Reusse: Fleck realizes you can fool most of the people some of the time, and Gophers fans nearly all of the time

Can you point out any of these young writers? It seems like the under 50 writers out there on the national scene are almost universally poor journalists...more like opinion columnists. Reusse is intellectually dishonest?

I don’t see Reusse et al making up things, omitting the truth, or stretching the truth like some writers at ESPN, Stadium. Reusse writes talker opinions that you guys happen to disagree with. He’s not a publicist. Opinion columnists are not unique to MN. Personally I get bored with constant and solely homer takes although Sid has a huge audience as well and I’ve always like his stories.
Chip Scoggins is a generation or two younger than those guys and has much better intellectual honesty and integrity than them, in my opinion.

Honest to god, when I see/read Pat, Sansevere, Souhan, my first thought has always been, OK boomer--even before that was a phrase. Thank goodness the younger writers coming up feel like they need to bring more intellectual honesty to the table, and I think that has a lot to do with the competition for eyeballs among publications, blogs, and web sites.

That's an interesting assertion.

Do you think younger people are inherently more "intellectually honest" than older people?

If so, will today's young people become more "intellectually dishonest" as they age?

All I know is that, when I was a teenager (late 70s, early 80s) living in west central Minnesota, my older cousins from the Twin Cities were talking about this Reusse guy for the Pioneer Press who couldn't write a positive word about anything. So no, I don't think Jim Rome had anything to do with Pat at least.

That predates my time in the Twin Cities. If Reusse was being being negative that early in his career, then he obviously has been trying to be the "sports villain" (e.g. Rowdy Roddy Piper or Apollo Creed) all along. The problem is, the bit is getting old and predictable. Instead being Apollo Creed or Mr. T (by far the most interesting of the Rocky villains), he's Tommy Gun (the worst and most boring Rocky villain).

Out of curiosity, are these “hidden messages” and “wild conclusions” always (coincidentally) the opposite of what you believe?

You, of all people, shouldn't be commenting on "wild conclusions." Like a little more proof as how you came to the following conclusion. Looks like PJ's pretty much on schedule doing what he said he was going to do.

"I feel sorry for those that believe blindly in this fraud"

If only we had been meaner to you; I couldn't be calling you a liar, damn it.

"This is my post # 10,784 and it will be my last."

You, of all people, shouldn't be commenting on "wild conclusions." Like a little more proof as how you came to the following conclusion. Looks like PJ's pretty much on schedule doing what he said he was going to do.

"I feel sorry for those that believe blindly in this fraud"

If only we had been meaner to you; I couldn't be calling you a liar, damn it.

"This is my post # 10,784 and it will be my last."

You continuously search out things I wrote on here years ago and present them out of context and with your own “close enough” (your words) meaning and then you lecture me of making wild conclusions. Do you honestly think any of this is clever?

You are wacko, unhinged and obsessed with me. Sorry Dude, I’m already married and not interested.

You continuously search out things I wrote on here years ago and present them out of context and with your own “close enough” (your words) meaning and then you lecture me of making wild conclusions. Do you honestly think any of this is clever?

You are wacko, unhinged and obsessed with me. Sorry Dude, I’m already married and not interested.

As long as you keep up your agenda, I'll be doing mine to point out what a hypocrite you are. (Nice example of homophobia, btw.)

"obsessed" "out of context" "unhinged" That's rich coming from a jerk who has some of PJ's quotes at the bottom of every post he makes. Many of which you jumped on even though they might have been out of context. Getting into with you is like challenging someone to a fight and then watching the idiot punch himself in the face.

"This is my post # 10,784 and it will be my last."

As long as you keep up your agenda, I'll be doing mine to point out what a hypocrite you are. (Nice example of homophobia, btw.)

"obsessed" "out of context" "unhinged" That's rich coming from a jerk who has some of PJ's quotes at the bottom of every post he makes. Many of which you jumped on even though they might have been out of context. Getting into with you is like challenging someone to a fight and then watching the idiot punch himself in the face.

"This is my post # 10,784 and it will be my last."

No one is more oblivious than you. Kudos.
Wacko, unhinged, obsessed.

More urine splatter.
Dude follows me around on here and posts sentences I wrote from within posts from within threads from 2+ years ago and makes wild claims on what I meant. If you think I will just let that happen then you way overestimate me.

I defy you to find a post I have made in the last 6 months on here in response to a Mully post that wasn’t in response to a post he made directed solely at me. I am very content with my urine splatter toward that wacko.

People break down seasons into chunks all the time. Non-conference, conference, regular season, entire season.

Fleck has referenced regular season a bunch of times when talking about 10 wins. It's a big accomplishment.

You're really working hard to find something that isn't here.
Totally disagree! It is not a “big accomplishment”. It is a huge accomplishment for Gopher Football!

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