Wake Forest to display emblems, ‘Black Lives Matter’ on helmets this season

BLM is one of the most morally depraved political movements in American history. Rarely have we seen a group that is so cartoonishly evil with no redeeming qualities at all. They have no valid points. They should not be listened to or respected. They deserve scorn and only scorn.

So if you decide to take drugs you already know the consequences can result in death. You making that choice is putting your life at risk, whether it be the drugs themselves or an interaction with police.

Hopefully your kid is intoxicated and on the bad end. Won't likely happen because they will get the benefit of the doubt and you know it. That's why it's easy to take the position you have.

BLM is one of the most morally depraved political movements in American history. Rarely have we seen a group that is so cartoonishly evil with no redeeming qualities at all. They have no valid points. They should not be listened to or respected. They deserve scorn and only scorn.

You make me want to get a BLM sign to troll the Trumptards...

BLM is one of the most morally depraved political movements in American history. Rarely have we seen a group that is so cartoonishly evil with no redeeming qualities at all. They have no valid points. They should not be listened to or respected. They deserve scorn and only scorn.
Or maybe they're playing 4d Overton Window chess?

Pretty safe to say this has been what you've been trying to do for the last couple months isn't it?

I have not said I support BLM, find where I did. I said to most people BLM is literally what the words say. That is all I have said wrt BLM specifically.

BLM cares about black lives like antifa is anti fascist. Neither live up anywhere close to what their name says they are.

Hopefully your kid is intoxicated and on the bad end. Won't likely happen because they will get the benefit of the doubt and you know it. That's why it's easy to take the position you have.

Wally -
Please make the distinction between the far-left BLM Marxist mob movement, the poor black man and MLK's movement!

I think you're confused about what many GOOD Blacks & Whites, that want our black citizens to gain the equality they deserve, with the Fat-Left Extremist BLM Marxist movement! Many whites and blacks disagree with how the BLM Marxist movement & how they are trying to make lives better for Blacks in the U.S.

The Blacks in this Country, before the Civil War were slaves. After the Civil War it wasn't that much better for blacks, especially in the South, with the Jim Crow laws in effect. Contrast what MLK did, in the 60s, to bring about the Civil Rights Movement and laws vs the Extreme BLM Marxist rioting, mob movement. MLK had more guts than I ever had and 10 fold that of what the BLM Marxist mob do. Did MLK fix everything - NO! What MLK did was to show the rest of the U.S. what the black man had to suffer through & that although physically and mentally painful he brought attention to the black mans plight. He started a true peaceful movement that needs to be built on. All the Far-Left BLM Marxist Mob is doing is ruining the black mans chances for change into the ground. Why, because whites are grouping all blacks under the BLM Marxist mob, rioting banner.

When the Extreme BLM Marxist block off entire streets and wont let ambiences pass to help the injured, when they destroy business in poor areas that both poor blacks and whites depend on, when they burn and break windows of any stores, when they throw rocks and fire bombs at the police that they do not recognize as good police officers instead of ones that should be gotten ride of, it totally harms the TRUE Black LIVES EQUALTY MOVEMENT. The BLM Marxist unfairly taints the Blacks that want to peacefully protest for equality, change and for a hand up instead of a Marxist hand out.

I looked up Marxism, I can see how it would be an ideal, not realistic but as an overarching goal it isn't the worst thing in the world. I mean if your a disenfranchised group with the goal to be equal it is attractive. I think it's kind of sad how vitriolic everyone is to what is a cry for an equal shake in life.

BLM is one of the most morally depraved political movements in American history. Rarely have we seen a group that is so cartoonishly evil with no redeeming qualities at all. They have no valid points. They should not be listened to or respected. They deserve scorn and only scorn.
Black people deserve only scorn??

I mean if your a disenfranchised group with the goal to beI think it's kind of sad how vitriolic everyone is to what is a cry for an equal shake in life.
Equal shake or equal result?

Equal shake or equal result?

I get it....
The actual policy decisions are more interesting to me than a philosophical fight. Republicans like to keep it as a fight against a boogie man that will stir up the worst in people.

I looked up Marxism, I can see how it would be an ideal, not realistic but as an overarching goal it isn't the worst thing in the world. I mean if your a disenfranchised group with the goal to be equal it is attractive. I think it's kind of sad how vitriolic everyone is to what is a cry for an equal shake in life.

Sadly I have to disagree with you. You need to read more on Marxism & FAR-LEFT SOCIALISM. Under Marx and FAR-LEFT SOCIALISM their were even more poor, no room to move up because you had the determination to, and more people were disenfranchised in Marx's UTPOPEN world. Some socialism isn't bad in itself, we have some in the U.S, but Far-Left Marxist socialism doesn't work. Their is no government on earth where there are not the poor or disfranchised people. Because of our U.S. Constitution we have the ability to change peacefully, but a Republic takes time for things to change. If you want a totalitarian government things can change quickly, but one person and not the people determine that change & it is only for the ruling classes benefit!

People in the U.S. have a chance to vote people in and out of the government if they would vote!
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I get it....
The actual policy decisions are more interesting to me than a philosophical fight. Republicans like to keep it as a fight against a boogie man that will stir up the worst in people.

Things swing back and forth between the 2 parties. Go back & look at the beginning of the Democratic Party, the oldest party in the U.S., & I don't think you'll like most of what you read. I think you can start with Pres. Jackson some were about 1830 and work your way forwards. I'm not saying all Democratic Presidents or Congresses were bad & revolting, but many were, before FDR & Truman as many were before the newly established Republican Party & President Lincoln.

LOOK UP Democratic President Woodrow Wilson who served during WW 1. HE WAS THE MOST ANTI BLACK PRESIDENTS in the 1900s.

Please remember it was the Democratic Party that maintained slavery in the Southern States & started the Civil War to keep slavery in place in the Southern States. President Lincoln was the first President from any party to stand up to the Southern Democrats. By the way Lincoln ran for the first Republican President 4 years earlier, when the Republican Party was first formed, but lost.
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There are no words. Thank goodness for video or we might think this man actually tried to kill them.


BLM is one of the most morally depraved political movements in American history. Rarely have we seen a group that is so cartoonishly evil with no redeeming qualities at all. They have no valid points. They should not be listened to or respected. They deserve scorn and only scorn.

More morally depraved than the current U.S. president? If so, that's really bad.

More morally depraved than the current U.S. president? If so, that's really bad.

Truly this is bad, but since this is a Republic you can vote the current president out. The Governors' and Mayors of those cities that let this happen, need to take control of these types of things and let the police preserve peace and protect the their people. (SADLY WE CAN'T VOTE THOSE PIGS, FLIPPING THE VAN THAT SOMEONE PAID FOR, INTO JAIL OR UNLEASH A CANISTER OF PEPER SPRAY IN THEIR FACES!) I'm not a Trump fan, but I am a conservatives. For those of you that are not Trump fans vote him out. Do you condone this kind of liberal behavior & is it any worse than what you think about Trump. (IF SO, YOU MUST BE AN ANARKEST thats even lower than a COMUNIST!)

I know this belongs on the off topic board, but subject. is being posted here.
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I get it....
The actual policy decisions are more interesting to me than a philosophical fight. Republicans like to keep it as a fight against a boogie man that will stir up the worst in people.
What kind of policies are you looking for? That’s where I struggle. Give me something tangible you are looking for people to do. Should I wear a patch on my clothes? Cry on TV? Set aside one day a week to protest in the streets? Throw more money at inner city schools?

Give me something tangible to support.

There are no words. Thank goodness for video or we might think this man actually tried to kill them.

Why wouldn't this man just comply with people asking him not to run them over? It boggles the mind, that anyone would disobey and resist so flagrantly. I just can't understand it.

In my eyes, BLM means, burn, loot, murder and it isn’t just black people that follow the acronym. Misguided thoughts aren’t determined by skin color. Would be interested to see where all donated money goes. LeBron donated $1 million. Where did that money go? Do these “marchers” have jobs?

So is it BLM or Antifa? Or both? Or some kind of love child of them? BLtifa? AntM?

Or perhaps it's crazy RWers who are desperate to slap some fake label on anything they don't approve of or like?

That swing at the side mirror was pretty damn vicious. :ROFLMAO:

That elderly driver is a boss. How many of us could calmly carry on with business, not raise our voices, and pump the diesel without losing our **** with the nonsense and bullying swirling around?

It seems to have become a thing to get in average citizens grills and scream at the top of the lungs while dining, driving, pumping gas? What is the thought pattern there?

That elderly driver is a boss. How many of us could calmly carry on with business, not raise our voices, and pump the diesel without losing our **** with the nonsense and bullying swirling around?

It seems to have become a thing to get in average citizens grills and scream at the top of the lungs while dining, driving, pumping gas? What is the thought pattern there?
Who knew pumping gas is racist?

I just want to chime in to say, screw Communism!

I just want to chime in to say, screw Communism!
Whoa!!! Pump the brakes there! Do NOT say this to LeBron and the NBA; they are making billions off the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and don't dare ask them any questions about it. We're all either "uneducated" about the topic or "it's complicated".

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