So you don’t count SEC wins?
Or Power 5 wins?
It all depends on your meaning of count, I suppose.
however, for the purpose of rating Big Ten football coaches from the U of M in Minneapolis I only count every coach against Big Ten competition.
By using ONLY BT competition my data is not inflated with competition from high school teams south by northwest pay for play competition just to tune up on and other factors that may or may not dilute the essence of Big Ten competition.
The Big Ten brand of football has been and will be a recognizable brand and level of college football. From top to bottom the conference has sustained a solid level of football competition and is the ultimate challenge to help rate and evaluate Big Ten football coaches.
You should use what ever you use to rate BT coaches at the U.
Good luck and best wishes to PJ Fleck and each and every one of you.
As of this point in time Coach Fleck has achieved a BT winning rating of .444 as a BT football coach at the U of M after completing 3 seasons and coaching 27 total BT games. He has won 12 BT games and he has lost 15 BT games. I agree that he deserves a contract and increased salary and bonus considerations. I applaud his staff and very much admire his players.
Coach Fleck IS a Big Ten Football coach and I can give no higher endorsement or compliment than that at this point in time.
what, may I ask does your rating system say about the good coach?