Tyler Moore transferring..

If the leaders at the U had their way, our Constitution would have been written by Vladimir Lenin.

Only when it applies to others. For how it applies to them, the current one works.

He also said "We still don't know what happened back in Sept and it's so unfair to Coach Claeys" ... Not one time did he mention the young woman or the 80 page report. I thought the whole Dave Lee interview was one sided and filled with Bob Coughlin's religious convictions ...
It's so terrible to have a religious, moral conscience....[emoji41] [emoji33]

If Mr. Moore is leaving for some personal hardship reason, the U has means of addressing the scholarship and return to campus after the hardship has ended. But, that does not fit the narrative here. I am left to conclude that Mr. Moore is simply abandoning the relationship to the U for reasons other than hardship.

Couldn't agree more with Slim. I need to disagree with Pompous and sm_25 on their last comments.

There is a distinct difference between supporting your teammates and making poor, ill-informed decisions. Sometimes you need to stand behind your teammates and sometimes you need to call them on their bad decisions and, if need be, stand alone. The few "leaders" of the team led the team to the boycott before getting all the facts and they are the ones that threw there lemming teammates under the bus, not the administration.

If you recall, the entire team or the head coach didn't even know all the details of the report before the team meeting(although the entire report was available online that afternoon) with Kaler and the Regents(who stood behind the school's decision) and the team didn't have the Kaler/Regent meeting until later that night. Claeys hadn't read it either before his tweet. After those meetings, when the whole team actually looked at the entire report, the players started to have second thoughts about the boycott. Collect ALL the facts, then discuss the pro/cons of a boycott. Had they done that things may have turned out much differently.

Finally, Claeys was not fired due to his record. He was fired due to his lack of leadership on/off the field. He is supposed to be a leader and mentor in both. Look at Wolitarsky's, Leidner's and other players comments/posts pre/post Claey's firing. It's obvious that they all still think they are larger than the school they represent. They still don't realize that they, the team, played the part in getting their coach fired. You can point to a number of areas that Claeys played a part that was succcessful(don't give him full credit for these since there is a lag in these stats and he was only head coach for over a year)...grad rates, GPA, etc., but ultimately there are times that one or two mistakes are so immense they require the removal of the individual. This was the case. Same thing would have happened if something similar happened in the private sector.

Agreed. This has the look and feel of how a boss of mine was fired a long time ago. In the end, it occurred after one particular thing but in reality it had been building for a while. Death by a thousand cuts, ultimately.

Going against Claeys was:

- Lack of leadership in certain key areas
- Poor game/clock management
- Decline in team discipline on the field (and apparently off)
- Noticeable increase in penalties on the field this year (generally attributed to coaching/leadership)
- Not being "Coyle's guy" definitely played a part
- The series of events leading up to the bowl game
- What happened back on September 2
- Relationship with Kaler and Coyle, not being on the same page clearly
- Failure to close out close games this year; Gophers had been a STRONG second half team under Kill; this year they dumped winnable games/situations against Iowa, Penn State and Nebraska, and even Wisconsin

I would have probably been fine with keeping Claeys, but the man was fired for a litany of reasons, not just the primary topic of discussion.

If Mr. Moore is leaving for some personal hardship reason, the U has means of addressing the scholarship and return to campus after the hardship has ended. But, that does not fit the narrative here. I am left to conclude that Mr. Moore is simply abandoning the relationship to the U for reasons other than hardship.
It doesn't matter. Mr. Moore lives in a free market society and can take his talents elsewhere regardless of your opinion.

Yeah, Slim Tubby played D3 basketball and he made sure his teammates had the same sexual preferences as him. He's a real man and he hates rape.

Disappointed in your response, Bob, as I value your input and insight on this board regarding all matters. I've never brought up sexual preferences nor would I ever because it has nothing to do with my opinion. My point regarding self-policing by the members of the team was that the focus should always be on what's best for the team and if anyone was doing something that could detract from the teams' success then someone needs to step up and say something. When I got lazy on the books in my Sophomore year and more focused on the $4.00 keg glass, a Senior pulled me aside and put me straight. It had nothing to do with sports...it was about making the right choices. He literally saved my college career academically and that's what true leadership is all about. But I guess that makes me a slimy POS (not your words) for expecting those at fault to also be held accountable.

Should have made move after Wisconsin in hindsight.

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This would have been the perfect time to do if he was going to make a change. I hope I'm wrong but I not very optimistic we'll hire a good coach. Just not a lot of options out there at this point.

But isn't it also fair to look at the behavior of the players he is supposedly leading? Isn't their behavior a reflection of their leader? The September 2nd incident was bad enough but then the alleged harassment which followed? I'm sorry but Tracy Claeys bears some responsibility for his players actions off the field and as we all know these alleged actions are beyond despicable. Are you convinced that this same incident would have happened under Kills watch? Because I'm not.

Four players accused out of what, 130 on the team? They were suspended in Sept. By proxy, are you arguing that Pitino should have been canned? I mean, what, 4 of 16 have been accused in the last year and a half? There are 9 basketball coaches...less than 2 players per coach.

This is just the start of it. After being lied to by President Kaler, having zero support from the AD Coyle, and now none of the coaches that brought many of these players to Minnesota, it's going to be hard to hold onto the players with options. This seemed like the coaches were the walking dead for weeks. I don't think that a lot of the players liked being painted in a negative light with the way Coyle handled the suspensions of there teammates. Some coach is going to take over but they are going to take over a limited talent team when it is all said and done. It's semester break, anyone that had previous options and had good seasons will be getting in touch with schools and coaches that recruited them in the past. Really sitting out one season probably will not be that big a deal for a lot of the young guy's. It's going to be hard for the new coach when he has lost 20 guy's before he even walks in the door.

And those that stay run the risk of being thrown under the bus a second time by the new coach per the AD. I am beginning to think the reason Coyle didn't notify them first was to prove a point. That point is that he does not respect them and that they better respect his position.

If you recall, the entire team or the head coach didn't even know all the details of the report before the team meeting(although the entire report was available online that afternoon) with Kaler and the Regents(who stood behind the school's decision) and the team didn't have the Kaler/Regent meeting until later that night. Claeys hadn't read it either before his tweet. After those meetings, when the whole team actually looked at the entire report, the players started to have second thoughts about the boycott. Collect ALL the facts, then discuss the pro/cons of a boycott. Had they done that things may have turned out much differently.

It doesn't matter what the report says, there are contradictory statements in it from all involved, it could be as much a piece of fiction as it is fact, there was no process done to decipher that, no ability to confront one's accuser, no due process, no one should be tried, convicted, and punished without that and these players were, that is the problem, that is what the players were protesting and what Claeys tweet was about. Maybe they are guilty but there better be a good process in place that makes that decision, the bias is obvious in that report.

Take your advice and don't make snap judgements without all the facts.

Couldn't agree more with Slim. I need to disagree with Pompous and sm_25 on their last comments.

There is a distinct difference between supporting your teammates and making poor, ill-informed decisions. Sometimes you need to stand behind your teammates and sometimes you need to call them on their bad decisions and, if need be, stand alone. The few "leaders" of the team led the team to the boycott before getting all the facts and they are the ones that threw there lemming teammates under the bus, not the administration.

If you recall, the entire team or the head coach didn't even know all the details of the report before the team meeting(although the entire report was available online that afternoon) with Kaler and the Regents(who stood behind the school's decision) and the team didn't have the Kaler/Regent meeting until later that night. Claeys hadn't read it either before his tweet. After those meetings, when the whole team actually looked at the entire report, the players started to have second thoughts about the boycott. Collect ALL the facts, then discuss the pro/cons of a boycott. Had they done that things may have turned out much differently.

Regarding SM_25's quote above, the players were not charged because the police felt there was insufficient evidence to bring to trial. This has absolutely nothing to do with the EOAA investigation that was still going to proceed internally. Students(athletes or not) are held to the U's Student Conduct Code. At two different D1 schools one of my responsibilities was to enforce the code. The two are independent and Claeys and the entire team should have been aware of that. The public doesn't always understand the difference, but the players and the staff definitely do. If Claeys and his staff cannot clearly articulate that from day one to the team, then that only shows one aspect of the lack of leadership Claeys and his 12+ years of college coaching possessed.

Finally, Claeys was not fired due to his record. He was fired due to his lack of leadership on/off the field. He is supposed to be a leader and mentor in both. Look at Wolitarsky's, Leidner's and other players comments/posts pre/post Claey's firing. It's obvious that they all still think they are larger than the school they represent. They still don't realize that they, the team, played the part in getting their coach fired. You can point to a number of areas that Claeys played a part that was succcessful(don't give him full credit for these since there is a lag in these stats and he was only head coach for over a year)...grad rates, GPA, etc., but ultimately there are times that one or two mistakes are so immense they require the removal of the individual. This was the case. Same thing would have happened if something similar happened in the private sector.

This is exactly why I started a new thread where we can have a true frank discussion on why Claeys was let go. Too much irrational emotions being thrown around in many of these other threads.

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It doesn't matter what the report says, there are contradictory statements in it from all involved, it could be as much a piece of fiction as it is fact, there was no process done to decipher that, no ability to confront one's accuser, no due process, no one should be tried, convicted, and punished without that and these players were, that is the problem, that is what the players were protesting and what Claeys tweet was about. Maybe they are guilty but there better be a good process in place that makes that decision, the bias is obvious in that report.

Take your advice and don't make snap judgements without all the facts.

Ummm...you are accusing me of making snap judgments? I've sat on this board for over three weeks reading everything I can, local and national, before ever posting. I also have direct experience with enforcing the Student Conduct Code at D1 schools. I'm not quite sure how you can conclude I'm making a snap decision. Did you read the report? The players and coach didn't even bother to prior to meeting with Kaler and the Regents? The players themselves said they didn't and that after reading the document they had different feelings. Do you realize how much time and effort went into that report before it was filed? In almost all legal and Higher Ed cases there are going to be discrepancies and disagreements. That is why there is an objective board in place to figure things out and make a decision. It was my responsibility to decipher what actually happened, not what was initially documented or what only a certain party claims. The same goes for the EOAA panel. Their responsibility is to enforce the Student Conduct Code which is far different than that of the legal system. I'd bet dollars to donuts that they wanted to get it right was reason it took so long for the decisions to be made. Instead of always looking for conspiracy theories(I'm talking about many of the posters, not specifically you), could it be the timing was in fact to collect all facts including texts, videos, testimonies etc. and having lengthy discussions to make sure they were making the right decision?

You and so many others are acting as immaturely as the players. Claeys was no leader and should have been let go. You can blame Kaler and Coyle all you want, but it started with the actions of some the players on September 2 and continued with the other players boycotting and Claeys tweet.

Why do you think the players boycotted? Because Coyle and Kaler lied to them, and the people of Minnesota. Claeys wasn't given a chance to manage that situation, and he probably could have, if Kaler and Coyle could have pulled their own heads out of their own asses.

This all started on 9/2 by the alleged actions of several players, but there is PLENTY of blame to go around for the situation we're in right now. You want to talk about a lack of leadership, look no further than Mr. Kaler and Mr. Coyle -- unless protecting your own ass at all costs - even your integrity - is a value of the University of Minnesota, both of those clowns need to go, too.

There is a definitely group of posters who live and die by pitchfork nation. It is much easier to jump to conclusions and scream and tear your hair out rather than use intelligence and logic. They have now moved on to insulting young adults, who are obviously more intelligent and reasoned than them and it is making their blood boil.

Wanting this to play out through a fair and structured process takes patience and intelligence. Dean S, UpNorth and their crew are furious that others possess these qualities and probably at a much younger age.

You and so many others are acting as immaturely as the players. Claeys was no leader and should have been let go. You can blame Kaler and Coyle all you want, but it started with the actions of some the players on September 2 and continued with the other players boycotting and Claeys tweet.

Agreed. Claeys was not the coaching stud we want/need. Had Claeys stayed, we'd probably be on the bubble for bowl bids for the duration. That being said, this was just the excuse they needed to make things acceptable. Ticket sales are down, fundraising is down, recruiting is poorly rated in the big ten The list goes on and on None of it is really grounds for dismissal, but this was a convenient excuse.

Coyle and Kahler are also culpable and should also be terminated. Drain the swamp all the way, not just part.

You and so many others are acting as immaturely as the players. Claeys was no leader and should have been let go. You can blame Kaler and Coyle all you want, but it started with the actions of some the players on September 2 and continued with the other players boycotting and Claeys tweet.


There is a definitely group of posters who live and die by pitchfork nation. It is much easier to jump to conclusions and scream and tear your hair out rather than use intelligence and logic. They have now moved on to insulting young adults, who are obviously more intelligent and reasoned than them and it is making their blood boil.

Wanting this to play out through a fair and structured process takes patience and intelligence. Dean S, UpNorth and their crew are furious that others possess these qualities and probably at a much younger age.

Unfortunately it was the pitchfork nation that got Claeys fired. To bad they jumped to conclusions rather than using intelligence and reason.

I've heard he is transferring and I've also heard it has nothing to do with the boycott. Family situation.

This would make sense as to why Matt Leidner started and played the bowl game. Didn't make sense to me that Moore would not play. I could understand a token start on senior day, but to play the full game?? I initially wondered what Tyler thought about this. Now if he had already told everyone he was transferring.....

This would make sense as to why Matt Leidner started and played the bowl game. Didn't make sense to me that Moore would not play. I could understand a token start on senior day, but to play the full game?? I initially wondered what Tyler thought about this. Now if he had already told everyone he was transferring.....

Yeah, I have no idea the background. A friend of mine who is a booster (not 7 or 8 figure like CoMN and UpNorth's friends), but an old timer that gives some money and has been around the program a lot told me that Tyler was transferring before the bowl game. So you might be onto something.

Agreed. This has the look and feel of how a boss of mine was fired a long time ago. In the end, it occurred after one particular thing but in reality it had been building for a while. Death by a thousand cuts, ultimately.

Going against Claeys was:

- Lack of leadership in certain key areas
- Poor game/clock management
- Decline in team discipline on the field (and apparently off)
- Noticeable increase in penalties on the field this year (generally attributed to coaching/leadership)
- Not being "Coyle's guy" definitely played a part
- The series of events leading up to the bowl game
- What happened back on September 2
- Relationship with Kaler and Coyle, not being on the same page clearly
- Failure to close out close games this year; Gophers had been a STRONG second half team under Kill; this year they dumped winnable games/situations against Iowa, Penn State and Nebraska, and even Wisconsin

I would have probably been fine with keeping Claeys, but the man was fired for a litany of reasons, not just the primary topic of discussion.

Specifically what key areas and what specific leadership examples?

Who will be the Gopher's 2017 starting center now that Tyler Moore is transferring? If I remember correctly Matt Leidner is graduating. Does that mean the incoming freshmen center has a chance to start right away?

Who will be the Gopher's 2017 starting center now that Tyler Moore is transferring? If I remember correctly Matt Leidner is graduating. Does that mean the incoming freshmen center has a chance to start right away?

If he's healthy, I suspect Jared Weyler is #1 on the depth chart. I thought Claeys said Weyler would have started in the bowl game if he had been healthy.

Maybe Fleck can convince Tyler to stay.

Four players accused out of what, 130 on the team? They were suspended in Sept. By proxy, are you arguing that Pitino should have been canned? I mean, what, 4 of 16 have been accused in the last year and a half? There are 9 basketball coaches...less than 2 players per coach.

Pitino's threesome was not accused of rape...they videoed and posted stuff unbecoming for a University representative. Lynch was accused of rape but the EOAA chose not to expel him. You are comparing apples and oranges. The EOAA found problems with 10 players not 4 and their recommendations were suspension/expulsion. Same group, the EOAA, which had much more info than we, saw the basketball issues quite differently.

I thought I heard on th radio he had needed extensive back surgery? I think it was kfan with Gardsy? Anyone else here this?

I thought it was simply to be closer to home and decision was independent of the coaches leaving.

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