Webers draft stock rising

NFL Teams Beware!!!!

Next week when you decide to invest a million dollars into Adam Weber, countless Golden Gopher experts on QB play will bombard your websites.:cool02:

Hateraide cups runneth over.

Please try reading comprehension. My family's tuition, along with that of all past and present students', pays for the University to exist. Likewise, taxpayers in Minnesota have a portion of their taxes diverted to help the University remain in business. In a hypothetical world where no students enrolled at the U and paid tuition, and the state cut off funding, the institution would cease to exist. And thus, there would be no Athletic Department to issue scholarships. It's not that difficult of a concept to grasp. Every student/alumni/tax-paying citizen in the state of Minnesota is a stakeholder in the University of Minnesota, including its sports teams. I'll be damned if I'm going to sit here and be told I can't voice my opinion, whether positive or negative.[\QUOTE]

Absolutely the worst attempt at logical progression since Monty Python. I did read it, Dolly. Your logic is about as coherent as "my eyes are blue and the sky is blue, so I own the sky".

Your concept is STUP!D. You are probably a good man and a sometimes good supporter of the program, but this progression is at best ludicrous.

Bottom line--NO TUITION and NO TAXES pay for football scholarships at the University of Minnesota. They are paid for 100% by VOLUNTARY donations to the athletic propgram.

You have your opinion. And like all opinions about the Athletic Department, the football program, the AD, the coach, and a QB that could outplay anyone on this board on a BAD day, they have no influence, sway, effect, or impact on the mentioned subjects. Go ahead and beat up Adam Weber into perpetuity if it makes you feel better. He was still the best option to win--if he wasn't, Gray would have played QB the last 5 games in 2010.

Bottom line--NO TUITION and NO TAXES pay for football scholarships at the University of Minnesota. They are paid for 100% by VOLUNTARY donations to the athletic propgram.

Who are you arguing with? I never said that they did. Again, please try reading what I'm actually saying instead of whatever it is you want to argue about.

He was still the best option to win--if he wasn't, Gray would have played QB the last 5 games in 2010.

Yes, because Tim Brewster and Jeff Horton's decision-making abilities are infallible. That is why they are both still employed by the University of Minnesota.

Wow! Just wow! Go away from the board for a few days and a forest fire breaks out.

I never understand how discussions of Weber turn into debates over the fate of the Gopher program post-Warmath. First off, I laugh at most of these "draft experts" and their reports. Probably some guy in his basement making things up from unrelated bits of information gleaned off the internet.

As per Weber, he's got a shot. Good athlete who is a smart, tough kid with a good arm and all the intangibles. Fisch was right in trying to correct his throwing mechanics and that led to some performance problems (along with Fisch's offense that was a bit too complex). The things Weber will have to correct to succeed at the next level are: (1) Accuracy, (2) Ability to go through his progressions, and (3) Stronger pocket presence. Most college quarterbacks going on to the professional level have to make some serious adjustments. Think Aaron Rodgers, who, as a so-called "Tedford product," who had a ton of doubters before he was drafted.

I criticize players and coaches from time-to-time, but I try not to be overly snarky or inappropriate in my comments (unless the situation calls for it and I hope such instances are so over-the-top that they are not taken seriously). I try to see the bright side.

I believe these are boards in which polite and constructive criticism should be tolerated. I truly chortle at walrus, who uses an instance of anything that even marginally gets under his skin to go on a random diatribe (well, not that random, it usually involves Brewster).

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