Westy and the final dunk attempt?

classless? please! the self-righteousness of some on this board is just oh so scintillating and special isn’t it? :rolleyes:

it was a harmless jab at our biggest rival who has some of the most annoying, overweight fans known to man and a coach even a mother couldn't love. so i say "here, here" to westbrook for doing it.

note how he wa an absolute non factor in the game. and hte result. perhaps we hadnt seen the weak link til now?

That's excellent. You'll get another opportunity in the NIT with a nice loud home crowd.

Congrats on winning the night. I'll take our season as would all of you.

nah......cause that means we would have to play for a giant d-bag, grinch looking head coach and in front of a bunch of inbred, mentally challenged fans. thanks for playing though.

That's excellent. You'll get another opportunity in the NIT with a nice loud home crowd.

Congrats on winning the night. I'll take our season as would all of you.

i know you think you are winning this argument, but not tonite. Sorry thanks for playing. You can keep yapping all you want. It's going on deaf ears. Come back to us in 3 weeks maybe, but not tonite

against any other team is would be classless, but anything goes against bucky.

It was great are you guys kidding me.. any chance you get to spite your rivals you take that... and if that goes down it has to be one of the best dunks of the college basketball year!

If it goes down, I would have to say its a sportscenter top 10. Obviously not because it was at the end of the game, but because Westy is a small dude and it would have been the ultimate FU to our biggest rivals in a game we were not "supposed" to win.

The funny thing is that the Bo did the exact same thing against the Spartans a while back. It was the exact same situation when Alando Tucker did the alley-oop against Michigan State, and the Badgers thought it was the greatest play in the world.

Wahhhhh cry about it you PC wannabes!!!!

WE OWNED THE BADGERS!! He could've gone Randy Moss on their bench and mooned them for all I care. Get a grip.

Not classy, but it was against a rival, it isn't like they are going to like you more if you don't dunk it.

He played the most unselfish game of his career, made some clutch free throws, and played some pretty good defense. Let him have some fun and rub it in a bit.

And for the records, it wasn't supposed to be classy, so quit whining and enjoy a win for once.

yeah, when he was in there in the first 30 minutes, he didn't force shots, passed the ball off, and played good D. Let's not get on his balls tonite cuz he wanted to have an exclamation point at the end of a frustrating couple of weeks.

Reasons for the Dunk Attempt

1. The shot clock was about 1 second behind the game clock so we had to do something.

2. Westbrook and the team have had a frustrating season and he wanted to have a little fun.

3. Bo Ryan called 2 timeouts in the last minute and a half when the lead was double digits, thus extending the game when it was basically over.

4. It would have been an awesome dunk if it was completed.


That's excellent. You'll get another opportunity in the NIT with a nice loud home crowd.

Congrats on winning the night. I'll take our season as would all of you.

I'd love to have your season or past several seasons for that fact. I wouldn't love to have your coach, style of play, constant pissing and moaning about the officiating, flopping like a bunch of GD fish out of water, or year after year of pasty unathletic white guys.

1. The shot clock was about 1 second behind the game clock so we had to do something.

2. Westbrook and the team have had a frustrating season and he wanted to have a little fun.

3. Bo Ryan called 2 timeouts in the last minute and a half when the lead was double digits, thus extending the game when it was basically over.

4. It would have been an awesome dunk if it was completed.


#3 is the key. Stop calling timeouts when the game is out of reach...

I feel a little better about Westbrook after that :D

Classless??? C'mon its WISCONSIN!!!! If they think chopping down the goalposts 5 feet away from the band playing to the Gophers is acceptable than Westbrook could have hung on the rim, gabbed his junk and sang the rouser at Bo and I probably still would have thought it was about equal. The fact that he simply tried to put 2 more points on the board during regulation of a game Wisky, judging by the timeout usage, obviously thought was still in doubt takes any aspect of 'classlessness' out of the picture.

Classless??? C'mon its WISCONSIN!!!! If they think chopping down the goalposts 5 feet away from the band playing to the Gophers is acceptable than Westbrook could have hung on the rim, gabbed his junk and sang the rouser at Bo and I probably still would have thought it was about equal. The fact that he simply tried to put 2 more points on the board during regulation of a game Wisky, judging by the timeout usage, obviously thought was still in doubt takes any aspect of 'classlessness' out of the picture.

There are three parts to this:

1.Of course hating Wisconsin it was funny to see Westbrook go in their face. So it was humorous.

2. But it was classless- completely classless and unsportsmanlike.

3. You KNOW that Tubby hated it and you KNOW that this is Westbrook thinking "I don't give a rip - I do what I want to do." And that in itself tells you what is wrong with the young man. No respect or sense of the bigger picture.

So as humorous and "Animal House" like as the attempted dunk was - it was also a sad statement. We outclassed Wisconsin and their boorish coach in every other possible way last night and we could have done without that.


I preface this by saying I'm a Westbrook guy. There seems to be a love 'em or hate 'em relationship with him among Gopher fans on this board. I'm in the Westbrook camp, depsite some of the perils that go along with his "competitiveness." That said. ...
I thought it was a bad move my Lawrence, I don't care who we're playing. LET A SLEEPING DOG LIE!!!! Did he not learn anything from the yapping after our win over Ohio State? Clearly, Ohio State's guys were extra juiced to play the Gophers after Lawrence shot his mouth off after winning at The Barn. They didn't just want to beat us in Columbus, they wanted to embarrass us (and they did). If by chance we run into the Badgers in Indy, Lawrence again has given an opponent extra incentive (not that Gophers-Badgers needs extra incentive) to lay the wood to us, so to speak.

Don't want to hear the "shot clock would have run out" excuse. Yes, it would have, with about 1 second left. Let it run out, let the Badgers throw the ball inbounds, game over. But no, Lawrence had to be himself. In this instance, not a good move.

Also, as others have pointed out, Bo shouldn't be outraged. The same thing was done by the Badgers several years ago vs. Michigan State. Not the right thing to do in either case.

There are three parts to this:

1.Of course hating Wisconsin it was funny to see Westbrook go in their face. So it was humorous.

2. But it was classless- completely classless and unsportsmanlike.

3. You KNOW that Tubby hated it and you KNOW that this is Westbrook thinking "I don't give a rip - I do what I want to do." And that in itself tells you what is wrong with the young man. No respect or sense of the bigger picture.

So as humorous and "Animal House" like as the attempted dunk was - it was also a sad statement. We outclassed Wisconsin and their boorish coach in every other possible way last night and we could have done without that.

By we, I am going to assume you meant the team on the court.

Who cares if he tried to dunk. The game was over, he didn't have a field goal the whole game, he was a non factor the entire night, let him have some fun.

than Westbrook could have hung on the rim, gabbed his junk and sang the rouser at Bo and I probably still would have thought it was about equal.


Opponent doesn't matter. Completely classless move by Westbrook.

Take the shot clock violation, let them have the ball knowing damn good and well that the game is over.

He played the most unselfish game of his career, made some clutch free throws, and played some pretty good defense. Let him have some fun and rub it in a bit.

It did look like Westbrook finally bought in a little to the team concept. He had only one shot attempt early in the game that I would consider a classic LW "my turn" shot. He's usually good for 5+ of those per game. Before the game started I found myself legitimately wondering if Westbrook would have shaved his head with the rest of the team if he didn't already rock the look regularly. Based on his unselfish performance I think he would have. Hopefully he has turned a corner.

By we, I am going to assume you meant the team on the court.

Who cares if he tried to dunk. The game was over, he didn't have a field goal the whole game, he was a non factor the entire night, let him have some fun.

I refer to the home team as "we" yes. Unlike the standard Wisconsin fan that sleeps with their life sized Badger or Packer doll- I just call the Gophers we.

I am ashamed - that we have so many whiny fans.

Westbrook is moving up my list of favorite Gophers.

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