Where are the Leidner haters?

Hate these threads! If Mitch would have played all year the way he has in the first half, there would never have been any negativity towards him. Hope he stays strong this half.

EDIT Rog- my friend, this is why you don't do a thread like this after one half. Complete friggin meltdown my ML7 in the 2nd half. Maybe one of the worst I've witnessed as a gopher fan, and that's saying something!

Well, nice throw to Wisconsin at the start of the fourth.

I'm right here and he is crap.

Should've been up 2 scores.

How anyone ever defends this kid is beyond me. He brings our team down.

Oh but he has such a big heart...doesn't make up for sucking.

If he just gets more consistent...

The **** stain on Leidners gold pants is growing by the minute

wonder if rog will come back and post in this thread.

Serving up that good old Leidner Special.


unreal Rog. You sir are going down in history...

Not a hater, just calling it like it is. A terrible QB. Good riddance. Glad to see you go Mitch!

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