Reusse: Fleck realizes you can fool most of the people some of the time, and Gophers fans nearly all of the time

I could give you an example of him doing that last year if you are truly interested.

How about something more pertinent to Reusse's main premise, which is that Fleck is a con man pulling the wool over the eyes of gullible Gopher fans.

Can you give an example of that?

It's amazing how much people parse a coach's words looking for some hidden meaning and critical of any point no matter what it is...including many here. Who gives a bleep. Same goes for Reusse. He wouldn't have job if not for all the nattering nabobs of negativism fretting about this and that - because this sort of thing is all he's qualified to do nowadays when it comes to major college sports.


Folks will nitpick and parse anything they can to support their original position to avoid appearing to have been mistaken. Reusse is a case and point example. When was the last time he wrote a column admitting he was completely and totally wrong about something/anything? Was it recently? Has he ever? Honestly, I don't know.

Not that it matters. To them, they're always right, even when they're clearly wrong.

Take this year: 10 wins? Most in a regular season since 1905? Big 10 Coach of the Year by his peers? Nope, clearly a fraud just waiting to fail (like they always thought!). And why? Because he didn't take appropriate responsibility for the loss to Wisconsin in their opinion.

Jeebus. It's utterly ridiculous. But, Reusse and those like him love it.

He likes to act the part of a typical leftist.... letting us know how much smarter he is than us deplorables, and how foolish we are for being taken in.... what he does not get is that we love the spectacle of Golden Gopher football regardless, and cannot be swayed.
I love the spectacle of Gopher football but I am also a leftist and I do know I am smarter than a deplorable.
Ski-U-Mah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He likes to act the part of a typical leftist.... letting us know how much smarter he is than us deplorables, and how foolish we are for being taken in.... what he does not get is that we love the spectacle of Golden Gopher football regardless, and cannot be swayed.
Reuses article is seeking to control the narrative, as was Fleck’s press conference. I guess it just depends on who you want to be controlled by. I would encourage independent thought.

After 40 plus years of paying Strib subscriptions- I’m canceling it tomorrow. I certainly will be explaining to Customer Service Department tomorrow: Reusse.

Reuses article is seeking to control the narrative, as was Fleck’s press conference. I guess it just depends on who you want to be controlled by. I would encourage independent thought.

And what are your independent thoughts regarding the Gopher head coach?

Fulda bull crap sold rags and clicks.

I usually think that this board gets a little too bent out of shape about Reusse stuff, but this article doesn't make much sense. I thought he was going to point to some concrete statement of Fleck putting this blame on someone else, but he doesn't.
From SON's (loose) transcript post:
Sid: passing game not very good.
PJ: we didn't make plays. didn't make enough plays. that's what the game called for. they were committing everything to the box. our players have made plays all year. we wouldn't be in this position if it wasn't for them. we didn't make enough plays.

Sid: WI so much better this year than last year.
PJ: that's the way it works with rivalry games. one goes home with the trophy, one does not. we did not earn it. we did not play well enough to win.

Max: QB come up to the line of scrimmage, read their LB's and S's?
PJ: it all fits together. we played against 3-4 schemes during the year. it doesn't necessarily matter as far as where the RPO's are open. we didn't make plays. we had a lot of opportunities. we didn't make the plays we normally make.

Mona: Barber chasing ball carrier on long play - wasn't his coverage?
PJ: we were in zone coverage. Tampa-2. Barber is supposed to take away the middle of the field. he's supposed to have Safety help. the Safety wasn't on his mark.

He seems angry that PJ didn't go into more detail of why it was his fault, but that should be elicited by reporters, not on PJ to lay out all his bad decisions.

And when it is elicited:
Sid: reverses killed you
PJ: I'd rather talk about positive things.

PJ was right that the players didn't make plays. A few similarly placed long passes have been caught in the past. A few poor throws by Morgan have previously been better. Many other examples.

PJ was also right that a lot of this was his fault and he should take the blame. Many calls could be second guessed. Wisconsin had a much better gameplan.

Does it have to be one or the other -- all on the players or all on the coach?

Pat could have written this article three weeks ago, but dam, that was way too risky.

He had to wait on it.

Also, most of the sports writers and radio clowns in this state were cheering for the gophers to lose. I have begged for new sports radio and sports writers in this town for years, but have given up entirely. I'm looking for someone that can analyze the game and carry on a discussion.
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Any chance Reusse has a grandson that likes the Gophers and happens to be a Fleck fan. I can see it now...Hey papa why you dog on PJ so much? You must be the real Scrooge old man papa?

Really? I think he likes to act the part of the typical righty.....who's terrified of change and has a general distrust of a coach under 60.
This is why we don’t do politics with sports. Let’s end the shots back and forth about righty and lefty. I’m a righty and I love what Fleck has done. I don’t typically like change, but I accept that sometimes it’s inevitable. Sports are an area where change is entirely unavoidable. someone that can’t separate their approach on change as far as political policy from their approach on change in a sports team, then maybe said person shouldn’t be a sports fan.


Folks will nitpick and parse anything they can to support their original position to avoid appearing to have been mistaken. Reusse is a case and point example. When was the last time he wrote a column admitting he was completely and totally wrong about something/anything? Was it recently? Has he ever? Honestly, I don't know.

Not that it matters. To them, they're always right, even when they're clearly wrong.

Take this year: 10 wins? Most in a regular season since 1905? Big 10 Coach of the Year by his peers? Nope, clearly a fraud just waiting to fail (like they always thought!). And why? Because he didn't take appropriate responsibility for the loss to Wisconsin in their opinion.

Jeebus. It's utterly ridiculous. But, Reusse and those like him love it.
My thoughts exactly

PJ was right that the players didn't make plays. A few similarly placed long passes have been caught in the past. A few poor throws by Morgan have previously been better. Many other examples.

PJ was also right that a lot of this was his fault and he should take the blame. Many calls could be second guessed. Wisconsin had a much better gameplan.

Does it have to be one or the other -- all on the players or all on the coach?

If you are a Gopher fan, Patrick insulted you. I quit reading Souhan when he attacked Kill over his health. I’m done with Patrick, too. Hope Sid can keep going because there is less and less of the strib I’m going to read.

I have watched the Gophers for a very long time including Memorial Stadium and Fleck makes my teeth itch and his followers are a bit of a cult.
If you don't like what the current coach is like or the direction of the program then go away. We don't need negative *ucks like you. EOM

After 40 plus years of paying Strib subscriptions- I’m canceling it tomorrow. I certainly will be explaining to Customer Service Department tomorrow: Reusse.
40 plus years...that's 40 years more than I ever gave to the Strib.

This is why we don’t do politics with sports. Let’s end the shots back and forth about righty and lefty. I’m a righty and I love what Fleck has done. I don’t typically like change, but I accept that sometimes it’s inevitable. Sports are an area where change is entirely unavoidable. someone that can’t separate their approach on change as far as political policy from their approach on change in a sports team, then maybe said person shouldn’t be a sports fan.
Why am I not surprised that a conservative had to be the adult in the room?

If PJ did what Pat wants:
PJ would say: I made an awful decision to punt. I was out coached. I didn’t have the team prepared. Etc. a) if might not be honest. B) who does that help? It makes Pat feel better. It makes Pj look weak and unsure of himself.
About the only thing I wish he’d say from time to time is that failure is growth, even from himself. He’s not perfect, we all know it. So does he.

PJ is the CEO of the program. Ultimate decisions from staff to coaches to players to in game decisions are handled by him. It’s reasonable to take the blame for losses on the CEO. And you give the credit to the players. You are right if you say it’s cliche to do so or mildly disingenuous. But how is it self promotional?

I could give you an example of him doing that last year if you are truly interested.
I’m alright, you can save it. I prefer to stick to this season and to the future of the program, it’s more relevant and bright.

82 posts already about Pat’s article, from folks who “don’t read him”, and still most can’t see the genius in what he doing. Being positive, balanced, objective, or fair isn’t his job - creating buzz about what he writes is. Pat wins again and has GH to thank as much as anyone.

We have virtual high-fives on this site from some about how awesome the new ignore feature is yet they lack the discipline to just ignore Pat. Like puppets on his string.

he blocked me on twitter and I was critical in a class way about his negativity, he can dish but cannot take
Exact same here. I respectfully and smartly poked holes in the more illogical things he tweeted, just to give him the accountability that most of his fans don't. You wanna talk about cult members: Pat's got a zombie army of his own.

82 posts already about Pat’s article, from folks who “don’t read him”, and still most can’t see the genius in what he doing. Being positive, balanced, objective, or fair isn’t his job - creating buzz about what he writes is. Pat wins again and has GH to thank as much as anyone.

We have virtual high-fives on this site from some about how awesome the new ignore feature is yet they lack the discipline to just ignore Pat. Like puppets on his string.
Who says I don't read him?

And who says that anyone has to appreciate his "genius?" You might consider a performance artist spreading poop over his body a genius, but just because you think so doesn't make it true.

If PJ did what Pat wants:
PJ would say: I made an awful decision to punt. I was out coached. I didn’t have the team prepared. Etc. a) if might not be honest. B) who does that help? It makes Pat feel better. It makes Pj look weak and unsure of himself.
About the only thing I wish he’d say from time to time is that failure is growth, even from himself. He’s not perfect, we all know it. So does he.

PJ is the CEO of the program. Ultimate decisions from staff to coaches to players to in game decisions are handled by him. It’s reasonable to take the blame for losses on the CEO. And you give the credit to the players. You are right if you say it’s cliche to do so or mildly disingenuous. But how is it self promotional?

Since Reusse is riding off into the sunset; it would be awesome (and Karma) for him to cover Cornhusker Football. I would love to see how the Nebraska fans would treat him as he trashes a trashy program. Both Reusse and Nebraska deserve each other.

This is why we don’t do politics with sports. Let’s end the shots back and forth about righty and lefty. I’m a righty and I love what Fleck has done. I don’t typically like change, but I accept that sometimes it’s inevitable. Sports are an area where change is entirely unavoidable. someone that can’t separate their approach on change as far as political policy from their approach on change in a sports team, then maybe said person shouldn’t be a sports fan.

Well said. And this is why Rush Limbaugh deserved to be fired from his stint as an on-air football commentator. He couldn't leave his political/social opinions out of sports.

PJ said multiple times the reason we lost is because we didn’t make enough plays. The players usually make plays, today they didn’t.

When questioned about strategy there is rarely any doubt in his mind he made the only choice. No question we punt on fourth and two. It was clearly the only rational decision.
Etc Etc. Never is preparation or strategy on him with any specifics. Just the blanket it all falls on me.

That’s not genuinely accepting responsibility. It would be like me saying “Absolutely, I support PJ 100% he’s our coach.” Could say the same thing about the office of President.
I do but I’m going to offer my criticisms how they could do better.

PJ does the same. Says it his responsibility but avoids accepting it when it comes to preparation and strategy. How long have we known how Wisconsin plays defense? We had no Seth Green pass on the goal line because?
We didn’t leak a TE out at any time because?
We did nothing to confuse or surprise Wisconsin with our offense. Yet, PJ felt we didn’t make enough plays. That’s why we lost.
Might be some of what Reusse sees?

Still pushing this narrative. Fleck said it was 100% on him they didn't get it done. You know that yet somehow refuse to acknowledge it.

meh. Fleck's team won 10 games for the first time since 2003 and Pat comes out with this after year 3. Sign me up!

Why am I not surprised that a conservative had to be the adult in the room?

You mean....the first person to bring "leftist" or "righty" into a conversation about sports?

No surprise you'd find that to be adult-like.

PJ said multiple times the reason we lost is because we didn’t make enough plays. The players usually make plays, today they didn’t.

When questioned about strategy there is rarely any doubt in his mind he made the only choice. No question we punt on fourth and two. It was clearly the only rational decision.
Etc Etc. Never is preparation or strategy on him with any specifics. Just the blanket it all falls on me.

That’s not genuinely accepting responsibility. It would be like me saying “Absolutely, I support PJ 100% he’s our coach.” Could say the same thing about the office of President.
I do but I’m going to offer my criticisms how they could do better.

PJ does the same. Says it his responsibility but avoids accepting it when it comes to preparation and strategy. How long have we known how Wisconsin plays defense? We had no Seth Green pass on the goal line because?
We didn’t leak a TE out at any time because?
We did nothing to confuse or surprise Wisconsin with our offense. Yet, PJ felt we didn’t make enough plays. That’s why we lost. - The bottom line when it is all said and done is that it is the players who determine the outcome. Wisconsin's players made some key plays, we didn't. If your anger is about the offensive game plan then you should be directing that at KC not Fleck
Might be some of what Reusse sees?

Was going to go section by section through your post but your agenda is so clear it is really pointless to waste time on specifics.

Your assertion that Fleck doesn't take responsibility for anything and puts it all on the players is just ridiculous and driven by the fact that you just don't like Fleck. Your right to have whatever opinion of Fleck you want but at least try to base it on reality and not your assumption that he apparently just blames the players for everything while holding himself up as some sort of genius that can't make a mistake.

The bottom line is that we didn't make enough plays to win the game against Wisconsin. That falls on both the players and coaches. There were things I am sure the coaches wish they had done differently and there are plays I know the players would like to have back where they didn't come through. The Howden play is a key example of that, Morgan also missed on some throws and the receivers didn't come down with some balls that they have been for the majority of the year. On the flip side, in the second half especially Wisconsin made the plays that were there to be made.

I really wonder sometimes what fans expect coaches to say in their press conferences after games. To Fleck's credit, when asked why he made a decision he will usually give his reason why, a lot of coaches won't even do that. But he has also acknowledged many times in the past that he makes mistakes, you just don't want to hear it because it doesn't fit your narrative on Fleck.

Anytime the team loses there is plenty of blame to go around for the coaches and the players. Everyone associated with the team understands that.

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