Webers draft stock rising


Dec 8, 2010
Reaction score

has a little tidbit about weber

- A couple of names to watch on Saturday that are steadily rising: Texas CB Chykie Brown and Minnesota QB Adam Weber. Brown was largely hit and miss at Texas, but teams like his length and his confidence. He also performed well at breaking down film, which wasn't always obvious from his play.

Weber gets overlooked because Minnesota was mostly awful during his four years as a starter, but his toughness and perseverance are assets at the next level. He's smallish but has intangibles through the roof and was coached by a former NFL OC in Tim Brewster, who has Belichick-tree connections and has gone out of his way to promote his former pledge. He's not the runner that Jake Locker is, but they are stylistically similar and come from comparable collegiate backgrounds. For teams that missed on Locker in the late 1st/early 2nd, Weber might make a nice fallback plan in the 5th/6th round.

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First of all, Tim Brewster was never an OC in the NFL or at any level for that matter.
Weber may be considered tough because he kept going out and taking snaps behind a bad oline but his last few years as QB were marred by inaccurate throws because of the happy feet he developed due to the pounding he took early in his career.
So it should come as no surprise that his stock is rising when there isn't contact.
Until he gets the confidence to stand in the pocket and maintain his feet in the face of pressure he better get used to holding a clipboard. Assuming, of course, he makes a team.

Just because someone has to point this out: Brewster was never an OC anywhere. On any level.
A quick look on Wiki puts him under the Shanahan and Schottenheimer coaching trees. Not Belichick. Maybe distantly, but . . .

Say it with me:

Who knows how good Adam Weber is?

The kid should sue the university.

Pretty much sour grapes on your part cjcarter8....

I wish Weber the VERY best. Sounds like you are not feeling that way cjcarter8. Quite frankly, all you Weber bashers are going to be really depressed if and when Weber gets his shot. I'll go by what the record books say he did... He's got the numbers and some of you get to do the sour grapes thing because it just pains you so much that he fended off every contender who tried to beat him out at qb. Weber was the best the Gophers had for four years. NEVER forget that! He was never handed much of a chance, but, he rose to the occasion year after year. He was a damn good player and he was, indeed a surviver. In spite of everything he was handed he kept things in perspective and NEVER complained. He was subjected to the WORST that some Gopher "so-called-fans" could try to insult him with. He didn't deserve any of the bashing they TRIED to give him He survived them. He was so MUCH better than those bashers. THEY were and ARE the losers. And, he has got a LOT of records...THAT is truely poetic justice. At the end of a career, to be THAT high on the list of Gopher and Big Ten quarterbacks in so many passing catagories says EVERYTHING that is worth saying. Your sour grapes, cjcarter8 just make you look like the very small person you appear to want to present yourself as.

; 0 )

I'll just say: Thanks Mr. Weber and best wishes in life. If that includes the NFL, wouldn't that be GREAT!

He's smallish but has intangibles through the roof and was coached by a former NFL OC in Tim Brewster, who has Belichick-tree connections and has gone out of his way to promote his former pledge.

He wasn't a Tim Brewster pledge, either.

Sheesh. This opinion is worth its weight in accuracy.

If you click on the link, the writer also uses "a little birdie told me". If you're going to steal someone else's stupid catchphrase, at least make it a good one. My understanding is that to be on a "coaching tree" you need to have been on that person's staff. Maybe I'm just missing it, but I can't figure out how one makes the leap from Belichick to Brewster. All things considered, I wish Weber the best. He's not what's wrong with Gopher football. I think he'll go the WVDS route. Undrafted, make a practice squad for a season or two. Timing is good for him. With the labor situation limiting player movement, undrafted rookies are going to have more options this season.

I wish Weber the VERY best. Sounds like you are not feeling that way cjcarter8. Quite frankly, all you Weber bashers are going to be really depressed if and when Weber gets his shot. I'll go by what the record books say he did... He's got the numbers and some of you get to do the sour grapes thing because it just pains you so much that he fended off every contender who tried to beat him out at qb. Weber was the best the Gophers had for four years. NEVER forget that! He was never handed much of a chance, but, he rose to the occasion year after year. He was a damn good player and he was, indeed a surviver. In spite of everything he was handed he kept things in perspective and NEVER complained. He was subjected to the WORST that some Gopher "so-called-fans" could try to insult him with. He didn't deserve any of the bashing they TRIED to give him He survived them. He was so MUCH better than those bashers. THEY were and ARE the losers. And, he has got a LOT of records...THAT is truely poetic justice. At the end of a career, to be THAT high on the list of Gopher and Big Ten quarterbacks in so many passing catagories says EVERYTHING that is worth saying. Your sour grapes, cjcarter8 just make you look like the very small person you appear to want to present yourself as.

; 0 )

I'll just say: Thanks Mr. Weber and best wishes in life. If that includes the NFL, wouldn't that be GREAT!

Your kidding, right? No where in there did I say he was a terrible player or rip into him. I didn't minimze his accomplishments. I simply pointed out one of his flaws. Watch his tape, when he gets pressure in his face or when he gets through his progression without seeing an open receiver he gets happy feet which results in a poor throw.
He has physical ability, that is evident in his work in 7 on 7 drills and the praise he has received from his participation in summer QB camps. The problem stems from the pounding he took his freshman and sophomore year.
I even stated at the end that I was assuming he makes a team.
You must be hunting for people to freak out on and call them a basher because my post above was far from bashing Weber.

Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde

Your kidding, right? No where in there did I say he was a terrible player or rip into him. I didn't minimze his accomplishments. I simply pointed out one of his flaws. Watch his tape, when he gets pressure in his face or when he gets through his progression without seeing an open receiver he gets happy feet which results in a poor throw.
He has physical ability, that is evident in his work in 7 on 7 drills and the praise he has received from his participation in summer QB camps. The problem stems from the pounding he took his freshman and sophomore year.
I even stated at the end that I was assuming he makes a team.
You must be hunting for people to freak out on and call them a basher because my post above was far from bashing Weber.

Cjcarter - If you haven't noticed wren is very two faced. Anything goes when it comes to Brewster but when it comes to Adam Weber any comment about him that is not totally positive is considered an attack. Unfortunately wren is clueless when it comes to seeing this inconsistency.

If this article is even true i am not sure Adam Weber would even want a coach like Brewster talking for him. I think if Brewster's opinion was worth anything he would be back in the NFL and not sipping margs in mexico. Sometimes too much worthless talk can hurt a players stock. Weber had a great career a Minnesota hopefully he gets a shot at the next level. I think he will get a shot as a free agent or get some workouts. I hope all the players who worked hard to get a chance at the next level get a chance. It is great positive press for the program when a player gets a chance at the next level. his tape, when he gets pressure in his face or when he gets through his progression without seeing an open receiver he gets happy feet...

hey cjcarter8, your posts are not worth a response.

But I cannot let your ridiculous comment above go...:rolleyes:

1. what would you suggest a QB do when he goes "through his progressions without seeing an open receiver"...??

2. what would you suggest a QB do "when he gets pressure in his face"...?

Ummm, let me never played the QB position...:rolleyes:

Adam Weber is one of the best things that has happened to the 'U' in the past 1/2 dozen years...a tremendous representative of the Gopher program.
But the shat he took -- and still takes -- from morons ('fans'?) like yourself was and is a disgrace. UNREAL

hey cjcarter8, your posts are not worth a response.

But I cannot let your ridiculous comment above go...:rolleyes:

1. what would you suggest a QB do when he goes "through his progressions without seeing an open receiver"...??

2. what would you suggest a QB do "when he gets pressure in his face"...?

Ummm, let me never played the QB position...:rolleyes:

Adam Weber is one of the best things that has happened to the 'U' in the past 1/2 dozen years...a tremendous representative of the Gopher program.
But the shat he took -- and still takes -- from morons ('fans'?) like yourself was and is a disgrace. UNREAL

Adam Weber has more class than most of the posters on this site combined, including me...

From folks in the know, Weber basically worked his rear end off to sort through the clutter of coaching pointers and systems he went through. It frustrated him, it was hard on him, he persevered with class and determination. He was carried off the field in victory in his final game which to me was well deserved.
He did develop some bad habits, I actually think the worst ones came after his freshman year, when he was taught to reduce interceptions by throwing the ball in places the defenders couldn't get to(outside, low, leading to the sideline, etc), he did get happy feet, I think it got better last year.
Anyway, he's in the best shape of his life, now can draw upon his knowledge of sorting through plays in interviews, and always had solid physical tools to draw upon.
I think he'll surprise people if he gets in a system and under a coach that knows what their doing.

what would you suggest a QB do when he goes "through his progressions without seeing an open receiver"...??

Oh, gee, I don't know - maybe, throw the ball away instead of taking a 7-yard loss by running into a sack? In Weber's 50 career starts, I can count the number of times he threw the ball away on one hand. If you're a good QB, you can sometimes make things happen by holding onto the ball and moving around after your protection is lost. If you're a below-average-to-poor QB with a scattershot arm, you cut your losses and move on to the next play - at 3rd-and-8 instead of 3rd-and-15. The additional quandary that made this difficult is that the "progression" for Weber on a lot of plays was staring at his primary receiver for 3-5 seconds, and when he didn't get open, the deer-in-headlights mode was engaged.

what would you suggest a QB do "when he gets pressure in his face"...?

Is this a serious question? You're right, most QBs have all kinds of time and never have to worry about evading pressure. Most of them are able to do something besides dance around like a fool and spin-move their way into a sack.

Ummm, let me never played the QB position

Yes, because that has anything to do with anything. Charlie Weis never took a snap at QB in a game at any level, including HS. Yet he knows more about QB play and development than 99.9% of the Earth's population combined.

Adam Weber is one of the best things that has happened to the 'U' in the past 1/2 dozen years...a tremendous representative of the Gopher program.
But the shat he took -- and still takes -- from morons ('fans'?) like yourself was and is a disgrace. UNREAL

You're right, it's not his fault that he was out there for 99% of snaps that took place from 2007 through 2010. But Brewster rode Weber's "tremendous"ness right onto the unemployment line. And, like I've said before - give me a free college education, and you can say whatever you want about me. And my grandma. I'll gladly take your slings and arrows for the opportunity to not make student loan payments until I'm 55.

Adam Weber has more class than most of the posters on this site combined, including me...

I couldn't agree with you more. But that doesn't make him anything more than a below-average-to-poor college QB, and a person who will take as many snaps in a real NFL game as I have. Sorry.

Inner dialogue:

"Oh, cool, some new info on Adam Weber. *about to click* Oh wait...this is probably going to be ugly. *long pause while deciding* Dammit I'm going to click it anyway...yep, basically what I expected."

dopodoll: charlie got his rotund butt run out of...

South Bend. He was a total failure. He could NOT coach. He was NOT competent. He was totally inadequate. He basically sucked crap. That humpty-dumpty-shaped loser got run out the door because he was such a ZERO.

And...Adam Weber has ALL those records...

A note to ANY kid being recruited to play qb for the University of Minnesota: SOME of the "so-called" Gopher fans will try to bash you even when you do EVERYTHING and MORE than could be asked of a kid playing qb. Some of the "so-called" fans here are really jerks. IF you take a scholarship from the University of Minnesota, beware of these Gopher QB bashers. Even if you play hurt, play without a decent offensive line and no running game, they are going to blame you for everything and try to take it out on you because the back up qb couldn't beat you out. It's a real shame what some of these "so-called" Gopher people will try to do to you. My best advice is to "...never let the ba.t/.ds get you down..." should you accept a scholarship playing in front of such miserable people.

He was a total failure. He could NOT coach. He was NOT competent. He was totally inadequate. He basically sucked crap. That humpty-dumpty-shaped loser got run out the door because he was such a ZERO.

Please show me where I said he was/is a great head coach. He's not, and he wasn't. Peter Principle at work. He is most definitely one of the best, if not the best, QB coaches working today.

And...Adam Weber has ALL those records...

Yes, the only four-year QB starter in the history of the program has a bunch of longevity-based records. Color me shocked. Too bad yards and interceptions don't count for anything on the scoreboard.

A note to ANY kid being recruited to play qb for the University of Minnesota: SOME of the "so-called" Gopher fans will try to bash you even when you do EVERYTHING and MORE than could be asked of a kid playing qb. Some of the "so-called" fans here are really jerks. IF you take a scholarship from the University of Minnesota, beware of these Gopher QB bashers. Even if you play hurt, play without a decent offensive line and no running game, they are going to blame you for everything and try to take it out on you because the back up qb couldn't beat you out. It's a real shame what some of these "so-called" Gopher people will try to do to you. My best advice is to "...never let the ba.t/.ds get you down..." should you accept a scholarship playing in front of such miserable people.

I'll tell you what, Wayne. I'll never mention Adam Weber again so long as you never talk about Brewster, Bruininks, or Maturi again. Deal?

...but that doesn't make him anything more than a below-average-to-poor college QB...

Good idea...let's continue to pile on a college-aged kid, who, for all 50 games of his career, was back in the pocket on 2nd and 8, had two 310 pound DT's collapsing the pocket up the middle, with two more 265 pound DE's bringing heat off both edges, not to mention the blitzing LB breathing down his neck, and what does Adam do? Yes, he would often try to create something out of nothing...with all the heart and guts and grit and guile he could muster.

And what did Weber get for trying to 'make bricks without straw'? He continually gets kicked in the teeth from D-bags like you.

Adam Weber a below-average-to-poor college QB? Ummmm...NO.

dpod = D-bag?.............absolutely!

Good idea...let's continue to pile on a college-aged kid, who, for all 50 games of his career, was back in the pocket on 2nd and 8, had two 310 pound DT's collapsing the pocket up the middle, with two more 265 pound DE's bringing heat off both edges, not to mention the blitzing LB breathing down his neck, and what does Adam do? Yes, he would often try to create something out of nothing...with all the heart and guts and grit and guile he could muster.

And what did Weber get for trying to 'make bricks without straw'? He continually gets kicked in the teeth from D-bags like you.

Adam Weber a below-average-to-poor college QB? Ummmm...NO.

dpod = D-bag?.............absolutely!

Make up some more stories to tell us. Your new schtick as "defender of adult men" and "QB expert" isn't working for you. I'm thoroughly bored with this "effort".

...Even if you play hurt, play without a decent offensive line and no running game, they are going to blame you for everything and try to take it out on you because the back up qb couldn't beat you out. It's a real shame what some of these "so-called" Gopher people will try to do to you.

I hate to say it walrus, but you just summarized the last 40+ years of Gopher football.:(

So, let me see if I have this right. Part of the façade that the Weber defenders have built up is that he played behind a poor OL and had no quality RBs to speak of. So it's perfectly acceptable to throw the entire OL and RB corps from the last four years under the bus, but if anyone says anything negative about the play (not the integrity, class, or character, mind you) of the almost-24-year-old grown adult QB we've suffered through for the last 4 years, that's "D-bag" behavior and "out of bounds"? GIVE ME AN F'ING BREAK!!


It is incredible how little comprehension you have. I suspect it probably has something to do with your obsessive-compulsive disorders. As soon as somebody mentions Maturi, Brewster, Mason, or Weber you immediately tune out what was actually said and go into your standard tirade on these subjects. Before you do this you might try actually understanding what people are saying.

So, let me see if I have this right. Part of the façade that the Weber defenders have built up is that he played behind a poor OL and had no quality RBs to speak of. So it's perfectly acceptable to throw the entire OL and RB corps from the last four years under the bus, but if anyone says anything negative about the play (not the integrity, class, or character, mind you) of the almost-24-year-old grown adult QB we've suffered through for the last 4 years, that's "D-bag" behavior and "out of bounds"? GIVE ME AN F'ING BREAK!!

what walrus neglected to include in his earlier summary was Adam Weber accepting the challenge to help resurrect the local moribund program (same pitch to pirsig, seantrel, michael floyd, et al.), then having the constant revolving door of head coaches (mason, brewster, horton), assistant coaches (mitch browning, tony peterson, dunbar, jedd fisch, and too many others to mention), offensive philosophies, etc.

dpod/dbag, you should direct your venom at the appropriate target(s), all of whom are now gone ;)

Nothing personal, but I think anonymous public criticism of the play of college athletes is totally and completely classless. Yeah, he's 24 years old, but to me, college athletes are out of bounds. On social or legal issues, have at it. Rip on the coach, rip of the AD, but my job as a fan and booster is to support ther players and the team.

With Weber, I just feel he had an amazing career despite playing in one of the most disfunctional college football programs in the nation--and I don't think I'm exaggerating on either statement. If we had won a few more games, he would have been crowned the greatest Minnesota QB of the last 50 years, no doubt--and that's not an exaggeration, either. Check out the Gopher records some time. His name is in there a couple of times.

Stellar receiving corp

So, let me see if I have this right. Part of the façade that the Weber defenders have built up is that he played behind a poor OL and had no quality RBs to speak of. So it's perfectly acceptable to throw the entire OL and RB corps from the last four years under the bus, but if anyone says anything negative about the play (not the integrity, class, or character, mind you) of the almost-24-year-old grown adult QB we've suffered through for the last 4 years, that's "D-bag" behavior and "out of bounds"? GIVE ME AN F'ING BREAK!!

What about receivers?

It couldn't possibly be that SOME of Weber's perceived inaccuracy was due to having an array of receivers that didn't know what the f'k they were doing? Receiver runs the wrong route, makes his cut in the wrong spot, ball misses horribly, and it's the QB's fault every time.

By most accounts, Weber had two decent receivers at his disposal over his 4 years: Decker, who turned out pretty well (as in, it's not like Weber HURT Decker's stock) and D. McKnight, who looked pretty good catching balls for Weber last year as an unheralded receiver who had little experience playing WR before getting to the U.

And after that, he had Stoudermire who was such an outstanding receiver that he's playing DB now and M. Gray who never WAS a receiver.

Pile that on to Weber having to learn to speak Greek his second year, then learn to speak Arabic his third year, and then Italian his 4th year..... yeah, I can see why nobody should cut him any slack.

I gotta go with Studwell on this one. I don't think any of us has a clue how good/bad Weber is.

You do have to consider the outstanding quality of the coaching during Weber's time here. (sarcasm)

what walrus neglected to include in his earlier summary was Adam Weber accepting the challenge to help resurrect the local moribund program (same pitch to pirsig, seantrel, michael floyd, et al.), then having the constant revolving door of head coaches (mason, brewster, horton), assistant coaches (mitch browning, tony peterson, dunbar, jedd fisch, and too many others to mention), offensive philosophies, etc.

dpod/dbag, you should direct your venom at the appropriate target(s), all of whom are now gone ;)

None of that answers my question. Good job defending an adult man, though.

Nothing personal, but I think anonymous public criticism of the play of college athletes is totally and completely classless. Yeah, he's 24 years old, but to me, college athletes are out of bounds.

I disagree. My taxes (along with the tuition myself and my wife paid, and will likely pay for all of our kids as well) pays for the institution that pays for the scholarship he enjoyed for 5 years. My ticket costs and interest in the program is why he was able to play for his hometown school, enjoy a free education, and (against all logic and reason) have people apparently interested in paying him for something he's really not very good at. You don't get all of that without receiving criticism when you fail. If he wanted to play football and not get criticized, he could've gone to any DIII school in the country. This is the Big Ten. It ain't intramurals.

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