UPDATED! - GopherHole Spring Game Tailgate for LLS - details here!

Nice idea.

Not trying to be disrespectful here, as LLS is a very worthy charity; but, as it's an event situated around Gopher athletics, it seems using the proceeds to help Gopher athletics in some capacity would make some sense. Was that looked into and deemed unfeasible? Just curious.
First post of the thread explains it:
Long story short...I'm going to be running for the Leukemia Lymphoma Societies Woman of the Year. It's a 10 week campaign to raise money, and awareness, for LLS. It's a cause I've become very passionate about, because one of my little friends, Paige (who is a huge Gopher fan) was struck with this disease when she was 5. She's doing great now, because of all the advancements that have done.

So...I'll be putting on a lot of events during this 10 week campaign, and thought it would be fun to hold a Gopher event. I wanted to gauge interest first, before I get sponsors, donations, etc. I'm thinking I would charge $25 for adults, and have typical tailgate food, brats, hot dogs, burgers, sides, etc...along with beer, soda and water included.

People always talk about a GH get together - how many of you would be interested? A lot easier than lugging all your own stuff, and if you paid online, it would also be tax deductible!

If we had a number of people - Glen Mason actually said he'd attend if he's in town. For any of you that have met him, or heard him on Barreiro, he's got a TON of great Gopher stories to share. I'm like a kid in a candy store listening to them!

Please let me know your thoughts, and if you'd be interested.

Getting people to the spring game will help Gophers athletics, mostly football, with more emotional investment into the program. People will care when there's skin in the game.

Got it, thanks.

Frothy, when we met last year at TCF, I never envisioned you as someone that would attend a benefit for childhood cancer research but I just saw your twitter account and you said you are definitely going, which is good to see. Looking forward to catching up again, helping out Nadine and a great cause and talking Gophers!

Nice idea.

Not trying to be disrespectful here, as LLS is a very worthy charity; but, as it's an event situated around Gopher athletics, it seems using the proceeds to help Gopher athletics in some capacity would make some sense. Was that looked into and deemed unfeasible? Just curious.

If you feel that Gopher Athletics is a more worthy cause than the advancement of treatment for children and adults with cancer, you are more than welcome to donate directly to the U of MN Athletic Department. Everyone has their own cause they represent, it just depends on what's near and dear to your heart. I love Gopher athletics, and have donated hundreds, maybe thousands of hours to it already. You look at the Football and Basketball players (and all U of MN athletes) visiting the Children's hospital, and volunteering for many other organizations, they seem to have the same passion for helping others that I do...and it's not just about sports, some things, like cancer, are very important too.

Getting people to the spring game will help Gophers athletics, mostly football, with more emotional investment into the program. People will care when there's skin in the game.

This is very true. You look at the attendance for the Spring Game, and it's not where any of us want it to be. I'm personally, getting a number of people to attend that have never even gone to a Gopher game. If even one of them gets a taste of how much fun a tailgate, and the game is, it's a win-win.

Friend and I are in paid up for 2 great cause excellent venue!

Thanks so much, looking forward to meeting you! I just picked up nametags today - hoping to meet many GopherHolers, or any fans. I've become great friends with so many I've already met! :)

If you feel that Gopher Athletics is a more worthy cause than the advancement of treatment for children and adults with cancer, you are more than welcome to donate directly to the U of MN Athletic Department. Everyone has their own cause they represent, it just depends on what's near and dear to your heart. I love Gopher athletics, and have donated hundreds, maybe thousands of hours to it already. You look at the Football and Basketball players (and all U of MN athletes) visiting the Children's hospital, and volunteering for many other organizations, they seem to have the same passion for helping others that I do...and it's not just about sports, some things, like cancer, are very important too.

Thanks for the response and for using my question to paint me as some sort of villain opposed to cancer research. I was lazy and didn't read the first page of the thread for background information. Zambam answered the question with a reference, which sufficiently addressed my issue.

Frankly, I'm surprised you didn't mention my desire to eliminate homeless people using space-based lasers or my countless hours spent working with the Illuminati to use poor children as a source of food.

Good luck with the event. As I said, it's a very worthwhile cause.

I'd like to hear what the other WOMAN OF THE YEAR candidates have to offer before making my final decision.

Thanks for the response and for using my question to paint me as some sort of villain opposed to cancer research. I was lazy and didn't read the first page of the thread for background information. Zambam answered the question with a reference, which sufficiently addressed my issue.

Frankly, I'm surprised you didn't mention my desire to eliminate homeless people using space-based lasers or my countless hours spent working with the Illuminati to use poor children as a source of food.

Good luck with the event. As I said, it's a very worthwhile cause.

lol Not sure if this post was meant to be sarcastic or not.. but I'm pretty sure she didn't know that you missed the original/first post.

\I just picked up nametags today - hoping to meet many GopherHolers, or any fans. I've become great friends with so many I've already met! :)

So we are doing the nametag thing, eh? Forgive my laziness if this is posted elsewhere.. but is there a deadline to buy the Advanced Tickets and if so, when?

I'd like to hear what the other WOMAN OF THE YEAR candidates have to offer before making my final decision.

Haha - I completely understand, here's the list of all of us:https://mn.dojiggy.com/players/index.cfm?655721500D750B0C0C707408127037562F437902057271000475

As competetive as I am, I can't say a bad word about any of them, we're all working for the same goal!

lol Not sure if this post was meant to be sarcastic or not.. but I'm pretty sure she didn't know that you missed the original/first post.

So we are doing the nametag thing, eh? Forgive my laziness if this is posted elsewhere.. but is there a deadline to buy the Advanced Tickets and if so, when?

You can fill one out, or you don't have to - I bought them though! (I know I replied on Twitter to this - but I'm sure others have the same question) - the deadline is next Friday, the 20th. But honestly, since there is a team of us planning, and we put together a pretty good menu, the earlier the better. If you know you're going to come, I would love it if you could RSVP as soon as possible, the online system is so easy and quick: https://mn.dojiggy.com/pledge/index.cfm?585F22081074777877020664127037562F437902057271000475

Also have another update - Coach Mason is no longer able to come. He found out late last night that he had to fly to State College to cover the PSU Spring game for the BTN. He felt really bad, but I know he had no choice, it's work! Here's the latest flyer, and invite:


Frothy, when we met last year at TCF, I never envisioned you as someone that would attend a benefit for childhood cancer research but I just saw your twitter account and you said you are definitely going, which is good to see. Looking forward to catching up again, helping out Nadine and a great cause and talking Gophers!

What did you envision? That he goes home and tears the heads off of dolls and scratches the eyes and mouths off of people in photos?

I could be mistaken, but I don't think the pro-cancer contingent is very large.

Oh, I'll most def fill a nametag out. I just forgot that was mentioned.. It's a great idea!

That said, my wife was really embarrassed last night that we outed her crush on Goldy on Twitter.. It was cute. Nadine, you and her will get along... She's from WI as well and even roots for the Packers to annoy me. She doesn't follow NFL football like college, though, so there's not that much emotional investment in it on her end.

What did you envision? That he goes home and tears the heads off of dolls and scratches the eyes and mouths off of people in photos?

I could be mistaken, but I don't think the pro-cancer contingent is very large.

If I recall correctly, Stan and I met while I was boiling live puppies and distributing a petition against childhood cancer research; so it was perfectly understandable for him to form those conclusions.


Also have another update - Coach Mason is no longer able to come. He found out late last night that he had to fly to State College to cover the PSU Spring game for the BTN. He felt really bad, but I know he had no choice, it's work!

If the phone rings, he has to answer it.

Just a reminder - if you're planning on attending, please pay by tomorrow to get teh $25 rate, walk-ups on Saturday are welcome, but will be $40. If you'd rather not pay online here: http://mn.mwoy.llsevent.org/teambabu
You can email me to make other arrangements: [email protected]

It's turning out to be a really nice group - and along with Goldy, it looks like the band will make an appearance, as well as a few former Gopher football players!


Officially donated and am ready to go. As I said on Twitter, Mrs. Formo will be attending as well as she just can't turn down a grinnin' Goldy.

Officially donated and am ready to go. As I said on Twitter, Mrs. Formo will be attending as well as she just can't turn down a grinnin' Goldy.

He should be there around 10:30! Thank you, I got your donation, as well as a number of other pre-pays today (whew)! Had lots of RSVP's, but was getting worried since we are putting SO much time and money into it. We wanted to put on a really nice tailgate, not just hot dogs and Miller High Life. We may have gone a little too all out...but I am not known for doing anything half ass ;)

Tech challenged Gopher fan with no facebook account. I will head over to the tailgate tomorrow. Couldn't pre register, so I'll just swing by and make a donation.


Tech challenged Gopher fan with no facebook account. I will head over to the tailgate tomorrow. Couldn't pre register, so I'll just swing by and make a donation.


Just tell me you're STP Gopher and I'll give you the $25 rate, thank you for your support! Anyone who can't/doesn't want to pay online can just make arrangements with me and we'll cover you. Glad you can make it!

I dunno how I will be able to sleep tonight.. I'm excited.

Sounds like a blast! I wish I could make it to the game. Go Gophers!

GopherLady, some of us do not use facebook, and hence no photos. Can you put together the photos here on GopherHole for us peons? Thanking you in advance.

GopherLady, some of us do not use facebook, and hence no photos. Can you put together the photos here on GopherHole for us peons? Thanking you in advance.

Dude, she runs her own business and in her "spare" time she runs GopherHole and fundraises for LLS - how about you spend the four minutes signing up for facebook to see the photos. Thank you in advance.

Can you NOT still see the photos? Nadine can set up the album to be publicly viewed and you don't have to be a Facebook user to view all the photos.

Nadine, thanks for the awesome 'gate! Had a blast and maybe I'll con my uncle (who's my gameday riding buddy) to join me in crashing your regular season tailgates!

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