It's a joke based on statement made by a local sports columnist. Ask your self this question. If Weber had the same win loss totals or percentage (he wouldn't have the same totals) had he played at one of the schools you mentioned (I'll even throw in statistics as they wouldn't be as record setting at those schools) what would their fans be saying about him? I don't think they would be praising him for his character. I'll also concede that IMO his win loss record would be better and he would have been a one or two year starter.
IMO I don't think he would have led those teams to better win loss records than they had with their actual QB's, he maybe for the schools you mentioned would have only started this past year at WI (although their QB was very good at what he was asked to do).
I'll sum up my frustrations with Weber (maybe other feel the same). He was never the problem, but he wasn't the solution. As an example I'll use the USD game this year. That loss was 100% on the defense in my opinion, yet if I recall correctly with under five minutes to go in the game he had a chance to lead a potential game winning drive (who knows if the defense could of held the lead) but it didn't happen. There were many times where Weber battled hard and lead teams back into games, but couldn't get the win. And as the QB, the Team Leader, and the highest profile player I hold that against him.
I wish him well in his time after the U, I cheered for him while he was here, I admired the character he showed on and off the field, and I also the criticism of his play is warranted.
One last question. Who do you think OSU fans will hold in higher regard after their playing days are done at OSU Terrell Pryor or Craig Krenzel?