
They may want to check out the Vikes game. No wait.....same situation.

Did you really just post a still picture to prove a tFR QB who has never played a down wont be a good QB? I just want to make sure I understand right because it seems way too silly to be true.

LOL. This is the best post in this thread.

I think Phil and father had made it known internally he was transfering.

That's a new twist. I believe it was Kill (?) who said Nelson sat down in his office after the Bowl game & wanted to be assured he'd start next (this) year. When he was told he wouldn't, he then decided he'd had enough. We can conclude the Nelson's hadn't made any transfer intentions known at that point.

Let's be honest the passing game is not a priority in this system - they only pass if they have too and it's too predictable - our Qb's are more runners than passers - the skilled guys have been fine - never get into a rythm when you throw so little - we have the least attempts of anybody.

Let's be honest the passing game is not a priority in this system - they only pass if they have too and it's too predictable - our Qb's are more runners than passers - the skilled guys have been fine - never get into a rythm when you throw so little - we have the least attempts of anybody.

True, but is passing not a priority because of the system, or because we have no one who can throw it? My bet is on the latter.

For all those that like pretty passing stats, I suggest you become fans of Illinois. The Fighting Beckmans throw it all over the place...we'll see how that works out for them.

True, but is passing not a priority because of the system, or because we have no one who can throw it? My bet is on the latter.

Are you familiar with this staff's history? They want to run the ball. It's been their MO everywhere they've gone, and it's usually 65% run/35% pass. The passing game needs to become better, but they will stick with the run if it's working and aren't going to ever consistently throw it 25-30 times a game.

Are you familiar with this staff's history? They want to run the ball. It's been their MO everywhere they've gone, and it's usually 65% run/35% pass. The passing game needs to become better, but they will stick with the run if it's working and aren't going to ever consistently throw it 25-30 times a game.

I am familiar: Chandler Harnish: Jr year - 292 attempts for 2530 yards and 21 TDs. Sr year - 384 attempts for 3216 and 28 TDs.

This was after only throwing for 1670 and 11 TDs in 10 games his sophomore year. He was also a 2* recruit. Probably a big reason why Kill is going to be patient with Leidner.

let's hope we don't get 14 pts behind...cuz catch up football is gonna be tough sleddin.

What was Jerry's record when trailing at half ?? 0-30 something they said last year - you need to be able groom a QB and be able to come from behind.

What was Jerry's record when trailing at half ?? 0-30 something they said last year - you need to be able groom a QB and be able to come from behind.

He's only lost 21 at MN and I'm pretty sure that stat was from his time at MN.

I think the coaching staff is so risk averse that it corrupts the passing game and makes plays overly predictable. Once execution cannot overcome some other superior factor, then the game is quickly lost. When fans know what is coming next, it is past time to change the plays. After watching the Kill system these last few years, everything has become predictable. We are winning today because some teams cannot overcome our execution. Later in this year, without any further maturation and playbook development, we will see the typical slide into the second tier.

I thought our passing game had to improve substantially from last year to make a stride forward. That has not happened and is doubtful to happen consistently beyond an outlier game where numbers just blow up. The two games provide us enough of an answer to whether or not things are better in the passing game. So few receptions have been made by the wide-outs that I seriously doubt that the passing game will suddenly turn for the better.

Only serious intervention and adjustments will improve the passing game from here on out. What are those possibilities? A receiver makes a breakthrough. A new play gets consistent results. The quarterback changes something fundamental about his practice. A new quarterback wins the job. Whatever it is, at this point in the season it is already unlikely that these things will come into play. Even if they did, other teams will just as likely have their own evolutionary step forward to counter that progress.

I just don't see how we will win as many games as my prognostication of 9-3. I had assumed that the team would move forward in the passing game by quite a large degree. In fact, it simply looks the same. Now, I think getting to 6 victories will become much more difficult to reach.

Now, I think getting to 6 victories will become much more difficult to reach.

I think many of the other teams on our schedule have much worse issues than we have right now. I will be pissed if we don't at least beat San Jose St., Northwestern, Purdue, and Illinois. That's six wins right there.

Kill said true freshman walk-on Jacques Perra has climbed to No. 3 on the quarterback

Your information is a bit off...DRM's profile on the athletics website lists him as 6' as does his Rivals profile. He was also a two-time player of the year in the state of Kansas.


Rivals also lists him as a 3 star recruit with offers from Iowa, Nebraska, and Kansas.


I think you are selling him short.

I'm well aware of his listed height. I have also seen him in person. He is not 6' tall. The photo with a fence in the background offers some evidence regarding his height. I am aware he is 3 star recruit but that is not as a quarterback, nor were his other offers to play quarterback.

Rivals lists him as an athlete, not a quarterback https://rivals.yahoo.com/minnesota/football/recruiting/player-Dimonic-McKinzy-141402;_ylt=AgHqwpi2Gh.J4JGtaq.gE4rUspB4

There is this from Omaha Our take

Optimism is growing at Minnesota after a strong finish to the 2013 regular season. It seems like the Gophers took advantage, adding eight commits after Jan. 1. They found three linebackers and even added a couple tight ends. Not an overly impressive haul on paper, though. And Minnesota might regret not taking a true quarterback in this class, despite what athlete Dimonic Roden-McKinzy may bring.
Nebraska was recruiting him as a defensive player.

There is this information about his height and politically correct abilities from coach Z: (dated August 7th...Perra one week DRM for 7 months into the program)

And I'm sorry that some you cannot determine anything from a still photo and think it is silly but Perra is now number 3, Rhoda is 4 and Dimonic is 5th on the list...and again with coach speak why DRM is #5. If you can't read between the lines or see with your own eyes you are always going to be surprised. http://www.startribune.com/sports/blogs/274273891.html

We all have opinions and DRM could be the next great Gopher quarterback. I don't care who is...I'm just waiting for the next great Gopher quarterback. Yes, I do have opinions based on observation, reading information and determining the source, listening to what our coaches say and don't say, which results in those opinions. I actually don't mind the ridicule so much but do feel like like I wasted 15 minutes with sources to explain my conclusions from yesterday which were partially validated today. (Obviously or maybe not obvious there is triple the info minimum available to further support these points....you can google it.

And if you need more help in this order of quarterback ability remember Jerry Kill's mantra: the best people play! If anybody but Perra was better they'd be #3, despite any other verbal tap dancing you may hear, that is the Jerry Kill bottom line.

I wonder what they really mean when they say "after the bowl game" though. It could mean right there in the locker room after the game. Or it could mean a few weeks later after the team had a break and then got back together. Both could fall under the "after the bowl game" comments.

Nelson announced he was leaving around Jan. 29th. It's not out of the question that the team knew he was leaving by mid January.

January 16 actually.

Pat Nelson, Philip's father, told the Pioneer Press that his son had been thinking about possibly transferring for months and talked to Kill about it for the first time for a couple of hours Wednesday afternoon.

"Before going in there, his mind was made up on what he wanted to do," Pat Nelson said. "His talent is more for a passing type of an offense. That's what his dream is. Philip evaluated the situation looking at Minnesota's offense and what it's geared towards. It had absolutely nothing to do with (Mitch Leidner). If there was a perception that this was about playing time, it's not at all."

I think the coaching staff is so risk averse that it corrupts the passing game and makes plays overly predictable. Once execution cannot overcome some other superior factor, then the game is quickly lost. When fans know what is coming next, it is past time to change the plays. After watching the Kill system these last few years, everything has become predictable. We are winning today because some teams cannot overcome our execution. Later in this year, without any further maturation and playbook development, we will see the typical slide into the second tier.

I thought our passing game had to improve substantially from last year to make a stride forward. That has not happened and is doubtful to happen consistently beyond an outlier game where numbers just blow up. The two games provide us enough of an answer to whether or not things are better in the passing game. So few receptions have been made by the wide-outs that I seriously doubt that the passing game will suddenly turn for the better.

Only serious intervention and adjustments will improve the passing game from here on out. What are those possibilities? A receiver makes a breakthrough. A new play gets consistent results. The quarterback changes something fundamental about his practice. A new quarterback wins the job. Whatever it is, at this point in the season it is already unlikely that these things will come into play. Even if they did, other teams will just as likely have their own evolutionary step forward to counter that progress.

I just don't see how we will win as many games as my prognostication of 9-3. I had assumed that the team would move forward in the passing game by quite a large degree. In fact, it simply looks the same. Now, I think getting to 6 victories will become much more difficult to reach.

This must explain why this coaching staff hasn't had any success building winning teams over their career.

I'm well aware of his listed height. I have also seen him in person. He is not 6' tall. The photo with a fence in the background offers some evidence regarding his height. I am aware he is 3 star recruit but that is not as a quarterback, nor were his other offers to play quarterback.

Rivals lists him as an athlete, not a quarterback https://rivals.yahoo.com/minnesota/football/recruiting/player-Dimonic-McKinzy-141402;_ylt=AgHqwpi2Gh.J4JGtaq.gE4rUspB4

There is this from Omaha Our take

Optimism is growing at Minnesota after a strong finish to the 2013 regular season. It seems like the Gophers took advantage, adding eight commits after Jan. 1. They found three linebackers and even added a couple tight ends. Not an overly impressive haul on paper, though. And Minnesota might regret not taking a true quarterback in this class, despite what athlete Dimonic Roden-McKinzy may bring.
Nebraska was recruiting him as a defensive player.

There is this information about his height and politically correct abilities from coach Z: (dated August 7th...Perra one week DRM for 7 months into the program)

And I'm sorry that some you cannot determine anything from a still photo and think it is silly but Perra is now number 3, Rhoda is 4 and Dimonic is 5th on the list...and again with coach speak why DRM is #5. If you can't read between the lines or see with your own eyes you are always going to be surprised. http://www.startribune.com/sports/blogs/274273891.html

We all have opinions and DRM could be the next great Gopher quarterback. I don't care who is...I'm just waiting for the next great Gopher quarterback. Yes, I do have opinions based on observation, reading information and determining the source, listening to what our coaches say and don't say, which results in those opinions. I actually don't mind the ridicule so much but do feel like like I wasted 15 minutes with sources to explain my conclusions from yesterday which were partially validated today. (Obviously or maybe not obvious there is triple the info minimum available to further support these points....you can google it.

And if you need more help in this order of quarterback ability remember Jerry Kill's mantra: the best people play! If anybody but Perra was better they'd be #3, despite any other verbal tap dancing you may hear, that is the Jerry Kill bottom line.

Sorry, my intention wasn't to ridicule you. I have nothing against your opinion on Perra; he could very well end up being the better QB when it is all said and done. Who am I to predict? Clearly the coaching staff is the most comfortable with Perra right now based on him being named the #3 QB. That was never a debate. It just seemed like fairly harsh criticism of a guy who was offered a scholarship and obviously has some accolades in his home state for his ability at QB. You are the first person that I have seen claim that DRM is 5' 8", and you may be right considering how observant and well-read you are. I did notice that Zebrowski said he is 5' 11", which more or less fits with consensus.

The initial point to this was how the young QB's on the roster develop will say a lot for Coach Zebrowki's ability. Yes, "young Qb's" includes Perra.

No hard feelings, actually my fault

Sorry, my intention wasn't to ridicule you. I have nothing against your opinion on Perra; he could very well end up being the better QB when it is all said and done. Who am I to predict? Clearly the coaching staff is the most comfortable with Perra right now based on him being named the #3 QB. That was never a debate. It just seemed like fairly harsh criticism of a guy who was offered a scholarship and obviously has some accolades in his home state for his ability at QB. You are the first person that I have seen claim that DRM is 5' 8", and you may be right considering how observant and well-read you are. I did notice that Zebrowski said he is 5' 11", which more or less fits with consensus.

The initial point to this was how the young QB's on the roster develop will say a lot for Coach Zebrowki's ability. Yes, "young Qb's" includes Perra.

I didn't take the time to cite each comment I was referring to in my response. I chose your quote to make my general reply to several comments. I did not feel you were ridiculing me. And I don't believe DRM is 5'8" just as I don't believe he is 6'...it was an exaggeration. Sorry for the confusion. He may be our QB someday, I just feel the odds are greater he'll play another position or elsewhere. I do often write harsh. That is accurate also.

And yes I agree with your point about coach Z. He has success in his resume with quarterbacks at different stops in prior places but Minnesota would not be one to this point imo. Hopefully for all of our happiness a successful quarterback does emerge. It isn't typical but there absolutely are players who excel on game day given the chance, but who look pedestrian in practice. Maybe DRM or Streveler or Perra or Rhoda is that guy. I'll be happy whoever it is if we find one or develop one.

Are you familiar with this staff's history? They want to run the ball. It's been their MO everywhere they've gone, and it's usually 65% run/35% pass. The passing game needs to become better, but they will stick with the run if it's working and aren't going to ever consistently throw it 25-30 times a game.

The Gophers would be Big Ten West favorites right now with Lunt at QB.

I think many of the other teams on our schedule have much worse issues than we have right now. I will be pissed if we don't at least beat San Jose St., Northwestern, Purdue, and Illinois. That's six wins right there.

Why is Illinois such a gimme?

Why is Illinois such a gimme?

I agree. This might be a year we beat Iowa and/or Wisconsin and lose to Illinois. We'll see, but we need a pass run to pick up. I hope to see Keith back on defense ASAP.

Because they suck.

I'm not convinced Illinois sucks, but I don't think they're awesome either. They have entered the 4th quarter trailing in both their games, against a FCS school and a Conference USA school (W Kent). W Kentucky plays MTSU this week, so you can gauge the relative strengths of those 2 teams this week. Yes, yes, I understand that games aren't transitive, but still they aren't nothing.

Anyway, I don't understand the pre-season prognosticators who mostly picked Illinois to beat us in our upcoming game. I realize it's in Illinois, but Illinois still has a long way to go IMO. I think we should expect to beat them there. It's certainly no gimme, but we should win.

This must explain why this coaching staff hasn't had any success building winning teams over their career.

Thanks for standing up for the coaches records. Past success is not predictive of future success. If everything was linear, we would all certainly gamble daily on Gopher victories and all come out wealthier for it. Nobody in their right mind would gamble for income on the reputation of the coaches past. Not one sane person.

Every day I wake up and try to instill rational thought in the thoughtless. Please continue to bring up fairy tales and daisy dust to add a little color around here anytime.

Thanks for standing up for the coaches records. Past success is not predictive of future success. If everything was linear, we would all certainly gamble daily on Gopher victories and all come out wealthier for it. Nobody in their right mind would gamble for income on the reputation of the coaches past. Not one sane person.

Every day I wake up and try to instill rational thought in the thoughtless. Please continue to bring up fairy tales and daisy dust to add a little color around here anytime.

Apparently last year's success with the same game plan is also irrelevant? That seems rational - HA

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