What was your favorite Patrick Reusse moment?

Maybe follow Reusse's lead after spewing this nonsense.
"Galileo, who held a scientific truth of great importance, abjured it with the greatest ease as soon as it endangered his life. In a certain sense, he did right. That truth was not worth the stake. Whether the earth or the sun revolves around the other is a matter of profound indifference."

Camus, Albert. Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays (p. 4).

At least he wasn’t revisiting AGAIN growing up in Fulda, and more columns on the overworked and tired topic of town baseball. And meanwhile trying to sound like the cynical ink stained wretch schtick, like he does when on the radio.

What did he ever do to make you guys hate him? Honestly curious. Did you meet him or something?
  • Broadly
    • He's vitriolic and he has been since I became a Gopher fan
    • He doesn't write anything worth reading
      • He writes columns that are high-minded, but add nothing to broader discourse
        • For example, he's not a good enough writer, nor does he work hard enough, to add something unique to the story of Andy Reid, but he tried anyway
      • He writes columns that are designed to generate clicks by making people mad
  • Specifically
    • His signature column is "Turkey of the Year"
    • He used to call Kill "Country Jer"
    • He complains about Fleck, the best coach we've seen in our lifetimes, making too much money, while still getting paid a bottom-half salary in the B1G
    • He was so mean to Fleck that Fleck's wife went out of her way to defend him on Twitter
    • His voice is too high-pitched for radio
    • He wrote a column specifically trolling Gopherhole fans
    • Etc.
  • For example
And despite _all of this_ I will still stand in to say that he didn't mean that Tweet derogatorily.

I just don't get why he decided to be the anti-Sid Hartman, but he has elected to spend the twilight of his career as a Twitter troll when he could have used the size of his audience and reach of his microphone to gain access to real, unique stories. Instead he just throws rocks from the bleachers. This one just happened to ricochet back into his forehead.

Also, there's a 100% chance he's going to read this thread, so anything we write about him here will get used as fodder if he's ever in a bad mood.
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At least he wasn’t revisiting AGAIN growing up in Fulda, and more columns on the overworked and tired topic of town baseball. And meanwhile trying to sound like the cynical ink stained wretch schtick, like he does when on the radio.
I've enjoyed every Town Baseball column Reusse has penned, except when writes about those jagoffs from Miesville.

Let's go Dukes!

For the most part I don't care for his articles. Once in a while I'll like one., but not too often. If he were to retire, I wouldn't miss him at all.

Right, I guess I'm not connecting the dots on how an explanation of a misinterpreted tweet turned into a rant against Musk/Trump/MAGA
That's the hill you're on still at this point? After the nazi salute, the access his russian youngsters have had with our data, the alliance with the worst dictator since hitler, and what appears to be the tanking of our economy on purpose? Let me guess, you drive a tesla?

That's the hill you're on still at this point? After the nazi salute, the access his russian youngsters have had with our data, the alliance with the worst dictator since hitler, and what appears to be the tanking of our economy on purpose? Let me guess, you drive a tesla?

I'm not sure why this thread is in the Gopher football forum.

That's the hill you're on still at this point? After the nazi salute, the access his russian youngsters have had with our data, the alliance with the worst dictator since hitler, and what appears to be the tanking of our economy on purpose? Let me guess, you drive a tesla?
Again, I'm not trying to take a political position, I just said I can't follow how a misinterpreted tweet led to a Reusse rant against that stuff. I'm not really on social media other than being a message board dweeb, so i don't really get how this stuff works.

Yet another example of the stupidity of social media

Well said. Crap like this is a big part of why I tend to avoid most of the social media platforms like Twitter because they tend to be so toxic.

Sad that the whole thing would have been a nothingburger from the start if Pat had just included the word Brass in front of monkey in his tweet.

You would hope someone like Reusse would be smart enough to actually re-read the tweet before posting it but unfortunately that doesn't seem to be a common practice with things like Twitter. Whole thing could have easily been avoided.

Context definitely matters but in the world of social media it is usually the missing piece that leads to ridiculous over reactions to things that don't warrant it.

I'm not a fan of Reusse but this is clearly not what some are trying to make it out to be.
As someone who has occasionally suffered bouts of diarrhea of the mouth, the rush to judgment is indeed getting completely out of hand. With context, there is nothing racist intended. I would have just clarified it was in reference to Brass Monkey by the Beastie Boys. Not my favorite tune of theirs, btw.

On a personal level, I high-fived Mike D at La La Palooza '94, Harriet Island.

  • Broadly
    • He's vitriolic and he has been since I became a Gopher fan
    • He doesn't write anything worth reading
      • He writes columns that are high-minded, but add nothing to broader discourse
        • For example, he's not a good enough writer, nor does he work hard enough, to add something unique to the story of Andy Reid, but he tried anyway
      • He writes columns that are designed to generate clicks by making people mad
This column from Sunday I found to be a very worthwhile read.

I think heading to Stevens Point for this piece on Janel McCarville as a 79 year old does demonstrate he does work hard enough for a 2-3 column per week gig. It does not appear as though it was authored to make people/Gopher fans mad.

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This column from Sunday I found to be a very worthwhile read.

I think heading to Steven Point for this piece on Janel McCarville as a 79 year old does demonstrate he does work hard enough for a 2-3 column per week gig. It does not appear as though it was authored to make people/Gopher fans mad.

Reusse is and always was an outstanding columnist.

I don't get the hate.

Reusse is and always was an outstanding columnist.

I don't get the hate.
You’re in a Gopher football forum and you don’t understand why people hate the guy that used the Strib to suggest cutting funding to Gopher Football?

I will never let that go. Same reason I refuse to subscribe to the Strib now. Would love to see that paper crash and burn.

The guy has thrown shit for decades and now some bounced back on him.

Tough break. Now maybe look in the mirror.

Hey FatPrick...lots of people are laughing AT you now. I hope it swallows you.

That's the hill you're on still at this point? After the nazi salute, the access his russian youngsters have had with our data, the alliance with the worst dictator since hitler, and what appears to be the tanking of our economy on purpose? Let me guess, you drive a tesla?
Take to the politics board.

Reusse is and always was an outstanding columnist.

I don't get the hate.
I agree with the "was". I don't get bent out of shape over his trolling Gopher sports or the Vikings and I don't take the bait on his trolling on any other topic. But that whole bit is indicative of his decline. It's what he's devolved in to. He doesn't have any kind of creativity anymore and his columns read - I suppose fittingly - like the rambling thoughts of an old man. Start on one topic, drift to another and end on a third entirely unrelated.

The guy has thrown shit for decades and now some bounced back on him.

Tough break. Now maybe look in the mirror.

Hey FatPrick...lots of people are laughing AT you now. I hope it swallows you.
Too bad your hopes are already dashed:

He indicates he is now "calmer and feeling better about life".

Again, I'm not trying to take a political position, I just said I can't follow how a misinterpreted tweet led to a Reusse rant against that stuff. I'm not really on social media other than being a message board dweeb, so i don't really get how this stuff works.
The other 2 podcasts I posted in which Reusse comments on the situation should have been able to connect the dots for you, but here is yet a 3rd podcast.

No need to listen beyond the 7 minute mark if that's all you want, though later Pat has story about fish fries that made me sort of chuckle, and slightly gross me out.

The other 2 podcasts I posted in which Reusse comments on the situation should have been able to connect the dots for you, but here is yet a 3rd podcast.

No need to listen beyond the 7 minute mark if that's all you want, though later Pat has story about fish fries that made me sort of chuckle, and slightly gross me out.
Fair, I didn't listen to those other two, and I can accept that this is something beyond my understanding. This most recent comment you're quoting is just me defending against this guy who confused my confusion with me being a MAGA/Elon fan/tesla driver/nazi/insert buzzword here.

Reusse is a gopher fan. He has been crabby about the university making stupid decisions one after another for the last 50 years. Pretty much like the rest of us.

Reusse is a gopher fan. He has been crabby about the university making stupid decisions one after another for the last 50 years. Pretty much like the rest of us.
I agree, Reusse does care about Gopher sports. But his articles have been mostly negative and his few positive articles don’t provide the balance he probably should have to be a very good local sports writer.

This column from Sunday I found to be a very worthwhile read.

I think heading to Stevens Point for this piece on Janel McCarville as a 79 year old does demonstrate he does work hard enough for a 2-3 column per week gig. It does not appear as though it was authored to make people/Gopher fans mad.

Yep, it's a very good column. However, about 90% seem to be written with the goal of never having to get his fat ass out the door. Instead, he'll take a current topic; maybe make a phone call; and then fill the column space by going back 10, 20, 30 ... years. Hell, he still uses crap from his time working in St. Cloud in the 1960's or 70's. It maybe was interesting then, but it sure as hell isn't interesting now. I'm of his age, but I think he now puts in an honest effort on 2-3 columns a year; not a week.

No screenshot but was this his explanation? (per google)

"Let's get this straight. It was rap-style song in which “monkey” was shouted 100 times. Very annoying."
Rap is not music - it is bad poetry. If the word "monkey" was shouted multiple times in the "song" he has nothing to worry about.

Yep, it's a very good column. However, about 90% seem to be written with the goal of never having to get his fat ass out the door. Instead, he'll take a current topic; maybe make a phone call; and then fill the column space by going back 10, 20, 30 ... years. Hell, he still uses crap from his time working in St. Cloud in the 1960's or 70's. It maybe was interesting then, but it sure as hell isn't interesting now. I'm of his age, but I think he now puts in an honest effort on 2-3 columns a year; not a week.
Out the door? He drove 3 hours one way for that column.

Yep, it's a very good column. However, about 90% seem to be written with the goal of never having to get his fat ass out the door. Instead, he'll take a current topic; maybe make a phone call; and then fill the column space by going back 10, 20, 30 ... years. Hell, he still uses crap from his time working in St. Cloud in the 1960's or 70's. It maybe was interesting then, but it sure as hell isn't interesting now. I'm of his age, but I think he now puts in an honest effort on 2-3 columns a year; not a week.
To be fair, he's semi-retired, about to turn 80 and is only contracted to write 2-3 columns per week for the Strib plus a podcast on Mondays to recap weekend events.

In the past month during winter (albeit pretty mild by Minnesota standards) he's left his house to go to:

- Williams Arena twice
- Schoenecker Arena for Tommies hoops
- Zygi Dome for Gopher baseball
- St Peter (Gusties/Johnnies hoops)
- Watertown-Mayer for a HS wrestling column
- Stevens Point for the McCarville piece

Those bottom 3 were pretty decent hauls from where he lives in the Twin Cites. When I am 79, I hope I am in good enough shape just to get around the Mpls/St Paul as well as he did these past few weeks. Actually I hope I am snow birding somewhere else this time of year.

It seems he's way above your 2-3 columns a year pace, even more than 2-3 per month.

Beyond a month, his tribute to Willard Ikola was also really good.
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