Time to Change the Culture


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2013
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Another meltdown. 0-6 against rivals. 0-5 against ranked teams. 4th place finish in the B1G West. Dead last in recruiting.

Row The Boat.

If we have Fleck ready to sign, pull the trigger. But we better be damn sure we have him ready to sign.

Why change after 45 years? UofM admin. doesn't give a rats asse about football. They haven't since about 1970.

If Claey's is gonna recruit with the bottom of the conference on a regular basis, I vote make the change.

I was against firing him. I'm indifferent after watching this meltdown. Just decide quickly. No waiting for the Bowl Game.

Coyle doesn't use search committees. If anyone is going to stop this, it's on him.

Agree with others, only if we have a sure fire guy in line like Fleck, otherwise we stay the course with Tracy.

In my opinion there has to be a change in the staff. There is no excitement around the program and with some second half adjustments we could have been playing in the Championship game. If no change is made we are once again going downhill.

8 wins against bad opponents.

We blew every chance we had this year at a good-to-decent win. Why keep the coaching staff?

You keep Claeys and the excitement for Gophers will be at an all-time low next year. TCF will be barren.

In my opinion there has to be a change in the staff. There is no excitement around the program and with some second half adjustments we could have been playing in the Championship game. If no change is made we are once again going downhill.

Or to be the Devils advocate, Wisconsin made the proper adjustments, and we simply didn't have the talent or ability to make adjustments necessary.

Not a single win against a Power 5 conference team with a winning record. Pretty much the weakest 8 wins a team in the Big Ten could get.

They won't have a single win against a team with a winning record period if Colorado St. loses tonight. Which is likely.

Or to be the Devils advocate, Wisconsin made the proper adjustments, and we simply didn't have the talent or ability to make adjustments necessary.

It's saying something if the devil's advocate take is that this staff just isn't able to recruit enough talent to compete.

I don't think it is a difficult all to make. Claeys must be fired. As has been stated in this thread, if Claeys is retained, there will be no one at the games. we know where we are headed right now....downhill. We played our best qb and he is not good. Next year will not be better, considering we have are going to have a green qb. right now is the time to get rid of this staff and let the new staff decide on the new starting qb.

A true change is indicated. New facilities. New qb. It's time. The sooner the better.

I don't think it is a difficult all to make. Claeys must be fired. As has been stated in this thread, if Claeys is retained, there will be no one at the games. we know where we are headed right now....downhill. We played our best qb and he is not good. Next year will not be better, considering we have are going to have a green qb. right now is the time to get rid of this staff and let the new staff decide on the new starting qb.

Literally. And he couldn't win his HS job.

Team looked dead in the water second half, no energy. Your coach needs to inspire on the field and in the fan base and Tracy does neither. It's time to move

Odds are overwhelming that another big coaching staff disruption puts this program back in the Rutgers/Purdue/Illinois/Maryland/Indiana tier of the conference.

Claeys has the team competitive with the best in the conference in an era when the Big Ten is the best conference.

I would also like to see the program get to the point where the record against IA/NE/WI is never 0-3. After winning the bowl game, that needs to be the next step for this staff. But talk of a firing after an 8-4 season for a first year coach at Minnesota in this year's Big Ten will make anyone reasonable think you're crazy.

Do you really think the PC culture would allow for a new hire without first advertising, creating a hiring committee, meeting all the Title 9 requirements, interviewing enough candidates to meet the racial requirements.

Do you really think the PC culture would allow for a new hire without first advertising, creating a hiring committee, meeting all the Title 9 requirements, interviewing enough candidates to meet the racial requirements.

Hire Charlie Strong, no one will care then :p

We're still in that tier.

Exactly. I guess being tied with the top notch teams at 0-0 makes people believe that we are competitive. WAKE UP GOPHER FANS....WE SUCK!!! No one takes us seriously. To think that Claeys has us headed to anywhere but bottom barrel is ridiculous. We are headed no where fast. No good player is going to want to play here when they come and visit the stadium during a recruiting trip and there is no one at the game. With a change in qb, we need a new coach to develop our new qb...whoever that is. This staff has undoubtedly shown that they cannot develop a qb. Let someone new in and develop our qb. At this point, we can get a coach and we have a 50-50 chance he is better than Claeys. I say roll the dice with those odds.

We're still in that tier.

Umm, no we are not. Certainly not this year, certainly not over the last four years. We won at least 2 more games than any of those teams did this year, beaten 4 of the 5 listed and all of whom we've played, gone to 4 straight bowls unlike any of the other 5 and have won at least 7 more games than any of those 5 teams over the last four years.

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