Webers draft stock rising

So how is it that a below-average-to-poor college QB is getting NFL looks? It would certainly indicate that there is a bit of talent there. Will he make it in the NFL? Who knows... Even if he doesn't that doesn't mean his college career was a failure.

But to basically say he had no talent is a pretty far stretch. I personally wish him the best and hope he finds a system that can work for him.

So how is it that a below-average-to-poor college QB is getting NFL looks? It would certainly indicate that there is a bit of talent there. Will he make it in the NFL? Who knows... Even if he doesn't that doesn't mean his college career was a failure.

But to basically say he had no talent is a pretty far stretch. I personally wish him the best and hope he finds a system that can work for him.

NFL scouts obviously don't know as much as posters on a message board. :D For being so "inaccurate", going into this season, Weber had the highest career completion percentage of any QB in Gophers history. He did drop this season, but still wound up as the 3rd most accurate QB in Gophers history.

None of that answers my question. Good job defending an adult man, though.

A fish (Fisch) rots from the head.

You had a coaching staff without a clue the past 4 years (not counting Horton's late-season heroics in 2010).

The coaching staff reflected poorly on everything and everybody. Everyone at every position was infected by Brewster's broad brush.:rolleyes:

A fish (Fisch) rots from the head.

You had a coaching staff without a clue the past 4 years (not counting Horton's late-season heroics in 2010).

The coaching staff reflected poorly on everything and everybody. Everyone at every position was infected by Brewster's broad brush.:rolleyes:

You continue to not answer my question.

Weber is off-limits, but throwing anyone and everyone else under the bus is fair game?

Weber is always going to get a bit of a pass because he's a nice Minnesota kid from a nice Minnesota family. Just think how long Mike Grant's leash would have been if he was coaching the Gophers.

So let me get this straight, people in this thread bash Brewster for not know what he's doing and that he's in over his head then use his decision to start Weber all four years of his tenure to help make your point.
How can you say he made bad decisions with everything else then be so sure of his decision making in this situation?
I'm not knocking Weber here, I'm just trying to figure out the logic of some on this board.

My problem with Weber bashers is simple. By relentlessly bashing a local kid who turned down other offers to stay with the local club, turned out to be a 4 year starter and 3 year captain and statistically the greatest qb in gopher history, you are telling all other local kids that we place absolutely no value on the fact that you are local. If we as fans don't value that, why should a recruit?


You continue to not answer my question.

Weber is off-limits, but throwing anyone and everyone else under the bus is fair game?

Ask wren, he is an expert on inconsistency.

By relentlessly bashing a local kid who turned down other offers to stay with the local club, turned out to be a 4 year starter and 3 year captain and statistically the greatest qb in gopher history, you are telling all other local kids that we place absolutely no value on the fact that you are local. If we as fans don't value that, why should a recruit?

False. We are saying that we value quality and production (of wins, not statistics) more than where you are from. If you are a local player and think that you can be held to a different standard because of where you're from, and you think that you can be absolved from criticism - frankly, I don't want you playing for the Gophers anyway. Just my two cents on the topic.

False. We are saying that we value quality and production (of wins, not statistics) more than where you are from. If you are a local player and think that you can be held to a different standard because of where you're from, and you think that you can be absolved from criticism - frankly, I don't want you playing for the Gophers anyway. Just my two cents on the topic.

Under this premise, which is understandable, then why even worry about in-state kids? It seems like people sell the premise of 'come to your home school, you can turn this thing around and be a legend!', but really you only become a 'legend' if you are a Decker, Barber III type talent. Once-in-a-generation talent will be legends anywhere they choose.

I'm biased towards cutting Weber slack, he got too much venom in his career, but he did regress year 2 to 3 badly and wasn't good enough in year 4 to elevate his team, not his fault, still doesn't mean he can't be an NFLer.
It will be an interesting case study to see how Phillip Nelson's career goes, he should be in the same system for at least 3 years assuming Kill makes it to year 4, and he'll be behind an older O-line and have better runningbacks assuming Kirkwood and Edwards are at least = Salamon/Eskridge/Bennett/Whaley.

Dpdoll, Weber's moving on, he struggled through a pretty tough stretch of gopher football only to beat Iowa in his final game and get carried off the field on his way to greet Floyd in the locker room.
Can everyone at least agree to wish him luck and hope he gets a better shot at NFL success, aka solid coaching and system stability?

You continue to not answer my question.

Weber is off-limits, but throwing anyone and everyone else under the bus is fair game?

It's not that Weber is off limits, but the play of a QB is more dependent on the play of others than the other positions are. QBs don't get to show how good or poorly they can play until others do their job. If you have no run game support, no pass pro, and WRs running crap routes, you don't have much opportunity to show if you're great or suck. If Weber had played with a supporting cast similar to OSU, Florida, ect and was terrible he would justifiably get ripped to pieces. Maybe Weber is terrible, we'll see how it turns out, but the team he played on makes it tough to know. Dpod, it's slightly ironic that you're taking this stance on Weber's NFL future, because I seem to remember you making arguments to the affect of "Professional coaches and scouts know more than message board posters", or am I remembering that wrong? If he's even getting the opportunity to try out for teams, he isn't a "bad to average college QB" or however you phrased it.

Under this premise, which is understandable, then why even worry about in-state kids? It seems like people sell the premise of 'come to your home school, you can turn this thing around and be a legend!', but really you only become a 'legend' if you are a Decker, Barber III type talent. Once-in-a-generation talent will be legends anywhere they choose.

Legends aren't made purely through the accumulation of stats. Players have to win or if they don't win, they have to have the ability to solely positively alter the outcome of a game through their individual performance in order to be considered a legend.

Weber is always going to get a bit of a pass because he's a nice Minnesota kid from a nice Minnesota family. Just think how long Mike Grant's leash would have been if he was coaching the Gophers.

What? I can't remember a local athlete who's gotten less of a pass than Adam Weber.

It's just interesting the new savior of Gopher football, the crowning jewel of his head coach's first two full recruiting classes, couldn't beat him out in his first two years with the program.

Legends aren't made purely through the accumulation of stats. Players have to win or if they don't win, they have to have the ability to solely positively alter the outcome of a game through their individual performance in order to be considered a legend.

So I'm the only one who sees a disconnect between what our expectations are of a kid throughout the recruiting process and how we treat them as fans?

I can't blame any local kid who has watched Gopher fball for the last 4 years for thinking to himself 'Even if I work my tail off, am a 4 year starter and three year captain that handles the media well, stays out of trouble, is a true student-athlete and represent the U with the utmost respect, this is how the fans are going to treat me? No, thanks.'

What? I can't remember a local athlete who's gotten less of a pass than Adam Weber.

It's just interesting the new savior of Gopher football, the crowning jewel of his head coach's first two full recruiting classes, couldn't beat him out in his first two years with the program.
Gray was never given an opportunity his first year. Brewster said before 2009 that every position was up for grabs...except one.

If he's even getting the opportunity to try out for teams, he isn't a "bad to average college QB" or however you phrased it.

There are plenty of "below-average-to-poor QBs" who not only were given the opportunity to try out for teams, but in many cases were drafted and played several years because of their measurables. Off the top of my head:

Spergon Wynn
Tarvaris Jackson
Matt Cassel
Matt Jones
Joshua Cribbs
Julian Edelman

In many cases (the last three, especially) guys played QB in college because they were the best athletes on the team. That didn't make them good college QBs. Unfortunately for Weber, he's nowhere near athletic enough to play anywhere but QB in the NFL. Further, his success (or almost certain failure) in the NFL has no bearing on his college legacy. The fact that Matt Leinart sucks in the NFL doesn't mean that he wasn't a great college QB.

So I'm the only one who sees a disconnect between what our expectations are of a kid throughout the recruiting process and how we treat them as fans?

I can't blame any local kid who has watched Gopher fball for the last 4 years for thinking to himself 'Even if I work my tail off, am a 4 year starter and three year captain that handles the media well, stays out of trouble, is a true student-athlete and represent the U with the utmost respect, this is how the fans are going to treat me? No, thanks.'

No one is doubting Weber's character but Legends are made on the field mainly through wins and losses.
Legend is not a word that should be thrown around lightly.

Don't know how good or bad Weber can be with solid, consistent coaching. I just wish him well.

What is the upside of a local kid staying vs going to WI, MSU, or NE?

What is the upside of a local kid staying vs going to WI, MSU, or NE?

Right now, playing time? I would bet that Weber wouldn't have been a four year starter at those schools. The lineman from Mahtomedi (blanking on his name) wouldn't be playing as a freshman. Now I used the example of two kids whose dads' also played at the U, I believe. But early playing time is probably the biggest incentive (outside of wanting to play for your home state school).

Very few players are good enough to play right away where ever they go (Little Animal, Henderson, Floyd). Some players want to play right away and hope to help turn a team around, while others would rather go and wait for their chance but play on a better team.

What is the upside of a local kid staying vs going to WI, MSU, or NE?

Seriously? If a recruit is worried about getting his feelings hurt by a fans comments he's probably too fickle to handle playing college sports in the first place.
Fans don't have a direct impact on the product on the field and they shouldn't have an impact on a decision of a recruit. Commit because of the coaches, the prospective teammates, and the facilities not because of the attitude of the fans.

I suppose it depends if they want to work in this town after college.

Seriously? If a recruit is worried about getting his feelings hurt by a fans comments he's probably too fickle to handle playing college sports in the first place.
Fans don't have a direct impact on the product on the field and they shouldn't have an impact on a decision of a recruit. Commit because of the coaches, the prospective teammates, and the facilities not because of the attitude of the fans.

Nowhere in that response is an answer to the Q that you quoted.

Lots of WI and NE grads work in this town.

It's a joke based on statement made by a local sports columnist. Ask your self this question. If Weber had the same win loss totals or percentage (he wouldn't have the same totals) had he played at one of the schools you mentioned (I'll even throw in statistics as they wouldn't be as record setting at those schools) what would their fans be saying about him? I don't think they would be praising him for his character. I'll also concede that IMO his win loss record would be better and he would have been a one or two year starter.

IMO I don't think he would have led those teams to better win loss records than they had with their actual QB's, he maybe for the schools you mentioned would have only started this past year at WI (although their QB was very good at what he was asked to do).

I'll sum up my frustrations with Weber (maybe other feel the same). He was never the problem, but he wasn't the solution. As an example I'll use the USD game this year. That loss was 100% on the defense in my opinion, yet if I recall correctly with under five minutes to go in the game he had a chance to lead a potential game winning drive (who knows if the defense could of held the lead) but it didn't happen. There were many times where Weber battled hard and lead teams back into games, but couldn't get the win. And as the QB, the Team Leader, and the highest profile player I hold that against him.

I wish him well in his time after the U, I cheered for him while he was here, I admired the character he showed on and off the field, and I also the criticism of his play is warranted.

One last question. Who do you think OSU fans will hold in higher regard after their playing days are done at OSU Terrell Pryor or Craig Krenzel?

It's a joke based on statement made by a local sports columnist. Ask your self this question. If Weber had the same win loss totals or percentage (he wouldn't have the same totals) had he played at one of the schools you mentioned (I'll even throw in statistics as they wouldn't be as record setting at those schools) what would their fans be saying about him? I don't think they would be praising him for his character. I'll also concede that IMO his win loss record would be better and he would have been a one or two year starter.

IMO I don't think he would have led those teams to better win loss records than they had with their actual QB's, he maybe for the schools you mentioned would have only started this past year at WI (although their QB was very good at what he was asked to do).

I'll sum up my frustrations with Weber (maybe other feel the same). He was never the problem, but he wasn't the solution. As an example I'll use the USD game this year. That loss was 100% on the defense in my opinion, yet if I recall correctly with under five minutes to go in the game he had a chance to lead a potential game winning drive (who knows if the defense could of held the lead) but it didn't happen. There were many times where Weber battled hard and lead teams back into games, but couldn't get the win. And as the QB, the Team Leader, and the highest profile player I hold that against him.

I wish him well in his time after the U, I cheered for him while he was here, I admired the character he showed on and off the field, and I also the criticism of his play is warranted.

One last question. Who do you think OSU fans will hold in higher regard after their playing days are done at OSU Terrell Pryor or Craig Krenzel?

I don't know about OSU fans. Neither kid was local, PA and MI respectively. One led them to a natl championship, one has already led them to 3 BT titles and may get another one, has destroyed UM and maybe even a natl title of his own. Both had off-field issues. Frankly I don't see why you would bring these two up??

I just think that next time someone brings up in state recruits there needs to be some recognition that the in state thing works both ways.

I don't know about OSU fans. Neither kid was local, PA and MI respectively. One led them to a natl championship, one has already led them to 3 BT titles and may get another one, has destroyed UM and maybe even a natl title of his own. Both had off-field issues. Frankly I don't see why you would bring these two up??

I just think that next time someone brings up in state recruits there needs to be some recognition that the in state thing works both ways.

MY point was that one had relatively poor statistics (Krenzel) but won a national title. The other has great statistics but no national title?

I don't see how the in state things works both ways? Are suggesting that Weber is criticized more because he is a local kid? I think he was critized because the was the QB for a relatively poor stretch of Gopher Football. I don't think it matters if he was from Shoreview, California, Germany, or Mars he would have been criticized the same.

I think I understand your point now though. Poor Adam Weber (and other MN Kids), if only he wouldn't have had to be surrounded by all those infidels from outside the borders of this great state, then we would have achieved his true greatness. Is that your feelings, we only assign blame/hatred/critical thinking and analysis (take your pick) to non MN kids on this team?

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