Week 12 Other Games Thread

Refs are botching the end of this Wisconsin game.

First that was a TD, shouldn't have been overturned. Then Stave was moving at the snap, should have been a penalty. Game over.

These refs need an immediate police escort out of town.
I'm following this game on my phone and they took touchdowns off the board twice. Can someone provide a quick explanation of what the hell happened?

Ohhh poor Sconnie. They better start drinking...

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I'm following this game on my phone and they took touchdowns off the board twice. Can someone provide a quick explanation of what the hell happened?

I'm not really sure I can explain what just happened...

I'm following this game on my phone and they took touchdowns off the board twice. Can someone provide a quick explanation of what the hell happened?

First one was correct overturn, knee was down just before the goal line. Next play the guy catches it and takes a good three steps, then bobbles the ball when he hits the ground. Overturned again.

The bad thing is Wisconsin will be pissed off next week.

At the end of the day the only call they got wrong was in Wisconsin's favor when Stave never set.

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I'm following this game on my phone and they took touchdowns off the board twice. Can someone provide a quick explanation of what the hell happened?

There was a long td catch that was called a td, but he was clearly down on the 1 yard line. Then they scored again on a QB rollout pass, but the guy who caught it took about 3 steps in the end zone, rolled out of bounds and bobbled the ball while rolling. So they said he didn't complete the process of the catch. It was certainly a call where you'd be livid if it went against your team. I'm not sure how many steps a guy has to take. Although I'm not at all sad to see it happen to Sconnie.

Wait, what???? I turned it back to MSU-OSU after Becky had scored. They took that one off the board?

I'm following this game on my phone and they took touchdowns off the board twice. Can someone provide a quick explanation of what the hell happened?

Sconnie got a pass that was called a TD. Guy was down on the 1yd line. They completed another pass, or seemed to, for a TD that was called "not completing the process of the catch" and reversed. I thought it was pretty iffy. Then Stave took a sack, and seemed to walk off the field w/ an injury with like 7 seconds left. Announcers think game should be over w/ a 10sec run off, but the RB stepped up and spiked the ball so the clock stopped. On that play it should have been illegal motion on offense due to I think Stave moving towards the line of scrimmage at the snap. Sconnie tries another pass and it falls incomplete, defense was pretty tight. The guy had his back arm around the WR but I don't think the WR had a shot at it anyways.

If Sparty beats Iowa, I think they make the CFP...

Jesus Ohio State, way to screw it up. I never thought I'd have to see the day where f'ing Iowa could be in the CFP (or National championship). They had zero shot to be Ohio State, but they could certainly luck in to a win against Sparty. Go Cornhuskers next week and for the love of god Sparty if you make it to Indy don't F this up.

If Oklahoma St. beats Baylor tonight they should move ahead of Iowa. Still think they will be at #5.

They absolutely should be, considering their only loss was on a brutal, brutal call.

Well they lost to Michigan...who lost to Minnesota. I love playing that game. So the Nebraska/Michigan finishes equal out...

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