Week 1 Other Games Thread

I know some of y'all don't like him, but I'm happy Fox is shaping up as the home of the Big Ten because that means more Big Game Gus Johnson.

Looks like Wenger is coaching PSU field goals too.

Penn State got incredibly fortunate that ball bounced directly OB. Though it looks like the ball somehow touched nobody.

We will be able to pass easily on WI.

Gonna be a huge matchup for Faalele against that fast little shit on Wisc.

You know how they do on their defensive front: like 2-3 guys over 275 and the rest are LB sized guys who line up all over the place, stunt all over the place, race up field, try to go fast through gaps.

people forget that 2 of the last 3 seasons, Wisconsin was very average.

Gonna be a huge matchup for Faalele against that fast little shit on Wisc.

You know how they do on their defensive front: like 2-3 guys over 275 and the rest are LB sized guys who line up all over the place, stunt all over the place, race up field, try to go fast through gaps.
Similar to diarrhea? That's what comes to mind when I think of the commies to the east.

It’s probably time to retire Jump Around. It seems a little forced at this point. is anyone still doing Gangnam Style?

Shakes fist at clouds.

Yikes. Stinking Badgers! @#$^%%@!!!

There are plenty of excitable idiots out there. I don’t personally appreciate his announcing style, and the other night made me strongly dislike him either for his football knowledge, or character.

I’ll continue to bark at the moon.

Why? I haven't watched the broadcast version of the game.
He was being a tool during the targeting review on MBS saying things like. "It's football, come on... Things like this happen.". MBS was clearly knocked unconscious. That doesn't just happen, nor is it ok. It was difficult to listen to him.

He was being a tool during the targeting review on MBS saying things like. "It's football, come on... Things like this happen.". MBS was clearly knocked unconscious. That doesn't just happen, nor is it ok. It was difficult to listen to him.
Announcers need to learn to be quiet when guys are hurt

And vice versa
Agree. I guess what I was trying to get at was the media will say how "next level" wisconsin's defense is when it is actually a putrid PSU offense. And you're right, it goes both ways. Nothing special on either team.

Sanborn doesn’t commit early run himself out of plays 🤔. Are you supposed to fill gaps?

Klieman making something happen at Kansas State? 24-7 over Stanford. Stanford isn't what it was with Harblow, but still a good team.

That thing was gift wrapped. I guess that’s why he plays defense.

He was being a tool during the targeting review on MBS saying things like. "It's football, come on... Things like this happen.". MBS was clearly knocked unconscious. That doesn't just happen, nor is it ok. It was difficult to listen to him.
Damn, MBS got knocked out on that? The things you miss when you are at the game. I will have to watch the game broadcast over the weekend.

TD if he had a bigger arm.

Looks like it might not matter

PSU offense looking good now

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