Wild story about former Duke player Filipowski

Yeah, I read an interview with Jonathon Givony after Day1 of the draft where he just said that some teams are passing on Filipowski because of a weird situation with his older girlfriend.

The Mormons already have a bad enough public image because of stuff like this, they really don't give a f***. Hard to claim you answer to god when your tactics are similar to the church of scientology.

If in fact his relationship with that women was a factor I would say that Utah got a steal for the second round. I sure wouldn't worry about this one issue, there are many many worse. It's his life and he should live it the way he wants regardless of what others think.

After spending a year working and skiing in Salt Lake during my youth, it is my experience that she sure is pretty old to have never been married and a Mormon.

If in fact his relationship with that women was a factor I would say that Utah got a steal for the second round. I sure wouldn't worry about this one issue, there are many many worse. It's his life and he should live it the way he wants regardless of what others think.

After spending a year working and skiing in Salt Lake during my youth, it is my experience that she sure is pretty old to have never been married and a Mormon.
He was expected to go late in the 1st round from most of the mock drafts I saw. He ended up going 2nd overall in the 2nd round. Not a huge drop.

Apparently he did very poorly in interviews and workouts. Probably had to do with a combination of things.

If it's really true that this woman has that much control over him, it is a legit concern IMO.

well, I'll say it - she is very attractive. If you're a 17 or 18-year old kid in HS and a woman who looks like that is - shall we say - "expressing interest" in you, I think a lot of kids would say "heck, yeah."

I would also have to know more about the family situation. this woman would have to be incredibly persuasive to get a kid to break off all contact with his family - IF the family relationship was in good shape. I wonder if - just maybe - there was already some tension or issues within the family that made Filipowski more inclined to do what he did.

like it or not, a star athlete in the era of NIL can be seen as a meal ticket. the family concerns may be genuine - but they could also be motivated by being cut off from the golden goose.

well, I'll say it - she is very attractive. If you're a 17 or 18-year old kid in HS and a woman who looks like that is - shall we say - "expressing interest" in you, I think a lot of kids would say "heck, yeah."

I would also have to know more about the family situation. this woman would have to be incredibly persuasive to get a kid to break off all contact with his family - IF the family relationship was in good shape. I wonder if - just maybe - there was already some tension or issues within the family that made Filipowski more inclined to do what he did.

like it or not, a star athlete in the era of NIL can be seen as a meal ticket. the family concerns may be genuine - but they could also be motivated by being cut off from the golden goose.
At 18 I would have been happy to express interest with her.
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If you meet someone who doesn't talk to their parents or family anymore, there's a great chance religion is involved.

If you meet someone who doesn't talk to their parents or family anymore, there's a great chance religion is involved.
Actually, it is much more likely to be politics or cultural issues. Or financial. Lots of people ghost their parents if they think a sibling is getting a better deal financially than they are.

Of all the things on the planet people could be involved in, Mormonism seems to be one of the tamest. IMO.
Most of the actual tenets of the religion itself are quite tame, I agree.

The recruitment tactics are often a different story.

Not a Mormon by any means, but this is just ugly. Guys in the draft with sexual and domestic assault pasts, but this is what is what gets peoples ire up? Because of religious differences?
If you don’t understand the difference between “religious differences” and grooming, I don’t know what to tell you.

Also it’s not like people are lined up in the streets in protest, they just think grooming is pretty messed up.

Most of the actual tenets of the religion itself are quite tame, I agree.

The recruitment tactics are often a different story.
Do we bad mouth Islam if a Muslim player is drafted? Isn't the reason people feel so comfortable smearing Mormon's mostly because as a predominantly White religion, they're one of the only minority groups that bigots can attack without fear of reprisal?

Do we bad mouth Islam if a Muslim player is drafted? Isn't the reason people feel so comfortable smearing Mormon's mostly because as a predominantly White religion, they're one of the only minority groups that bigots can attack without fear of reprisal?
Yes I imagine if a muslim player was groomed as a teenager it would be talked about.

I think people feel comfortable smearing some aspects of Mormonism because they are really f’d up. I would have no problem saying the same of Islam, as they do share a lot of qualities.

Also let’s quit pushing this Mormon persecution narrative. Nobody cared about Shawn Bradley and Jimmer Fredette being Mormons, because they didn’t go to prom with a 24 year old.

Also let’s quit pushing this Mormon persecution narrative. Nobody cared about Shawn Bradley and Jimmer Fredette being Mormons, because they didn’t go to prom with a 24 year old.
He is a grown man that maybe isn’t thinking clearly because he has an attractive girlfriend into some goofy stuff.

I’m also not going to pretend that his story is akin to some Pakistani grooming gang that is pimping out 12 year Indian girls.

Do I think the situation is odd? Sure.
Do I think it’s a bigger issue than the hordes of onlyfans/instagram model culture that are looking to trap young basketball players? No.

He is a grown man that maybe isn’t thinking clearly because he has an attractive girlfriend into some goofy stuff.

I’m also not going to pretend that his story is akin to some Pakistani grooming gang that is pimping out 12 year Indian girls.

Do I think the situation is odd? Sure.
Do I think it’s a bigger issue than the hordes of onlyfans/instagram model culture that are looking to trap young basketball players? No.
Sure, but it’s not like people
Are demanding anyone be thrown in prison here, at least where I’m reading. Just mentioning, like you said, that the situation is “odd” at best.

I may have missed it but I didn’t see anyone saying this is akin to pimping out 12 year olds.

He also wasn’t a grown man when that relationship started by many accounts, hence the grooming accusations.

Yes I imagine if a muslim player was groomed as a teenager it would be talked about.

I think people feel comfortable smearing some aspects of Mormonism because they are really f’d up. I would have no problem saying the same of Islam, as they do share a lot of qualities.
Okay, I was wondering why it is okay to smear Mormons. It’s because you think they are really f’d. Whereas groups of people you don’t think are f’d up should not be smeared.

I swear it is hard to believe the stupidity of some of the posters on this board.

Okay, I was wondering why it is okay to smear Mormons. It’s because you think they are really f’d. Whereas groups of people you don’t think are f’d up should not be smeared.

I swear it is hard to believe the stupidity of some of the posters on this board.
Thanks Tim. If no one steps up it becomes allowed.

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