

Supplement number: 1 CCN: MP-08-337140 Author: 007619 - Heidi Eisenbeis

On 11/01/2008, I was riding in the Mounted Patrol squad car northbound on Hennepin Av. I saw Officer NELSON and Officer MCCAFFERTY in a doorway fighting with a male. It appeared that they were having difficuties with him and that the male was trying to get away from them.

I got out of the squad car and went over to assist them. AP was standing in the doorway. I saw AP throw up his elbows and almost struck Officer NELSON in the face. I told AP that if he did not stop resisting that I would use my taser on him. I took out the firing dart cartridge and just had the touch stun effective. AP kept swearing at us and kept trying to fight, throwing elbows and using his body strength to pull away.

Officer NELSON was able to bring AP down to the ground where AP continued to try to get up, twisting his body. I was leaning on his lower back area and he kept twisting his hips as if he was trying to get away from us. I again told AP to stop resisting or he would be tased. He said "*&^@#*&^@#*&^@#*&^@# that" and twisted again almost getting my weight off of him. At this point, I gave AP a touch stun with the taser to the lower back. He complied for a few seconds but again started twisting.

Officer NELSON and Officer MCCAFFERTY escorted him to the squad car. As they were approaching the squad car, AP pushed his way towards me. I was not able to push him back so I again touch stunned him, this time in the stomach area. They were then able to get AP into the rear of the squad.

While in the back of the squad AP was kicking so that they were not able to get the squad door closed. I told him to quit resisting, get in the car or I would tase him again. He kicked out at me, striking me in the left hand. I was able to get in the squad and gave him another touch stun as Officer MCCAFFERTY opened the other door and pulled him in. After the taser cycled through, AP stated "OK, OK" and he did not continue fighting.

I didn't know Adrian Peterson (AP) was a trouble-maker on Hennepin Ave.:D

is people trying to figure out how a year old case is "new" and led up to his "hushed up" supension.

Someone else hinted at a "new" report, where is that one? I thought this was suppost to be it. I was trying to figure out how a case from a month ago started with "08".
Now we know.

In defense of the new poster who put up this arrest report ID, he never claimed it was the recent one:
This is the first one. The one from a couple of weeks ago has not been posted yet. Blarney, just tell them what you know. It is not made up.

If you really want a sad read about a real bad kid.

Minnneapolis Police Report
This is the first one. The one from a couple of weeks ago has not been posted yet. Blarney, just tell them what you know. It is not made up.

Blarney, please stop creating multiple user IDs to create what looks like support for your assertion.

only one blarney

Sorry - I have only one user id. The old police report was news to me. The other incident I observered 3 weeks ago did not result in an arrest but could have. But, it did it result in an injury to individual. And did end up resulting in a 2 week "under the radar" suspension.

Sorry - I have only one user id. The old police report was news to me. The other incident I observered 3 weeks ago did not result in an arrest but could have. But, it did it result in an injury to individual. And did end up resulting in a 2 week "under the radar" suspension.

What is your obsession with smearing Whaley? Did he steal your girlfriend? Did he call you a name? Was this alleged fight with you and he beat the crap out of you?

Even if your story is true why don't you just drop it already? I for one think it is already getting old.

What is your obsession with smearing Whaley? (bucky)** Did he steal your girlfriend? Did he call you a name? Was this alleged fight with you and he beat the crap out of you?

Even if your story is true why don't you just drop it already? (still)** I for one think it is already getting old.

Are you going to give me credit for that question or just plagerize me and hope I didn't notice? just kidding.:D:D:D* (sucks)**

*=triple smile faces to denote sarcastic, smart a**, nothing new added post by me.
**= in honor of the master schnoodler

Are you going to give me credit for that question or just plagerize me and hope I didn't notice? just kidding.:D:D:D*

*=triple smile faces to denote sarcastic, smart a**, nothing new added post by me.

Honestly the only post in the thread I read was the one from Blarney that I responded to. If I copied your wisdom my apologies.

This all confirmed through Jesse Garcia, Minneapolis police spokesperson, that it is indeed Kevin Whaley, Virginia Beach, D.O.B. 11/3/88 ... shocked this is now coming out ... and wondering how he is still on the team?

what do you mean comming out now?

This all confirmed through Jesse Garcia, Minneapolis police spokesperson, that it is indeed Kevin Whaley, Virginia Beach, D.O.B. 11/3/88 ... shocked this is now coming out ... and wondering how he is still on the team?

This has been out there for 9 monthes or so....as for part two, why do you hate Brewster so much?

Correct on sentence 1 in the sense that it happened 11/1/08, but not from the sense of the public knowing about it...as for part 2, that's awfully presumptuous on your part...when have I ever said I dislike (hate is far too strong a word unless we're talking about Bin Laden, or someone comparable) the guy? I am a realist, and curious how a player, no matter who the head coach is, could survive an incident like that? Would say the same thing if this happened at USC, Fla., Texas, etc...I am a big believer in 2nd chances, but he was given a chance to walk away from the scene after striking the initial punch, and chose not to.

OK, this incident is old news here. And I did hear about it, I believe even on KFAN.

I was employed at KFAN until 1/20/09...not while I was there was this incident discussed, and if it was, I can promise you the Strib, PP, and the TV stations would've picked up on it...doing a google search, not 1 story pops up with these details, so it appears to me that this is new news in the sense that many had never heard about it

That's what happens when journalist sit behind their desks thinking of trivial things to sensationalize, they miss out on things that actually are news. Are you surprised?

wow you did learn from Bump didn't you?

Correct on sentence 1 in the sense that it happened 11/1/08, but not from the sense of the public knowing about it...as for part 2, that's awfully presumptuous on your part...when have I ever said I dislike (hate is far too strong a word unless we're talking about Bin Laden, or someone comparable) the guy? I am a realist, and curious how a player, no matter who the head coach is, could survive an incident like that? Would say the same thing if this happened at USC, Fla., Texas, etc...I am a big believer in 2nd chances, but he was given a chance to walk away from the scene after striking the initial punch, and chose not to.

it was discussed here and other boards, you missed it obviously. Two, semantics when caught. no answer, then claim you never said anything. You take shots all the time. I dare you to do a write up with out a shot at the ballcoach. Not sure you can. I'm willing to be surprised.
USC, Florida, and Texas are nothing but angels. USC one player, three arrests, zero punishment...say it is not so Pete. Florida, their boards were full of a player with cocaine distribution on his record on the team. Texas? haven't had time to look and I don't remember anything. Have I said he should not be punnished, nope. I just don't believe he was secretly punnished, an then he outs two other people.Not without proof. Come up with a sheet then we can all get judgemental, and climb up on the nearest high horse.

No, not surprised...not arguing that there are a lot of lazy journalists...although, at the time, Kevin Whaley was not a real recognizable name...now he sort of is...so I could see the print people who go through the public police records skipping over his name, and not thinking twice about it. Good work by the poster on here who did the digging.

it was discussed here and other boards, you missed it obviously. Two, semantics when caught. no answer, then claim you never said anything. You take shots all the time. I dare you to do a write up with out a shot at the ballcoach. Not sure you can. I'm willing to be surprised.
USC, Florida, and Texas are nothing but angels. USC one player, three arrests, zero punishment...say it is not so Pete. Florida, their boards were full of a player with cocaine distribution on his record on the team. Texas? haven't had time to look and I don't remember anything. Have I said he should not be punnished, nope. I just don't believe he was secretly punnished, an then he outs two other people.Not without proof. Come up with a sheet then we can all get judgemental, and climb up on the nearest high horse.

1 or 2 spelling errors can be excused, but it's hard to read your post with so many...who said USC, FL, and TX were angels? FL has had enough kids cited in the last year, same goes for Iowa, and many other schools...I've praised Brewster plenty for his ability to find quality D-linemen, maybe the toughest position to recruit, for hiring Roof last year, for hiring Fisch this year...defended him endlessly on KFAN for his 1-11 year, citing the idea that Mason didn't leave him nearly as much talent as many think...and praised him endlessly as well for the wins @ Ill. & Pur. last year on the KFAN Gopher Fanline show that I hosted.

I will add: this board isn't the end-all...just because it was discussed on here doesn't mean it was public knowledge.

Doogie, are you going to "break" this story in the Strib this week?

Not me, and I don't like using the word "break"...have always said it's better to be right, than to be 1st...Strib already all over it.

Why do we care what happened last year? Did the NCAA suspend him? Did the coach suspend him? Kids get into trouble. Non-story. We landed on the moon!!!!

It is not a big deal. No charges came of it and simply expelling every athlete that gets into trouble benefits no one. However, let's forever cut the we are holier than thou crap.

We are not, never have been and never will be.

The only Big Ten school that can claim a holier than thou attitude is the University of Chicago.

Funny the STrib thinks reporting year old news is print worthy.

BTW Jesse Garcia is my uncle, he lies to me all the time, he probably lied to Doogie too, I wouldn't trust him ;)

Love this statement, just think if the media cronies in this town actually read gopherhole they would have had another reason to rip the gophs apart, I will give doogie a pass, he worked at KFAVRE at the time and certainly wasn't looking for gopher info, he had his nose too far up childress' ass.

I will add: this board isn't the end-all...just because it was discussed on here doesn't mean it was public knowledge.

it was discussed here and other boards, you missed it obviously.

I think I may have missed it too - I don't recall seeing anything about this until today. If any of you could provide links from the past, I would love to see the discussion (I'm not questioning you, I'd just like to see what all came out last year).

I did a quick search, since we switched to this board at the end of November last year, I search our Yuku board, and this was what came up when I put "Whaley" as a keyword:


I haven't gone through the search but Reusse made some pretty disparaging remarks about the kids Bewster was bringing in and kept bringing up Whaley. I recall people thinking it was all due to the shooting but now it looks like he knew more. Probably had the information but the STRIB chose not to publish as it is not really news since no charges seem to have been laid.

In Iowa City they put all the police reports online and that is why everythnig gets covered (even underage drinking citations).

Of course KFAN didn't know about it- there is no and has never been any journalism coming out of there.

Without question Schnoodler is either Brez or Sternquist and hopefully when the Strib fires Kent from this story and puts either Brackin or Rand in charge this will end.

Brez and Sternquist, you should know that EVERYTHING you do on your computers is available to us under the Freedom of Information Act.

????? I'm confused, please elaborate

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