What was your favorite Patrick Reusse moment?

Per usually the same race baiting people trying to get someone fired over something not even related to race simply because they don't understand the context.

After reading all of the replies, here is my thoughts:
1) The original tweet, without context, is extremely racist. I would assume it is widely known that the term 'monkey' can be used as a racist term. Think of the movie Remember the Titans when Denzel gave the white coach a banana because the white coach called him a monkey.
2) Pat could have easily followed up his tweet with a second tweet providing some context - without context I don't know how anyone could look at it and say it isn't racist. I don't get offended very easily and my first thought was "wow, the old man fell off his rocker."
3) After it has been confirmed that Brass Monkey was indeed played directly before his tweet this turns out to be a big nothing burger.

I guess where I differ from Pat is if I had his platform and tweeted something that was viewed as racist I would quickly explain myself.
This is the answer.

Looked awful but turned out to be nothing. However, Fat Pat can’t bring himself to just handle it like an adult. Makes it seem orchestrated.

He doesn’t like PJ, makes fun of PJ and consistently trolls PJ. All of that are no nos on here.
He doesn’t troll.

Trolls don’t delete their accounts when they get backlash, they say the controversial things for the purpose of getting backlash. The whole idea of being a troll is like being a heel in wrestling. You can’t be a heel/troll if you are bothered and cry about the negative reaction.

He doesn’t troll.

Trolls don’t delete their accounts when they get backlash, they say the controversial things for the purpose of getting backlash. The whole idea of being a troll is like being a heel in wrestling. You can’t be a heel/troll if you are bothered and cry about the negative reaction.
Troll isn’t the right term. Reusse would use agitate.

Also, there's a 100% chance he's going to read this thread, so anything we write about him here will get used as fodder if he's ever in a bad mood.
And one more thing while it’s on my mind, he pronounces his own last name wrong. And it translates to Russian so clearly he is the bad guy.

Troll isn’t the right term. Reusse would use agitate.
My honest opinion is that I think Reusse got his feelings hurt by people on Gopherhole and does things to try to annoy people on this site. I think it has less to do with PJ and more to do that this site generally likes PJ. I think it’s why he was harsher on some folks more than Ben Johnson.

I guess he is an agitator but he takes things too personally for that to be it (imo). You have to have thick skin to be in that game and ironically enough, he somehow doesn’t have thick skin.

I see him as much more of a miserable old man than anything.

Even the monkey comment, it’s clearly not racist, but why are you 80 years old complaining about the music college kids are playing?

My honest opinion is that I think Reusse got his feelings hurt by people on Gopherhole and does things to try to annoy people on this site. I think it has less to do with PJ and more to do that this site generally likes PJ. I think it’s why he was harsher on some folks more than Ben Johnson.

I guess he is an agitator but he takes things too personally for that to be it (imo). You have to have thick skin to be in that game and ironically enough, he somehow doesn’t have thick skin.

I see him as much more of a miserable old man than anything.

Even the monkey comment, it’s clearly not racist, but why are you 80 years old complaining about the music college kids are playing?
And a 40-year old song at that.

To be fair, he's semi-retired, about to turn 80 and is only contracted to write 2-3 columns per week for the Strib plus a podcast on Mondays to recap weekend events.

In the past month during winter (albeit pretty mild by Minnesota standards) he's left his house to go to:

- Williams Arena twice
- Schoenecker Arena for Tommies hoops
- Zygi Dome for Gopher baseball
- St Peter (Gusties/Johnnies hoops)
- Watertown-Mayer for a HS wrestling column
- Stevens Point for the McCarville piece

Those bottom 3 were pretty decent hauls from where he lives in the Twin Cites. When I am 79, I hope I am in good enough shape just to get around the Mpls/St Paul as well as he did these past few weeks. Actually I hope I am snow birding somewhere else this time of year.

It seems he's way above your 2-3 columns a year pace, even more than 2-3 per month.

Beyond a month, his tribute to Willard Ikola was also really good.
You need to get out of town more often if you think St Peter or Watertown are a "pretty decent haul" from GV.

He doesn’t troll.

Trolls don’t delete their accounts when they get backlash, they say the controversial things for the purpose of getting backlash. The whole idea of being a troll is like being a heel in wrestling. You can’t be a heel/troll if you are bothered and cry about the negative reaction.
You obviously didn't follow Pat on Twitter. The point of his account was to troll.

You obviously didn't follow Pat on Twitter. The point of his account was to troll.
I don’t have Twitter and I wouldn’t follow Pat if I did. My contention with Pat not being a troll is that he is way too sensitive. The whole idea of trolling is to get a negative reaction. It’s the purpose. You can”t troll and thhen delete your Twitter because of some backlash.

I don’t have Twitter and I wouldn’t follow Pat if I did. My contention with Pat not being a troll is that he is way too sensitive. The whole idea of trolling is to get a negative reaction. It’s the purpose. You can”t troll and thhen delete your Twitter because of some backlash.
He was all troll on Twitter and he's not sensitive. You'd know that of you read his 3-4 posts per day.

Pat's gone now because he committed what is today an unpardonable crime, no matter how slight or unintentional. As I noted above, I didn't read the Tweet as being in anyway a slur, intentionally or unintentionally. I don't believe for a minute Pat is racist. But in today's race hustling world, that doesn't matter one bit. No doubt his primary employer strongly advised he delete his account.

He was all troll on Twitter and he's not sensitive. You'd know that of you read his 3-4 posts per day.

Pat's gone now because he committed what is today an unpardonable crime, no matter how slight or unintentional. As I noted above, I didn't read the Tweet as being in anyway a slur, intentionally or unintentionally. I don't believe for a minute Pat is racist. But in today's race hustling world, that doesn't matter one bit. No doubt his primary employer strongly advised he delete his account.
I'm sorry Swede, normally a fan of most of your stuff, but you've got to quit with this baloney that you didn't see his tweet as being bad news. He made an error, I don't doubt one bit, but his wording made anyone with a brain wince. I don't know the guy a bit, as I am not from around the area and don't read his stuff. So I'll go along with most that say he isn't racist. Great, but he authored an incredibly racist typo. The story should end after his explanation, regardless of how poorly executed it was. I am really amazed that you actually believe what you've written. I have a feeling you're better than that.

He was all troll on Twitter and he's not sensitive. You'd know that of you read his 3-4 posts per day.

Pat's gone now because he committed what is today an unpardonable crime, no matter how slight or unintentional. As I noted above, I didn't read the Tweet as being in anyway a slur, intentionally or unintentionally. I don't believe for a minute Pat is racist. But in today's race hustling world, that doesn't matter one bit. No doubt his primary employer strongly advised he delete his account.
I didn't rip on Pat for his tweet. I ripped on him for being sensitive. I don't think he was being racist in his tweet, I think he was being a grumpy old woman.

I've read Pat's columns for years and I think we just see him differently. He argues like an angry and bitter old woman. He brings up past things that annoyed him for years.

You need to get out of town more often if you think St Peter or Watertown are a "pretty decent haul" from GV.
St Peter is a little more than an hour away from GV, so there (and back), I do consider that a bit of a "haul".

Watertown, I admit thought was further west but is only about half hour from GV.

Still it's an extra hour for a soon to be 80 year old, when he could have just stayed at home and written about any number of things regarding the local pro or D1 teams.

The past 55 years of U basketball and football have put Reusse in a bad mood. He deserves our pity not our scorn.

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