Was this an offsides on us?

Did the refs get the call right?

  • Horrible call, we got fucked

    Votes: 111 94.9%
  • They made the right call

    Votes: 6 5.1%

  • Total voters
I am pissed this morning. Everyone please spare me the "if we played better in the first half, we would still have won. The flag didn't cost us the game." It sure as hell did. Yeah... we sucked in the first half. BUT... if it had been a closer game, do you think we would have gone up tempo? That's when we actually started moving the ball. And that would have led to different things happening throughout the game. It's like some people actually think you can look back at a game and think that everything would have played out the same, if you subtract a few bad things that happen. Like the blocked punt. You can't just say hey... if that wouldn't have happened then we'd win by 3 or something. Not how it works. EXCEPT at the very end of the game. And that damn official took away a golden opportunity. Would we have scored? I think so. But maybe not. I could live with it if we didn't. Would have still sucked but not nearly as bad as this. We lost, or at least did not have the opportunity to win, BECAUSE OF THE FLAG. The official making that call should be suspended for the rest of the season. I understand wrong calls, and I get that officiating is hard. But you have to be aware for the situation. You DO NOT make that call unless you are certain, beyond all doubt, that it is offside. And I guarantee you that the flag wouldn't have been thrown if we were playing Purdue, Indiana, Rutgers, Northwestern or any one of the the other Big Teams who get screwed on a regular basis by officials when they play OSU and Michigan.

Absolutely not offsides, we were denied an instant classic win! Still pissed this am

I am pissed this morning. Everyone please spare me the "if we played better in the first half, we would still have won. The flag didn't cost us the game." It sure as hell did. Yeah... we sucked in the first half. BUT... if it had been a closer game, do you think we would have gone up tempo? That's when we actually started moving the ball. And that would have led to different things happening throughout the game. It's like some people actually think you can look back at a game and think that everything would have played out the same, if you subtract a few bad things that happen. Like the blocked punt. You can't just say hey... if that wouldn't have happened then we'd win by 3 or something. Not how it works. EXCEPT at the very end of the game. And that damn official took away a golden opportunity. Would we have scored? I think so. But maybe not. I could live with it if we didn't. Would have still sucked but not nearly as bad as this. We lost, or at least did not have the opportunity to win, BECAUSE OF THE FLAG. The official making that call should be suspended for the rest of the season. I understand wrong calls, and I get that officiating is hard. But you have to be aware for the situation. You DO NOT make that call unless you are certain, beyond all doubt, that it is offside. And I guarantee you that the flag wouldn't have been thrown if we were playing Purdue, Indiana, Rutgers, Northwestern or any one of the the other Big Teams who get screwed on a regular basis by officials when they play OSU and Michigan.
Another rant...

That catch by Jackson for a TD was awesome. But as noted elsewhere here, it was of course, originally reviewed as out of bounds. On what fricking planet is that not a TD? I am glad they reviewed it and got it right. But they shouldn't have had to review it. He had two feet in bounds by a wide margin. He clearly controlled the ball. His thighs were pretty much in the endzone it was so clear that he was in bounds. Official thought nothing of waving that off. Contrast that with the Michigan interception where we apparently only had a camera angle from the far side of effing Jupiter to review. It's just pathetic.

Another rant...

That catch by Jackson for a TD was awesome. But as noted elsewhere here, it was of course, originally reviewed as out of bounds. On what fricking planet is that not a TD? I am glad they reviewed it and got it right. But they shouldn't have had to review it. He had two feet in bounds by a wide margin. He clearly controlled the ball. His thighs were pretty much in the endzone it was so clear that he was in bounds. Official thought nothing of waving that off. Contrast that with the Michigan interception where we apparently only had a camera angle from the far side of effing Jupiter to review. It's just pathetic.
Because the ref stopped watching DJ after he threw the flag, started looking for the defender's number assuming it was going to be incomplete because of the interference. If he had a mic on, you would have heard him say "Oh fuck..." when he finally looked back and DJ had the ball. Then he guessed

I’m curious when the flag was thrown on that offsides OR the ref was thrown it regardless known it would kill any potential of a Michigan loss. I’m hearing more fan bases losing against helmet schools due to officiating. I wonder with the 22 team playoff they are guiding the helmet schools to the best opportunity of making it if giving a chance.

Because the ref stopped watching DJ after he threw the flag, started looking for the defender's number assuming it was going to be incomplete because of the interference. If he had a mic on, you would have heard him say "Oh fuck..." when he finally looked back and DJ had the ball. Then he guessed
On DJ's TD, was there a flag for pass interference? He was mauled.

We Gopher fans can be pissed at the officials. The one's that should be really pissed are the players that executed the play. Onside kicks are hard to execute well and they did a fantastic job of making a play. Big 10 officials especially the guy that threw the flag jobbed them out to protect the brand. I hope they let their anger fuel them to win.

I don't think the call was right, and was as upset as anyone when it got made. But as someone pointed out, we got points on a drive where we got away with an obvious hands to the face. Kind of like when we get to the end of the year and people say "we were three plays away from three more wins." But usually we were also three other plays away from three more losses.
and Mich never had a big play on O or D for which they had an unflagged penalty, right? Iowa got away with holding our receivers all last week, and they didn’t throw a flag on Iowa, but let’s pretend a different reality, one where false flags in critical situations that decide game outcomes don’t matter.. You can’t be serious.

Even the Final Drive, which to my recollection has never covered any of the terrible game changing ref calls that have dogged the Gophers for decades, and who always protects the B1G dogs, said the Gophers got robbed.

By the absolute technical letter of the law the ref may have been right and our guy may have had a helmet or arm or whatever across the line before the kick......but there is a reason why all the talking heads and both fanbases agree that was a horrible call (and that almost never happens on a controversial call) and it is because the refs are not out there to enforce the rules to the letter of the law, especially in football.

In football if they did enforce everything to that level there would be a flag on every single snap because someone will always be holding or start a fraction of a second early or do something that is technically against the rules.

To throw that flag it needed to be blatantly obvious that #49 was offsides and that was clearly not the case. Not going to speculate on the refs motives but he absolutely should not have thrown that flag unless it was clear that our player was across the line in a way that would have given him any sort of advantage on the play. Being a split second early is not what the refs are there to enforce.

Another rant...

That catch by Jackson for a TD was awesome. But as noted elsewhere here, it was of course, originally reviewed as out of bounds. On what fricking planet is that not a TD? I am glad they reviewed it and got it right. But they shouldn't have had to review it. He had two feet in bounds by a wide margin. He clearly controlled the ball. His thighs were pretty much in the endzone it was so clear that he was in bounds. Official thought nothing of waving that off. Contrast that with the Michigan interception where we apparently only had a camera angle from the far side of effing Jupiter to review. It's just pathetic.
And....he had two knees in bounds as well.

There was a play in the early 2nd half where orgi scrambled and pj and the coaches were going ballistic he stepped out of bounds about 3 yards prior. Did they ever slow it on the broadcast? Seemed like what pj spent the timeout on but they never showed the replay in stadium. Was curious as to if it was discussed at all

Will be curious if an apology comes from the Chief of Referees for the Big 10 on the offside call.

Will be curious if an apology comes from the Chief of Referees for the Big 10 on the offside call.
We probably won't get the public apology since technically the official probably wasn't wrong with the call but I am guessing the coaching staff will get an apology for the call being made when it almost certainly should not have been.

Just like the Michigan Int where his heel was most likely on the line but Fox decided to send two cameras to the game.
What you said. When has Fox not had cameras positioned along the boundary so that you can clearly see if someone is out of bounds. With all of the P4 money, there should be standard views available.:mad:

There was a play in the early 2nd half where orgi scrambled and pj and the coaches were going ballistic he stepped out of bounds about 3 yards prior. Did they ever slow it on the broadcast? Seemed like what pj spent the timeout on but they never showed the replay in stadium. Was curious as to if it was discussed at all
No conclusive views. Those were the worst replay angles/ views ever.

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