Wild story about former Duke player Filipowski

Most of the actual tenets of the religion itself are quite tame, I agree.

The recruitment tactics are often a different story.
My personal experience is that Mormons are great people, sure they try to push you to their church but if you state firmly that you are not interested they back off.

My personal experience is that Mormons are great people, sure they try to push you to their church but if you state firmly that you are not interested they back off.
That’s my experience, as well. When they come to the door they’re polite, I tell them we’re happy with our church affiliation, and they politely back off and don’t try to change my mind.

My experience is also good with Mormons. Having been stationed (USAF) in Arizona, I've known many. Almost married one in college. If this is the worst condemnation this young man faces, he'll be lucky. Pretty talented kid BTW.

My experience is also good with Mormons. Having been stationed (USAF) in Arizona, I've known many. Almost married one in college. If this is the worst condemnation this young man faces, he'll be lucky. Pretty talented kid BTW.
I don’t think people are condemning Filipowski, rather the woman who groomed him. Filipowski is the victim here.

well, I'll say it - she is very attractive. If you're a 17 or 18-year old kid in HS and a woman who looks like that is - shall we say - "expressing interest" in you, I think a lot of kids would say "heck, yeah."

I would also have to know more about the family situation. this woman would have to be incredibly persuasive to get a kid to break off all contact with his family - IF the family relationship was in good shape. I wonder if - just maybe - there was already some tension or issues within the family that made Filipowski more inclined to do what he did.

like it or not, a star athlete in the era of NIL can be seen as a meal ticket. the family concerns may be genuine - but they could also be motivated by being cut off from the golden goose.
It was amazing day (at least it was for me) when my brain moved from my, uh, you know what I'm saying and into my skull.

I've known my fair share of Mormons and they are pretty much like everyone else in their daily lives. I've never been to a Mormon temple (I've been to a synagogue, a Catholic church, and a variety of Protestant services outside of my Lutheran heritage) so I have no idea what goes on there and what the mindset like me. There are some odd Mormon cultish groups (see Under the Banner of Heaven), but that type of behavior certainly isn't peculiar to them alone. Cults based on some interpretation of religion spans the spectrum.

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