Will Notre Dame QB Dayne Crist end up at UW

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I only skimmed this last page, but this goddamn thread needs to take a swan dive off a roof.

Yeah, I think all trolls are obsessed. It's not at all a compliment to our program or anything, it's really just proof of something missing in your life. That's how it is with all trolls. They are the bottom of the barrel type of people.

I think most of the people who are posting on gopherhole are obsessed a bit with Gopher football. It's really a niche team, that isn't even playing a game for 9 months, yet, you're here. I'm here and most Gopher fans are here because we are obsessed. The same holds true for you.

It's how it is with all trolls. I would even say it about Gopher trolls who would spam Badger boards. They are losers. They are the lowest common denominator of their fanbase.

Two things are become readily apparent about you in this post:

1) You seem to have a tenuous grasp on the definition of a "troll."

2) You either don't know the definition of obsession, or you are using the word too liberally in an attempt to be insulting.

I have said this many times, and I will say it again - the reason I come to GopherHole is because I am a college football fan and, for several reasons, I have an interest the Minnesota Gophers. I am interest in the Gophers because:
1) They are the rival of my favorite team
2) I am from the Twin Cities
3) I have several friends that have played or currently play for the Gopher football team
4) I will be a student at Minnesota's Carlson School of Business (MBA program) in the near future

I don't come here to get a rise out of Gopher fans, I come here because a lot of what is discussed on this forum impacts me.

I only skimmed this last page, but this goddamn thread needs to take a swan dive off a roof.

I'm with you. I have tried to discuss a rule that I believe is going to have to be re-visited and it turns into Virtual Border War MMMMMMDCXVIII.

Everyone's reality is what they choose to believe. You can make the numbers work to prove your point and so can they other side. You just pick the arbitrary cutoff point to prove your point.

Not everyone's reality is what they choose to believe. 60 wins in six years, average of 10 a year for you MN grads, speaks for itself. Nothing arbitrary about it. 10 wins a year puts you in a small group of schools. Seven or eight a year, we could argue about middle tier.

Not everyone's reality is what they choose to believe. 60 wins in six years, average of 10 a year for you MN grads, speaks for itself. Nothing arbitrary about it. 10 wins a year puts you in a small group of schools. Seven or eight a year, we could argue about middle tier.
I see your 6 year cut off and raise you to 122. Wisconsin averages 5.21(there is more to the end of this decimal but, this is what you call using significant figures, for you Wisconsin grads) wins a year. That is LESS than what you call mediocre.

Not everyone's reality is what they choose to believe. 60 wins in six years, average of 10 a year for you MN grads, speaks for itself. Nothing arbitrary about it. 10 wins a year puts you in a small group of schools. Seven or eight a year, we could argue about middle tier.

The arbitrary point is where you pick the cutoff. It's exactly the point I made the first time that appears to be over your head. You picked the cutoff of 6 years, you could pick 5 (which is more of a typical point), you could pick 10, you could pick 15....that cutoff is arbitrary. I know Gopher fans do it as well, but I don't think it's anything you're going to be able to grasp.

I see your 6 year cut off and raise you to 122. Wisconsin averages 5.21(there is more to the end of this decimal but, this is what you call using significant figures, for you Wisconsin grads) wins a year. That is LESS than what you call mediocre.

The six years is not something I picked out a hat, it's BBs entire tenure as a head coach. I agree a 500 winning percentage is medicore. Thought we were talking about what is revelant now. So is MN an elite program because they have won six national titles? Clearly, they were elite in the 50s and 60s and clearly they are a bottom feeder now. Was Wisconsin medicore or less than than for many years? Absolutely, but not during this period of time. Just facts.

The arbitrary point is where you pick the cutoff. It's exactly the point I made the first time that appears to be over your head. You picked the cutoff of 6 years, you could pick 5 (which is more of a typical point), you could pick 10, you could pick 15....that cutoff is arbitrary. I know Gopher fans do it as well, but I don't think it's anything you're going to be able to grasp.
My arbitrary cut-off is the best one... (look above)

Two things are become readily apparent about you in this post:

1) You seem to have a tenuous grasp on the definition of a "troll."

2) You either don't know the definition of obsession, or you are using the word too liberally in an attempt to be insulting.

I have said this many times, and I will say it again - the reason I come to GopherHole is because I am a college football fan and, for several reasons, I have an interest the Minnesota Gophers. I am interest in the Gophers because:
1) They are the rival of my favorite team
2) I am from the Twin Cities
3) I have several friends that have played or currently play for the Gopher football team
4) I will be a student at Minnesota's Carlson School of Business (MBA program) in the near future

I don't come here to get a rise out of Gopher fans, I come here because a lot of what is discussed on this forum impacts me.

#1: You are a Badger fan who just won the Big 10 Championship and are 3 weeks away from playing in a really exciting Rose Bowl with Oregon, yet you are posting on a Minnesota Gopher message board trying to tell us how great your program is, you're a troll. You might not understand that you're a troll, but rest assured, you are. This is a Gopher football message board and you are here to talk about the "greatness" of the WI program. It's one thing if it's the week of the game and people are going back and forth in a MN v. WI debate, but nope, you just decided to show up. It's a free country and you are obviously entitled to do that, many people do. However, the rest of the world labels them "trolls". You're a troll.

#2: Again, you are trying to redefine a word because it makes you feel bad. You are obsessed. You are here...again. If I logged onto and got into arguments with people over Teletubbies, every single day, i'd be obsessed with Teletubbies. The Gopher football message board dominates your thoughts to an unhealthy degree. Your program has a ton going for itself, yet you're here. That's bizarre and unhealthy! Like I said, I don't consider people like you to be a representative sample of the Badger fan base, trolls are the lowest common denominator. I wouldn't expect you to be able to understand why it's so bizzare and unhealthy that you are here. But ask yourself this, why do you think it's only you and a couple other whacko WI fans posting here? I imagine the WI board is fairly busy right now, why aren't all the people with MN ties posting over here? I'll tell you why...it's because most of them are not obsessed trolls.

As to your reasonings....
#1: Posting on your rivals board when you're 10 months away from playing again is trolling.
#2: There are literally thousands of WI football fans from the TC not posting here, you wonder why?
#3: Again, do you think you're the only person who went to WI that went to HS with some Gopher players? You ever wonder why they aren't posting here? I'll tell you...they're not trolls.

Nothing discussed here impacts you! Nothing! If what a bunch of Gopher fans think about a transfer exception rule "impacts" you, you are FAR MORE OBSESSED than I could have imagined.

The six years is not something I picked out a hat, it's BBs entire tenure as a head coach. I agree a 500 winning percentage is medicore. Thought we were talking about what is revelant now. So is MN an elite program because they have won six national titles? Clearly, they were elite in the 50s and 60s and clearly they are a bottom feeder now. Was Wisconsin medicore or less than than for many years? Absolutely, but not during this period of time. Just facts.

There's the arbitrary cutoff.

The six years is not something I picked out a hat, it's BBs entire tenure as a head coach. I agree a 500 winning percentage is medicore. Thought we were talking about what is revelant now. So is MN an elite program because they have won six national titles? Clearly, they were elite in the 50s and 60s and clearly they are a bottom feeder now. Was Wisconsin medicore or less than than for many years? Absolutely, but not during this period of time. Just facts.

You're missing the entire point.

Now watch, in the history of the Gopher football program they've won 6 National Titles. Wisconsin has won ZERO. Just facts.

You see how switching the reference point makes the entire argument?

Drums keep pounding rhythm to the brain. Ladi-ladi-dee. Ladi-ladi-die.

As a Badger alum, I think this rule is being abused and needs to be scrutinized. BB's statement that he has been "contacted" by 10 other players makes me cringe. This will start to hurt recruiting. This is like baseball and the NBA where You can simply buy players and win. My son is a Gopher frosh and I would much rather see the Gophers in a bowl than the Badgers in the rose bowl at this point. I live 50 miles from Pasadena and will probably go like I have the previous 4 and my Son has already told me NFW he is going. I went to one college game this year, Gophers/Illini and had a great time. IMO, BB is skating on thin ice for a number of reasons 1) He was handed RW and the keys to a Masserati, only to allow multiple blocked punts/hail mary passes and consistently terrible clock management, driving his 71' pinto into the ditch. 2)Running up scores 3)His comment about the PSU scandal. His Iowa education bubbles to the surface when his mouth opens. This was the best chance for the Badgers in the NC game in 40 years and BB blew it. BA or Kill would have run the table. Either way this Graduate program crap needs to stop for all schools. As I said before, both my kids came into college with 28 AP credits and can graduate in 3 years.

As a Badger alum, I think this rule is being abused and needs to be scrutinized. BB's statement that he has been "contacted" by 10 other players makes me cringe. This will start to hurt recruiting. This is like baseball and the NBA where You can simply buy players and win. My son is a Gopher frosh and I would much rather see the Gophers in a bowl than the Badgers in the rose bowl at this point. I live 50 miles from Pasadena and will probably go like I have the previous 4 and my Son has already told me NFW he is going. I went to one college game this year, Gophers/Illini and had a great time. IMO, BB is skating on thin ice for a number of reasons 1) He was handed RW and the keys to a Masserati, only to allow multiple blocked punts/hail mary passes and consistently terrible clock management, driving his 71' pinto into the ditch. 2)Running up scores 3)His comment about the PSU scandal. His Iowa education bubbles to the surface when his mouth opens. This was the best chance for the Badgers in the NC game in 40 years and BB blew it. BA or Kill would have run the table. Either way this Graduate program crap needs to stop for all schools. As I said before, both my kids came into college with 28 AP credits and can graduate in 3 years.


#1: You are a Badger fan who just won the Big 10 Championship and are 3 weeks away from playing in a really exciting Rose Bowl with Oregon, yet you are posting on a Minnesota Gopher message board trying to tell us how great your program is, you're a troll. You might not understand that you're a troll, but rest assured, you are. This is a Gopher football message board and you are here to talk about the "greatness" of the WI program. It's one thing if it's the week of the game and people are going back and forth in a MN v. WI debate, but nope, you just decided to show up. It's a free country and you are obviously entitled to do that, many people do. However, the rest of the world labels them "trolls". You're a troll.

#2: Again, you are trying to redefine a word because it makes you feel bad. You are obsessed. You are here...again. If I logged onto and got into arguments with people over Teletubbies, every single day, i'd be obsessed with Teletubbies. The Gopher football message board dominates your thoughts to an unhealthy degree. Your program has a ton going for itself, yet you're here. That's bizarre and unhealthy! Like I said, I don't consider people like you to be a representative sample of the Badger fan base, trolls are the lowest common denominator. I wouldn't expect you to be able to understand why it's so bizzare and unhealthy that you are here. But ask yourself this, why do you think it's only you and a couple other whacko WI fans posting here? I imagine the WI board is fairly busy right now, why aren't all the people with MN ties posting over here? I'll tell you why...it's because most of them are not obsessed trolls.

As to your reasonings....
#1: Posting on your rivals board when you're 10 months away from playing again is trolling.
#2: There are literally thousands of WI football fans from the TC not posting here, you wonder why?
#3: Again, do you think you're the only person who went to WI that went to HS with some Gopher players? You ever wonder why they aren't posting here? I'll tell you...they're not trolls.

Nothing discussed here impacts you! Nothing! If what a bunch of Gopher fans think about a transfer exception rule "impacts" you, you are FAR MORE OBSESSED than I could have imagined.

I stand corrected...you seem to have a tenuous grasp, not on the definition of "troll" or "obsessed," but on the entire English langauge.

That or you are just very, very mad.

What. A. Trainwreck. Lol.

There is at least one thread on the first page of this forum about the Badgers every day. I think it's safe to say, by your criteria, that this board, as a whole, is obsessed with Wisconsin.

What is that urine stench I smell on this thread?

Bob Loblaw, I like your posts here on GopheHole and I appreciate what you're trying to do, but trying to use logic with a Becky troll is the definition of a futile endeavor. At the Iowa game, there was a 50ish guy from Iowa behind us with his embarrassed wife. He felt the need to display his stupidity at full volume at the end of every play. Much as I desired to offer replies to his inane taunts noting the yardage they were racking up on us, or his incoherent cheering on of his team's offense that they were either going to run all day on us or pass all day on us, I just ignored him. In the end, the best advice is perhaps the simplest and oldest: don't feed the trolls. If nobody responds to them, they don't get their little thrill and they go away.

I stand corrected...you seem to have a tenuous grasp, not on the definition of "troll" or "obsessed," but on the entire English langauge.

That or you are just very, very mad.

What. A. Trainwreck. Lol.

There is at least one thread on the first page of this forum about the Badgers every day. I think it's safe to say, by your criteria, that this board, as a whole, is obsessed with Wisconsin.

Care to point out where me inglish skilz are bad? I can point out where you used a poor word choice in that last sentence, but that's a weak kind of argument to make on these boards. But i'd still love for you to show me an example of my tenuous grasp OF the English language.

If a Gopher fan makes a thread about WI every single day on this board, you're right they are obsessed. They aren't as obsessed with someone who would go to a rivals board to talk about the Gophers, but still that is a little obsessive.

Bob Loblaw, I like your posts here on GopheHole and I appreciate what you're trying to do, but trying to use logic with a Becky troll is the definition of a futile endeavor. At the Iowa game, there was a 50ish guy from Iowa behind us with his embarrassed wife. He felt the need to display his stupidity at full volume at the end of every play. Much as I desired to offer replies to his inane taunts noting the yardage they were racking up on us, or his incoherent cheering on of his team's offense that they were either going to run all day on us or pass all day on us, I just ignored him. In the end, the best advice is perhaps the simplest and oldest: don't feed the trolls. If nobody responds to them, they don't get their little thrill and they go away

You're 100% right. I won't be responding in this thread again. I actually only engaged this particular troll because I thought he might have been here to actually talk football. If you looked at my initial response to his thread, it was really just talking football and about this rule. But of course, the troll pulled me in. So you're right, i'm done responding on this thread.

Care to point out where me inglish skilz are bad?QUOTE]

Let's start with the definition of obssession: the domination of one's thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image, desire, etc.

Now, what about spending 1-2 hours a week (at most) engaging in a ceratin activity even remotely falls into the definition of obsession?

#1: You are a Badger fan who just won the Big 10 Championship and are 3 weeks away from playing in a really exciting Rose Bowl with Oregon, yet you are posting on a Minnesota Gopher message board trying to tell us how great your program is, you're a troll.
A troll is a person who comes to a forum to annoy and get a rise out of people. I come here and use statistics and facts to support my opinions, which are perfectly valid. I haven't said anything outrageous. The only thing I've said on this forum that could be interpreted as mildly insulting to Gopher fans a response to a Gopher fan saying Wisconsin is (paraphrasing) "at the little kid's table." I responded by saying if that is the case then the Gophers are the mice on the floor.
You might not understand that you're a troll, but rest assured, you are.

This is a Gopher football message board and you are here to talk about the "greatness" of the WI program.
Where have I talked about our "greatness." BTW, saying that Wisconsin has been very good to great during the lifetime of recruits does not qualify as bragging, and is not a knock on the Gophers (b/c it has nothing to do with the Gophers), just merely my opinion

It's one thing if it's the week of the game and people are going back and forth in a MN v. WI debate, but nope, you just decided to show up. It's a free country and you are obviously entitled to do that, many people do. However, the rest of the world labels them "trolls". You're a troll.
You clearly do not visit many other college football sites. Most "team" sites have an open forum, such as this, for opposing fans to engage in conversation. How the hell is that trolling? If you find that upsetting, then you are extremely sensitive. Sorry.

Again, you are trying to redefine a word because it makes you feel bad.

Redefine? There is that tenuous grasp on the English lanaguage coming to the forefront again. Up until this post, I never defined or redefined the word obsessed. I merely said your definition of the word is innaccurate or you are using it too liberally.

You are obsessed.

If I logged onto and got into arguments with people over Teletubbies, every single day, i'd be obsessed with Teletubbies. The Gopher football message board dominates your thoughts to an unhealthy degree. Your program has a ton going for itself, yet you're here.

Ongoing trainwreck of a rant aside, you are off base again. I have a total of 98 posts in something like 7 months on this site. I'm here very rarely.

That's bizarre and unhealthy!.
How is that bizarre or unhealthy? I would advise you to look up the definition of unhealthy.

Why do you think it's only you and a couple other whacko WI fans posting here?

I'm not going to speak for the rest of the Badger fans on this board, but I am here because I am interested in Gopher football. I have listed my reasons and they make sense.

As to your reasonings....
#1: Posting on your rivals board when you're 10 months away from playing again is trolling.

No it's not. If I came here to congratulate you on your win over Iowa or Illinois, would that be trolling?

#2: There are literally thousands of WI football fans from the TC not posting here, you wonder why?
Or because they don't care about Gopher football, they don't know about Gopherhole, they don't write on message boards, etc.

#3: Again, do you think you're the only person who went to WI that went to HS with some Gopher players? You ever wonder why they aren't posting here? I'll tell you...they're not trolls

I am here for a variety of reasons. Having friends on the team is one of them, yes.

Nothing discussed here impacts you! Nothing! If what a bunch of Gopher fans think about a transfer exception rule "impacts" you, you are FAR MORE OBSESSED than I could have imagined.

In case you haven't noticed, I never once actually responded to the actual subject of this thread, because I don't care. I am here because Gopher football interests me; that's why I come to this site. Gopher recruiting, success, fan mentality, etc. all impacts the Badger football program. I am impacted by the Badger football program. Therefore, for a variety of reasons, Gopher football impacts me. Do you follow?

If I see a topic I feel worth discussing, which are very few and far between on this site, I will, but mostly I just read.

Now that I've rationally addressed each and every point you made in your rant, let me end with this. I'm not leaving. Deal with it.

My arbitrary cut-off is the best one... (look above)

Your arbitrary cutoff isn't discussed in the homes of recruits when your coaches visit. "Hey, Tommy....I know we haven't won much in the the last 5 decades, but we were really something in the 50s."

Additionally, your arbitrary cutoff doesn't make it to mainstream media when discussing greatness, unless it's to acknowledge that "once" Minnesota was a good team.

I know you guys have hurt feelings because none of you have enjoyed watching a successful team. It is understandable. I'd be frustrated too. I know it's frustrating to watch your closest rival enjoy plenty of success, and numerous accolades for that success. I know it's hard or even impossible to give credit where it is due. That's why you want to frame Wisconsin's success in various ways that discredits it....from the head coach being not nice, to having a 1 year transfer QB (whom some here said they'd rather have Gray than), to impending doom when the AD and OC leave the UW. I come here because I'm entertained by numerous posters do all they can to console themselves from having to watch Wisconsin succeed, and doing all that you can to discredit that success.

Yes. You've hit on it. My feelings are incredibly hurt. I frankly don't know how I get out of bed every morning.

Geez, put on your Badger underoos and get back to work.

Rivalries go in cycles. I'll bet all of the Badger trolls on here are nowhere to be found in a few years when it reverses again...

What would the badger fans do then? They couldn't possibly carry on without getting opinions from Gopher nation... they also view it as their civic duty to correct any "misinformation" that may be out there surrounding their badgers...

I still haven't been programmed. LOL.

But I am all for locking this pup up.

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