White parents


bored with recruiting talk
Nov 20, 2008
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How come whenever there is a game with a highly publicized white star player, they always show his parents in the crowd, over and over and over.

I think I've seen the McCoys 10 times tonight. Where are the Wells and the Pryor families?

How come whenever there is a game with a highly publicized white star player, they always show his parents in the crowd, over and over and over.

I think I've seen the McCoys 10 times tonight. Where are the Wells and the Pryor families?

Maybe their girlfriends aren't as hot? ;)

Maybe they're watching from home?

I haven't been keeping score or anything but I've never noticed white players families getting more screen time than those of other ethnicities.

If that's the criteria it must have been put in place after Laura Quinn graced our screens.

LOL! One of my friends that I'm watching the game with actually requested that I post a picture of Tim Tebow's GF, to give you guys a preview of the NC game:


How come whenever there is a game with a highly publicized white star player, they always show his parents in the crowd, over and over and over.

I think I've seen the McCoys 10 times tonight. Where are the Wells and the Pryor families?

I don't think it has anything to do with black or white. I've seen many times where they show parents of black players. They usually just pick one set of parents/family and show them only.

Honestly, I think it is annoying as crap when they do that. Show them 2 or 3 times but not 10-15 times like they tend to do. Gee, I wonder what McCoy's family's reaction will be when he makes a good play? What, they're cheering? I was so surprised. :rolleyes:

GL your pic is much better than mine:D

Wasn't Tebow like a sophomore when he was dating her? Who were you dating when you were 19 years old?

never really noticed the ethnicity thing but on the Tebow thing, I'm pretty sure thats not his girlfriend. Those two pictures are also different girls.

This is my pet peeve. I don't care if they are black or white or whatever, they don't need to show any of them. Just televise the live action. This really applies more to BB than FB. The star of the show is the game, not the cute camera angles and ankle high camera shots from the end lines.

Glad you liked it, Bigtenchamps...it was my friend's request, your picture was the 2nd choice!

Wasn't Tebow like a sophomore when he was dating her? Who were you dating when you were 19 years old?

This question would only be appropriate for other 19 year old Heisman Trophy winners. Even ugly, bad, football players get hot groupie girlfriends, much less a decent looking dude that is the QB for Florida (for the record, I cannot stand him).

Damn thats McCoy's girlfriend I was hoping thinking that was the sister. Now I know I don't have a chance. I figured if it was the sister I at least have a shot.

I should have been a QB. I also think these guys pretty much have there pick of girls on campus. I really should have been a QB, and a really good one at that.

Damn thats McCoy's girlfriend I was hoping thinking that was the sister. No I know I don't have a chance. I figured if it was the sister I at least have a shot.

I should have been a QB. I also think these guys pretty much have there pick of girls on campus. I really should have been a QB, and a really good one at that.

Yea, if I have a son I'm going to train him from a young age to become a great QB (and send him to Minnesota of course). I wish I would have known this when I was young...

It's not a racial thing. ESPN gave the same kind of attention to Juice Williams mom when we played them this year. Also, I think Robert Traylor's family is who invented being a parent camera hog.

yea it seems like someone is always finding something to complain about racial mistreatment.

never really noticed the ethnicity thing but on the Tebow thing, I'm pretty sure thats not his girlfriend. Those two pictures are also different girls.

We just looked up your concern and found this:


It appears that the bikini girl is his girlfriend (if we're reading the non-clear explanation correctly), but the girl he is with in the photo is not. I thought they looked the same!

If i am reading it correctly, I don't think either of them are. The one on the beach is an English model and the other is just a student at UF.

Cosmo - I'm officially confused, as is my friend. We've been looking at many different sites, some say the bikini girl is, some say the other one is...I have no idea! I bet we'll find out when whomever his GF is, gets about 20 shots on her during the game.

How about we just replace Oklahoma with Tebow Girl #1, replace Florida with Tebow Girl #2, and let the fun ensue? Nobody can agree on this BCS thing anyway - this way, everybody wins :)

I don't think it's Tebow's GF either. All good research starts at sportsbybrooks.com for this topic. She has appeared elsewhere.

If the game was espn, we would have had the McCoy family on 30 times along with text messages on the top of the screen. Throw in breaking news about the Red Sox and Yankees on the bottom line and stupid poll questions and we'd be lucky to see any plays.

Good job Fox!

Why would anyone question why Colt McCoy's parents were focused on instead of Pryor's??? Lets see here, Colt McCoy almost the Heisman and a stud, Terrell Pryor has talent but doesn't do much right now. Geez, I wonder?? The top 4 players in college happened to be white this year, so I'm guessing you will get more white parents Thurs when Bradford and Tebow match up. Get serious, it has nothing to do with race, just who is popular that year.

Equally as annoying no matter who the hel they are showing, especially if they aren't hot.

If the game was espn, we would have had the McCoy family on 30 times along with text messages on the top of the screen. Throw in breaking news about the Red Sox and Yankees on the bottom line and stupid poll questions and we'd be lucky to see any plays.

Good job Fox!

Agreed. Recall Ohio State's last trip to the Fiesta Bowl, when we were subjected to 3 1/2 hours of this:


Was just thinking of the split jersey fiasco myself.

She does look better than Bobby Bowden's wife at a FSU/Clemson game. Luckily no more.

damn!!! why do I remember her being hotter than that??? man shes a Cleveland Brown (Good uni, bad helmet).

I think it has less to do with color and more to do with being the glory boy quarterback.

Sure seemed like they showed Lawrence Westbrook's parents a lot when the Gophers played Louisville. I know that's basketball, but still...

That is not Tebow GF, that was an internet rumor.

As far as black/white parents, they seem to show the flamboyant parents (Juice) or those tied to a "storyline". Remember Brady Quinn's sister got more airtime than the game itself when Ohio St beat Notre Dame. I think its more they like showing the quarterback's parents the most.

If you go back a few years, no one got more air time than Jamal Anderson's annoying mother and Kurt Warner's wife and her buzzcut.

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