Welcome to the new GopherHole!!! UPDATED: Forum runner has now been updated

Top is nearly all black for me. I can see the gopher but can't make out what is to the right of him. I can see the "Chase" ad when it appears, though. Also, the "first unread" feature seems to have disappeared, and I am still logged on.

The contrast has improved on the "quick navigation" drop down. I could barely read the gold on white before.

Thanks for all the great work.

Does Forum Runner for Android work for others?

I have been unable to get the Gopherhole on Forum Runner since the change over on my Android phone. I get an error message of "The remote server sent an unparsable result". This could be a result of the forum software plugin being outdated. Has anyone else experienced this? Site looks great on the computer!

I'm in the same boat, but with Tapatalk. Doesn't work on my phone since the switch over.

go_pher_roses and Gopher07, we are looking into it and will have it fixed as soon as we can. We want it back up as much as anyone and are waiting for some outside help and the support isn't as readily available on weekends.

Thanks for everyone's flexibility.

The extras sections are great! Just browsed the History & Stats and the Gopher Traditions, love 'em! Not tryna look too much today, saving it for a good time waster at work next week.

As a professional web designer and developer, I have to say a big Bravo to GH on a great site upgrade! Much improved!!!

I'm betting those seeing only black on the top nav bar are using an ancient M$ IE browser. :D

We just received this confirmation from our IT contact:

"Forum runner has now been updated. Your users may have to search for it on forum runner again."

Thanks for everyone's flexibility. If you continue to have issues, please let us know.

As a professional web designer and developer, I have to say a big Bravo to GH on a great site upgrade! Much improved!!!

I'm betting those seeing only black on the top nav bar are using an ancient M$ IE browser. :D

Thanks for the feedback gophergrad and LloydChristmas, we really appreciate it.

I am still getting this same thing on the iphone for forumrunner.

Here is the response from IT:

"We tested it and it is working, make sure your users who already have it downloaded search and re add the forums, they will probably have to delete old gopherhole and re add it. The application bookmarks the site, so the book mark has to be updated."


Forum Runner is now working on my iPhone. Than you!

I actually had reinstalled it and had the same problem. By reinstalling it, my "favorites" remained, so the bad link remained. By deleting the Gopherhole "favorite" and then readding it to favorites, it got rid of the old link and all is well now. My life is once again... complete.

I actually had reinstalled it and had the same problem. By reinstalling it, my "favorites" remained, so the bad link remained. By deleting the Gopherhole "favorite" and then readding it to favorites, it got rid of the old link and all is well now. My life is once again... complete.

That's good to hear, it probably means that gopherhole will be up and running on tapatalk soon too. As it is not yet. They still have the old url in their system and I cannot access the new one.

A shame, as trying to run the the forum through the browser on android is a bit of a pain.

Got my fingers crossed for something to happen soon.

You guys have been doing an awesome job lately. The site looks good and the forums are looking nice and clean and easier to find info! keep it up!

(I'll donate when I'm not so broke)

You guys have been doing an awesome job lately. The site looks good and the forums are looking nice and clean and easier to find info! keep it up!

(I'll donate when I'm not so broke)

Thank you. We appreciate the feedback. We're always looking at ways to improve the site and message boards.

Tapatalk should be working now. You may have to go through the same process as with forum runner, remove old GopherHole and search and add GopherHole again. Please let us know if you run into any difficulties. Thanks!

Any way we could get an easy access to the various sports schedules?

Also on the main page it would be cool to have a "Next up" Box with date, time and TV for our next opponent like they have over at GPL.

Any way we could get an easy access to the various sports schedules?

Also on the main page it would be cool to have a "Next up" Box with date, time and TV for our next opponent like they have over at GPL.

Awesome ideas and I second them. Maybe have the schedules on the main page for each sport. And on the 'Next Up' box that Croc recommended, make sure to include the sport (as hockey and bball are during the same seasons, and football sometimes crosses over into the winter sports season).

I go straight to the board usually.... big DERP on my part

I find it interesting the folks over on GI badmouthing the new graphics. This from a site that has one poster with over 18,000 posts in 5 years. It makes me wonder if he is a kinder version of that basement dweller pantherhawk.

"Top" Buttons

Is it just me, or do the "Top" buttons at the bottom of the page on threads not work for everyone else?

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