Week 2 - All Games Thread

Notre Dame is going to probably win, now down inside the red zone with the tie game.

Really atrocious call. Not even close to PI.

At the point it would take a major Oregon State mistake for the badgers to win this game. they can run the clock out.

It's almost funny how bad O'brien is. Gray is much better.

Sconnie gets on the board with 1:31 to go..

He touched it early...should be an illegal touch.

I think they got it wrong. It looked like #8 for Oregon St. touched it first. I'm not going to complain though!

Oh man did you see the kicker's face? Almost as sad as Billy Cundiff was

Nope, i won't complain. Wisconsin deserves the loss, that's for sure. Played terrible.




The Badgers fan's will blame this on the bad call. In reality, they deserved this loss.

what a shame for Brett. He runs such a quality and classy program, to get hosed out of possible tie/win, have to feel for him. ;)

Most of them are pissed about the poor onside call, but most of them also recognize that that play didn't cost them the game. Should never have come down to that.

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