Reusse: Fleck realizes you can fool most of the people some of the time, and Gophers fans nearly all of the time

One small reason this season has been such a joy is that the lack of losses also kept the obvious trolls quiet in the media and this board. Like a breath of fresh air. Ignoring certain media members is pretty easy...just don't click or buy the paper or don't follow on social media. The new "ignore" feature on the new site is pretty easy too. My very small ignore list just grew to 3.

If you are a Gopher fan, Patrick insulted you. I quit reading Souhan when he attacked Kill over his health. I’m done with Patrick, too. Hope Sid can keep going because there is less and less of the strib I’m going to read.

^ This is what I should have posted when I threw a political analogy into the mix.... Did not WANT to make politics a part of the argument, sorry for that... But Corcoran is correct, Patrick insulted Gopher fans, insinuating that the wool has been pulled over our eyes again and that he is smarter than all of us rubes.

That can be a costly approach for someone who makes his living based off of customers... us.

Gopher Fans are not going anywhere based on Reusse's writings / opinion.
I cannot/will not drop the Gophers, but I long ago dropped the Star Tribune.
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After 40 plus years of paying Strib subscriptions- I’m canceling it tomorrow. I certainly will be explaining to Customer Service Department tomorrow: Reusse.

Welcome to the mass exodus from the Strib. Reusse has done more to kill that paper than anyone. A decent sportswriter would get people to want to subscribe to read the articles. As you've just shown, Reusse does the exact opposite. I've never ever heard anyone say they're going to subscribe to the Strib so they can read Reusse's columns, but I've heard legions say they quit their subscriptions because of him. If your joy in life is trying to tear down successful people that are making a positive impact on those around them, then you're into Ruesse's articles and you'll defend him. For the rest of us, which seems to be by far the majority on this thread, Reusse is something to skip.

Fleck has you all fooled! I bet you think that the Gophers actually won 10 games this year and finished 7-2 in the Big Ten! /s
Fleck did fool you by telling us we are co champions if the BIG West. He did not fool me. It only made me feel sorry for him.

Fleck did fool you by telling us we are co champions if the BIG West. He did not fool me. It only made me feel sorry for him.

Your opinion is fine, but I'd encourage you to look at stadium facades all around the country.... many memorializations of "co" years.
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Fleck did fool you by telling us we are co champions if the BIG West. He did not fool me. It only made me feel sorry for him.

The Gophers are indeed the Co-champions of the Big Ten West. This is not an opinion, it's a fact.

From the Big Ten Media Guide. Clearly, the Big Ten Conference recognizes co-champions. I guess they didn't consult you. Perhaps reading the works of Plato might help you out.


Reusse was right about Fleck refusing to take ownership for individual coaching blunders in IA and Wisconsin games.

The canned "it's 100% my fault" isn't enough. Admit you were wrong about sprinting on the field, running on 3rd down, and punting at the WI 35.

I find it interesting that some think Reusse "wins" when we talk about an article he has written. I come here to get information on the team and to be entertained. The only way Reusse "wins" is if we subscribe to the StarTrib or click on his articles (unless he is the silent owner of GopherHole!). I am doubtful many of us are running out to do just that.

However, I am very entertained by this thread! Thank you for posting all the articles on the Gophers, Bleed! It is appreciated!

Reusse was right about Fleck refusing to take ownership for individual coaching blunders in IA and Wisconsin games.

The canned "it's 100% my fault" isn't enough. Admit you were wrong about sprinting on the field, running on 3rd down, and punting at the WI 35.
I'm not going to say you're wrong here.

But I would like to point out this: the head coach is usually not the one making individual decisions. Play calls, personnel decisions, etc. Those are usually made by the coordinators, assistant coaches, etc.

Not sprinting on the field at Iowa would not have given us the ball.

Too bad Fleck decided to remove the heating coyles from the field. Maybe we would have beaten Wisconsin if the field wasn't frozen.

Fleck did fool you by telling us we are co champions if the BIG West. He did not fool me. It only made me feel sorry for him.

Good thing you didn't get fooled. You just look stupid now because you are wrong.

So sorry for your brain damage. But at least you weren't fooled!

There is always some truth in the writing or middle ground. Fleck has said a number of times that it's 100% on him and then just ignores or diverts questions. He doubled down on punting on 4th and 2. It's ok to say you'd like to have that one back. Zero, zero people understand the decision to punt.

Fleck is 39 and still learning. People will understand if you regret a decision and learn from it.

Truth be told in 2019 fans understand football and x's and o's and can see right through BS.

There is always some truth in the writing or middle ground. Fleck has said a number of times that it's 100% on him and then just ignores or diverts questions. He doubled down on punting on 4th and 2. It's ok to say you'd like to have that one back. Zero, zero people understand the decision to punt.

Fleck is 39 and still learning. People will understand if you regret a decision and learn from it.

Truth be told in 2019 fans understand football and x's and o's and can see right through BS.
What would you say if the truth was that Fleck wanted to go for it, but allowed himself to be talked out of that by KC?

I have a feeling that you will fault him, no matter what reasoning is given.

There is always some truth in the writing or middle ground. Fleck has said a number of times that it's 100% on him and then just ignores or diverts questions. He doubled down on punting on 4th and 2. It's ok to say you'd like to have that one back. Zero, zero people understand the decision to punt.

Fleck is 39 and still learning. People will understand if you regret a decision and learn from it.

Truth be told in 2019 fans understand football and x's and o's and can see right through BS.
I understand it. He was thinking it was going to be a very low scoring, defensive battle because of the weather. So he thought he could pin them deep, then get the ball back in good field position.

I think it was 100% the wrong decision but I understand the thinking behind it.

Reusse was right about Fleck refusing to take ownership for individual coaching blunders in IA and Wisconsin games.

The canned "it's 100% my fault" isn't enough. Admit you were wrong about sprinting on the field, running on 3rd down, and punting at the WI 35.

And what would any of that accomplish? It is easy to sit back after the fact and pick individual decisions apart and call them wrong. Very different in real time when you are making the decision you feel is best for the team given all the circumstances. And you have to make that decision in a few seconds with a million things going on around you.

As for the specific situations you mention:

Fleck doesn't think he did anything wrong on the sprinting on the field play in the Iowa game. He ran out after the whistle and never should have been flagged considering he was going out to check on an injured player. Or are you one of the people that still thinks we would have gotten the ball back there if he hadn't? He basically got punished for being young and fast.

Running on 3rd down - KC calls the offensive plays, suppose Fleck could come out and bash his coordinators after the game and pick apart their in game decisions, sure that would be really well received by those guys.

As for the infamous punt against Wisconsin. Yes that was Fleck's call and he has given his reasons why he felt that was the right decision at the time. People are 100% free to disagree with it, I would have been all for going for it in that situation but he made the decision he felt was best. I love that the assumption is that we would have converted the 4th down even though we had just lost our right tackle, the conditions were bad, and Wisconsin's defense had done a good job against our run game. Again, I would have had zero problem with going for it there but there is no guarantee that we convert it. So all those that are freaking out about the punt would then be freaking out about giving the ball back to Wisconsin in that situation if we didn't make it. Was still a 10-7 game at halftime so that decision didn't cost us the game.

Fans are free to second guess and pick apart every single decision a coach makes but I don't think for one second that the coach is under any obligation to come out publicly and list off any mistakes they made during the game in order to give the fans/media a chance to bash him for it.

Coaches are hard on themselves behind closed doors after a loss, they don't need our help to tell them where we think they screwed up.

I understand it. He was thinking it was going to be a very low scoring, defensive battle because of the weather. So he thought he could pin them deep, then get the ball back in good field position.

I think it was 100% the wrong decision but I understand the thinking behind it.
It ended up being the wrong decision. But that doesn't prove it was the wrong decision, in the moment.

Everyone here who says "yes it obviously was" is being skewed by hindsight.

We don't know all the information that they had available, in the moment. We don't know what they were predicting/projecting for the future, from that moment.

There is always some truth in the writing or middle ground. Fleck has said a number of times that it's 100% on him and then just ignores or diverts questions. He doubled down on punting on 4th and 2. It's ok to say you'd like to have that one back. Zero, zero people understand the decision to punt.

Fleck is 39 and still learning. People will understand if you regret a decision and learn from it.

Truth be told in 2019 fans understand football and x's and o's and can see right through BS.

I understand the decision. Would have been totally fine with going for it, but I can also see why he chose to punt in that situation. People need to stop pretending that decision is what cost us the game.

I understand the decision. Would have been totally fine with going for it, but I can also see why he chose to punt in that situation. People need to stop pretending that decision is what cost us the game.
Same for the decision to run out onto the field at Iowa.

It ended up being the wrong decision. But that doesn't prove it was the wrong decision, in the moment.

Everyone here who says "yes it obviously was" is being skewed by hindsight.

We don't know all the information that they had available, in the moment. We don't know what they were predicting/projecting for the future, from that moment.

Bingo. Very easy to say after the game that they should have gone for it. Much different when you have to make a decision in 30 seconds during the game.

Bingo. Very easy to say after the game that they should have gone for it. Much different when you have to make a decision in 30 seconds during the game.
Up 7-0 and having the ball on the opponent 35 in 2019, you don't punt. I don't punt if it's 4th and 10 on the opponent 35. It's a bad decision.

I like Fleck and would sign him to a lifetime contract and hope he continues to grow as a coach.

Up 7-0 and having the ball on the opponent 35 in 2019, you don't punt. I don't punt if it's 4th and 10 on the opponent 35. It's a bad decision.

I like Fleck and would sign him to a lifetime contract and hope he continues to grow as a coach.

Game Situation - Bad conditions, just lost your right tackle and been stuffed on 2 straight running plays for no gain.

I have gone on record that I would have been fine with going for it there but people are way over simplifying the decision. They are also way overplaying the importance of it. Wisconsin didn't score on the ensuing drive, they fumbled. So we got the ball back still up 7-0.

It ended up being the wrong decision. But that doesn't prove it was the wrong decision, in the moment.

Everyone here who says "yes it obviously was" is being skewed by hindsight.

We don't know all the information that they had available, in the moment. We don't know what they were predicting/projecting for the future, from that moment.

It was a bad decision. I don't think it cost us the game, but it was a bad decision. PJ stayed on a 15 against a face card. It's a bad play regardless of what the next card is.

I'm not on here ragging about the play all day, but it was a poor decision and I would bet he would not make that decision again if he had a chance to do it all over again.

Game Situation - Bad conditions, just lost your right tackle and been stuffed on 2 straight running plays for no gain.

I have gone on record that I would have been fine with going for it there but people are way over simplifying the decision. They are also way overplaying the importance of it. Wisconsin didn't score on the ensuing drive, they fumbled. So we got the ball back still up 7-0.

IT was a bad decision regardless of getting the ball back or not. You had a better chance, statistically, of good things happening if we went for it than if we punted.

Reusse has been consistently sour about the Gophers for years. And the Strib is always diligent in oncovering any misdeeds by players or coaches; easy prey. I wonder how Nick Saban would fair if hounded by a major antagonistic newspaper, aside from Hartman.
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Game Situation - Bad conditions, just lost your right tackle and been stuffed on 2 straight running plays for no gain.

I have gone on record that I would have been fine with going for it there but people are way over simplifying the decision. They are also way overplaying the importance of it. Wisconsin didn't score on the ensuing drive, they fumbled. So we got the ball back still up 7-0.
So we go and score and then WI fumbles and we potentially have a shot to go up 17 to 21 pts. Full throttle all the time.

There is always some truth in the writing or middle ground. Fleck has said a number of times that it's 100% on him and then just ignores or diverts questions. He doubled down on punting on 4th and 2. It's ok to say you'd like to have that one back. Zero, zero people understand the decision to punt.

Fleck is 39 and still learning. People will understand if you regret a decision and learn from it.

Truth be told in 2019 fans understand football and x's and o's and can see right through BS.

I disagree. My buddy and I at the game didn't like the decision but it was pretty apparent Faalele's getting injured on 2nd down then the OL getting beat on 3rd down had a major impact on the decision. So, would everyone here rather have Fleck throw his OL under the bus by explaining detail? Apparently Patrick and several posters here would; then they could troll him even more. Let it go. Move on.

I disagree. My buddy and I at the game didn't like the decision but it was pretty apparent Faalele's getting injured on 2nd down then the OL getting beat on 3rd down had a major impact on the decision. So, would everyone here rather have Fleck throw his OL under the bus by explaining detail? Apparently Patrick and several posters here would; then they could troll him even more. Let it go. Move on.
OL didn't get beat. Green missed a wide open hole.

I disagree. My buddy and I at the game didn't like the decision but it was pretty apparent Faalele's getting injured on 2nd down then the OL getting beat on 3rd down had a major impact on the decision. So, would everyone here rather have Fleck throw his OL under the bus by explaining detail? Apparently Patrick and several posters here would; then they could troll him even more. Let it go. Move on.

I see no reason Fleck should grovel before Reusse.

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