people need to lighten up and get a grip on reality.

I'm sure you meant wine, but I certainly wouldn't mind two glasses of win this Saturday.

From a "pr" probably wasn't Coach Kill's...

finest moment. To hard-core football big deal. To Mom's who have young sons who share a seizure disorder and look up to Coach Kill as an adult who is "somebody just like that kid...", it may have been a bit less than adequate communiations style of a youngster and his mom.

I think I can see both sides of the issue, but, for the head Coach of the Gophers who has been reaching out to the state of Minnesota, and has even had a 10 y.o. girl suffering from cancer lead the team out onto the field for the first home game, it may not have been the best time to "tell it like he felt it..." There is good old fashioned country charm and then there is good old fashioned country cussing.

Basically, the mom's don't like to have their young kids hear the good old fashioned country cussing. That's a mom for seems.

You guys and gals can't be hard on a mom for just being a mom with a young impressionable and possibly vulnerable kid...can you?

Go ahead and polish it up a little bit when you are going to speak to the tv cameras and working press members Coach Kill. You just never know who is going to be watching, listening or reading. You have a very broad, mixed audience and film clips and newspaper columns last for a long time and sometimes leave large impressions.

You can take the cussing out of the"... Kansas country talking..." when the tv cameras are rolling and it won't make it any less authentic "Kansas country talking..." Coach Kill. And the moms of the young kids will love you for it forever!

PR lesson number one!

; 0 )

Y'know, I see what you're saying, Walrus. But frankly, I don't see why the coach should have to cater to the "family values" set at all times. I like to see some fire from the ole codger. I think it makes him more relatable. I mean, my old man and my grandfather get ornery and cuss up a storm all the time! Sure you gotta throw some feel good out there for the kids and to keep Ma' Kettle happy, but if you make it the carrot that wags the dog people start heading for the exits and I don't blame them.

As to the kids with the seizure disorder, I'd think it would be an even greater inspiration. It tells them they can live lengthy, active lives, and grow to become irascible old curmudgeons in high profile jobs.

I for one, hope to see more rants. Especially rants following wins.

Who cares what some random mom from the metro area thinks about Coach Kill's language?

Boy, I bet this broad is a real ball at a party. I bet Mr. Moen is really hoping that all his pals saw his wife's critique of Coach's naughty language.

Carol Moen would $hit little green nickels if she just walked down the hallways between classes at any high school or middle school.

What I love is that when her great-grandchildren google her, this link will pop up.

It's a shame that some people are so contemptuous of the letter-writer. She was kind and tactful in suggesting that this coach, who accepts awards from the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and professes Christianity, should adhere to a higher standard. She's right, he should.


It's not her job to call out Coach Kill in public. If she is so worried about Kill being a good christian, she can pray for him instead of trying to shame him. Why does the Star Tribune even post this stuff?

It's not her job to call out Coach Kill in public. If she is so worried about Kill being a good christian, she can pray for him instead of trying to shame him. Why does the Star Tribune even post this stuff?

gloved gopher, were you at punch pizza before the miami ohio game? I saw a Gopher fan with football gloves in his back pocket and I thought it had to be GHs gloved gopher! before I had time to ask, you had left.

She signed her name to the letter...which is better than what I do here.

It's a shame that some people are so contemptuous of the letter-writer. She was kind and tactful in suggesting that this coach, who accepts awards from the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and professes Christianity, should adhere to a higher standard. She's right, he should.
I didn't hear his speech, but I'm guessing he didn't take the Lord's name in vain. If it's "Un-Christian" to use the words "damn" and "hell", I'm going to have to cross out a lot of words in the bible.

What I love is that when her great-grandchildren google her, this link will pop up.
1. Probably not. I think Google and other search engine companies have algorithms in place to drop data which is either aged or does not receive sufficient hits over time.
2. For instance, over time I have noticed disappearance of many of the Google articles which used to appear for Douglas N. Durand, my former neighbor who lived across the street from us and who was at least at one point in time allegedly the wealthiest whistleblower in U. S. History. There was actually a several page article on him in People Magazine a few years ago. When he moved out, I did not know where his family moved to or why. The People Magazine article revealed the details. You would think there would still be plenty of articles regarding the whistleblower lawsuits the U. S. Department of Justice pursued in conjunction with Mr. Durand, but every year there are fewer and fewer references which can be found in Google.
3. So Google employs either an aging / hits purgation algorithm, or AstraZeneca and Tap Pharmaceuticals (and / or their successors) have paid Google to sanitize (purge) this data.


What do you bet Mr. Moen props Mrs. Moen up on a pillow for his once a month sexual encounter. Jeez, what a prude.

I hope Mrs. Moen puts wax in her son's ears (providing she has a son) when he starts to play junior high football.

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