White parents

I think I could recognize Derek Jeter's dad on the street.

Don't forget Mateen Cleaves' mom

She got more air time than any parent I can ever remember.

COLT'S mom is freakin hot.

And Nate???? Wow, are you one shallow dude. They shw all the star's parents...if...they are in attendance.

The more we see of Stephen Curry's mom the better

Now she is what I call an attractive mother. He's gotta' get razzed by his teammates about how good looking his mom is.

The screen is filled with black people 98% of the time.


As for Jeter: he looks like The Rock had sex with the Muppets.

Juice Williams

They showed Juice Williams family about 8,498,387 times during the Gophers game.


Agreed. Recall Ohio State's last trip to the Fiesta Bowl, when we were subjected to 3 1/2 hours of this:


So let me get this straight. You take a look at this photo and you think the JERSEY is the fiasco?

Juice Williams vs. Minnesota earlier this year was another example of a player's family getting too much television time.

I think this is to pull in the "parent" or "family" demographic that is used to watching reality television.

edit: I just realized GoldenNuts mentioned this. ugh ... page 2, page 2

Ugh, remember Mike Wilkinson's girlfriend?

I'd rather not. It took years to get the "Goooooo, Big Reddddddddddd!" out of my head, chanted with the manliest voice I've ever heard!

Mission accomplished....

How come whenever there is a game with a highly publicized white star player, they always show his parents in the crowd, over and over and over.

I think I've seen the McCoys 10 times tonight. Where are the Wells and the Pryor families?

Thanks NateDawg! You've provided a nice distraction from the DC/ OC worries.

If that is Tim's girlfriend, do you think he has trouble gripping those things?

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