What will attendance be for New Hampshire game?

What will actual attendance be for New Hampshire game?

  • 50,000+

    Votes: 7 5.9%
  • 45,000-50,000

    Votes: 27 22.7%
  • 40,000-45,000

    Votes: 39 32.8%
  • Under 40,000

    Votes: 46 38.7%

  • Total voters

That's just the way Minnesotans are in general. Sad really, because I believe fan support is directly related to success. Look at all the great pro-franchises: Packers, Yankees, Anything Boston, Even the Tigers are big spenders because their fans get behind the team. Same goes for college, a recruit will see the atmosphere and commit to that school.

Unfortunately, Minnesota fans will never realize this and we will remain mediocre in every sport but Hockey (The only sport this state will follow win or lose).

While Minnesotans do have the reputation of being fair weather fans, and it is deserved to some extent, many of the teams and markets you mention aren't quite as loyal as their reputations would have you believe.

Yes, the Packers have a century-long waiting list for tickets, but if you look back at the Lynn Dickey era in the 70's and 80's, there were a lot of empty seats at Lambeau and County Stadium. Same holds true for Camp Randall. Red Sox fans are rabid to be sure, but Boston as a whole isn't as sports mad as you'd think. They've had a freakish run of success over the last 15 or so years. Before that the Patriots were an afterthought, and the Bruins didn't draw that well either. The Yankees in the 80's were nothing special (while the Mets of the era were the big team in NYC), and even now, the Yankees have priced a lot of fans out of going to games in the new stadium. The Raiders once had the most rabid fan base in all of sports, and now they're one of the lowest drawing teams in the NFL.

For pro sports, the Red Sox, St. Louis Cardinals, Toronto Maple Leafs and Montreal Canadiens are pretty much the most consistent teams there are. Almost every other market has their ups and downs. SEC football, and in the Big Ten, Michigan, OSU, and remains to be seen PSU, are the big draws, but nobody else has been guaranteed sellouts forever.

That's just the way Minnesotans are in general. Sad really, because I believe fan support is directly related to success. Look at all the great pro-franchises: Packers, Yankees, Anything Boston, Even the Tigers are big spenders because their fans get behind the team. Same goes for college, a recruit will see the atmosphere and commit to that school.

Unfortunately, Minnesota fans will never realize this and we will remain mediocre in every sport but Hockey (The only sport this state will follow win or lose).

Another issue is that it is just a crowded market. We have all four major pro sports teams, 3 revenue sports at a campus a stone's throw from downtown, and even WNBA and National League Lacrosse. No one can attend all of the games for all of those teams, and at least one of those teams will always be having a moderately successful season, so it is easy for fans to simultaneously be "bandwagon" fans to the individual sports and loyal fans of Minnesota sports generally.

I blame it on people that wear these D bag hats, both male and female.

They must be on sale at W Mart and Target, because this 2 year to late fashion trend has taken over the local areas.



Another issue is that it is just a crowded market. We have all four major pro sports teams, 3 revenue sports at a campus a stone's throw from downtown, and even WNBA and National League Lacrosse. No one can attend all of the games for all of those teams, and at least one of those teams will always be having a moderately successful season, so it is easy for fans to simultaneously be "bandwagon" fans to the individual sports and loyal fans of Minnesota sports generally.

Give up the wolves, lol

Thanks GL

That's really sad.

As others stated in an earlier thread, maybe it's time to sell or give those away to other Mn college students or hs students.

Those seats need to be filled.

The Strib just posted an article, student ticket sales are at 3100. I wish I would have been wrong, but never believed that we were on track with last year's numbers, when you look at the pattern, we weren't going to come close to 6000.


My guess in my blog was 3400 - and there are still a few more days to get there:


I read elsewhere that last year as of this time we had sold 3,600 student tickets: http://www.twincities.com/gophers/ci_21472760/gophers-football-hopes-free-tickets-freshmen-entice-5

The Gophers have sold 3,100 student season tickets for football as of Wednesday morning. They sold 500 more tickets at this point last year and a total of 6,000 student season tickets in 2011.

So while we're behind last year for sure, I think 5k is still reasonable given how many were sold last year leading up to the game? Still paltry, but more than 3,400.

Could part of the problem be that we moved the games from campus to the dome thirty years ago. I never liked the game leaving campus. How did the students show up back in the late 70's at memorial stadium? I have no idea.

How did the students show up back in the late 70's at memorial stadium? I have no idea.

They didn't, from what I've heard. Part of the reason why we moved to the dome (drum up excitement playing in the sparkling new NFL STADIUM)

It is the new wave students boys. I-phone=twitter=Facebook. You see them down in Dinkytown just a Facebooken and .Twitteren. sitting at the bars. They can't carry a face to face conversation for more than a minute without sticking their nose into their I-Phones.
What a sorry generation of pathetic lost souls. And the parents start them early. My wife and I were out for dinner and the parents, and I believe grandparents, and two twin boys I would say
about 6 years of age. They both had AT&T I-Phones and had their faces in them playing games.
I could tell the grandparents were pissed, but didn't say anything.

All you pups are full of manure for brains. Old Memorial Stadium used to be full when we had a product on the field. Ya had a hard time getting a ticket, they sold on the street for bonus bucks. That is the key...We need the product on the field and then you will complain because you can't get a ticket for it.

Parski0 is right on the money..."WIN AND THEY WILL COME!!!"

per Sid:

The Gophers are predicting ticket sales of 42,000 for Saturday's home football opener with New Hampshire. However, look for maybe 7,000 no shows who have tickets but aren't interested in watching the Gophers play New Hampshire. So 35,000 is a good guess for Saturday. Some 3,100 student tickets had been sold as of Wednesday, plus 5,500 freshmen were given free tickets to the student section for Saturday's game.


Go Gophers!!

If they keep winning it will grow - go 4-0 - then upset Iowa and maybe the NW game will get to the 50,805.

If they keep winning it will grow - go 4-0 - then upset Iowa and maybe the NW game will get to the 50,805.

If we start out 5-0, the homecoming game will be sold out. We'll be a top 25 program at that point.

41,000 announced. 31,000 actually in the stands.

Well with all the ticket specials and giving away of free tickets to students. I'm guessing the student section will now be close to full. If not completely full. I think we are now looking at 45,000 in the stands.

Multiple emails, texts, phone calls, and a Facebook post and still no takers for my extra ticket.

15,000 in the seats right now. Max.

Loads of late arrivals (darn 11AM). I got there five minutes in and there were long lines at the ticket window. After the crowd settled, it wasn't bad at all. Even the student section wasn't as bad as I feared.

47k announced, easily 35k in the seats, maybe 40k tops, but all in all, certainly did not feel empty. Great day to see a game, crowd was into it, and the Gophers played very well. Awesome all around.

I agree that the stadium did not feel empty...there were more people here than I expected. Certainly too many empty seats for my liking, but better than it could have been.

The student section ended up filling in pretty nicely into half-way up the second deck. I imagine a lot of those were from the free tickets, so hopefully we can turn those freebies into season ticket holders starting next week.

Go Gophers!!

Excellent job by the student section today. Hopefully they hooked a few.

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