Tyler Moore transferring..

You were implying all of the above. Why do you think the boycott occurred? They were worried about "tarnishing the team"? You don't have any values to speak of. Fairness, due process. That's what this was about. Not defending rape or rapists.

Your pompous, pious posts are very revealing.

Yawn...impossible to have a serious debate with those that need to fabricate what was actually stated and declared. Stay classy, sir.

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You and so many others are acting as immaturely as the players. Claeys was no leader and should have been let go. You can blame Kaler and Coyle all you want, but it started with the actions of some the players on September 2 and continued with the other players boycotting and Claeys tweet.

Immature, really, expecting Due Process when accused of something is immature, a coach supporting that concept is no leader, I guess the creators of our constitution would not be leaders today.

can anyone tell us if he is actually transferring or did I just read this for nothing?

can anyone tell us if he is actually transferring or did I just read this for nothing?

I've heard he is transferring and I've also heard it has nothing to do with the boycott. Family situation.

The highest GPA ever. The highest graduation rates ever. That sounds like a leader to me. But, maybe you long for the Brewster days...

But isn't it also fair to look at the behavior of the players he is supposedly leading? Isn't their behavior a reflection of their leader? The September 2nd incident was bad enough but then the alleged harassment which followed? I'm sorry but Tracy Claeys bears some responsibility for his players actions off the field and as we all know these alleged actions are beyond despicable. Are you convinced that this same incident would have happened under Kills watch? Because I'm not.

But isn't it also fair to look at the behavior of the players he is supposedly leading? Isn't their behavior a reflection of their leader? The September 2nd incident was bad enough but then the alleged harassment which followed? I'm sorry but Tracy Claeys bears some responsibility for his players actions off the field and as we all know these alleged actions are beyond despicable. Are you convinced that this same incident would have happened under Kills watch? Because I'm not.
I heard Bob Coughlin, Carter Coughlin's dad, on WCCO radio this morning. Bob talked about all the good things Claeys and staff had implemented. He said that nearly 100 football players were attending religious group meetings on campus and looking for ways to be a positive imfluence. Bob commented on the work Claeys had been doing to guide his players to be men of integrity. Coughlin said the bottom line is that you have over 100 kids who are doing great things and you have 10 kidd who are "alleged" to be horrible. He said that Coyle's will need to try find a new coach with integrity like Claeys and it will be hard to find.
Coughlin also mentioned the moral problems at the U when he played under Guty. He said that Guty had issues in his personal life and on the team that resulted in Guty being fired. He held Claeys up as being much more honorable and morally upstanding than Guty.
All that to say that Claeys is a man of integrity and what is left at the U is two snakes in the grass trying to lead the way.

So let's be clear, he isn't throwing away a scholarship. He will be transferring and since he has not taken a redshirt he can use that to sit out a season and still have 2 years to play. So he would get his full 4 years. Additionally, he can transfer to FCS school, which is the old Division 1 AA and not have to sit out a season.

It's a business decision, like you being able to choose your employer. It's a bit of a hypocrisy for you to call him a quitter because he feels another team or coach is a better fit. And if you have ever left a position at a company for something else well then you to should be labeled a quitter as well.

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That's right, the scholarship is about playing. I'll try not to forget that ever again. What was I thinking? It is about how he will be coached on snapping a ball and blocking assignments, and not class assignments. Once again, I am reminded that I am wading in a football forum, with football fans, with people who are more likely to have never attended the U. And, I have been reminded that this is about a business decision.

I must be 10 years old with no business experience, whatsoever. Does he have a new place in mind? Does he have a scholarship secured somewhere else? Or, is he simply forgoing money in hand for the promise of the future? It certainly sounds like it is on the hope and not the certainty. I have found that hoping is not a very good business practice and speculation of what could be is usually a nightmare. I think I will continue to have that fatherly, business like reaction of wanting Mr. Moore to stick around a while as business is good here.

But isn't it also fair to look at the behavior of the players he is supposedly leading? Isn't their behavior a reflection of their leader? The September 2nd incident was bad enough but then the alleged harassment which followed? I'm sorry but Tracy Claeys bears some responsibility for his players actions off the field and as we all know these alleged actions are beyond despicable. Are you convinced that this same incident would have happened under Kills watch? Because I'm not.

Maybe not the same type of incident, but there were allegations of problems of sexual harassment while Kill was in charge. And ultimately, I believe this is why Claeys was fired. I think Kimberly Hewitt put the screws to Coyle and ordered him to clean house or they would go after the football team and go after them hard. Coyle mentioned in the press conference that Claeys wasn't fired over one incident.


The Gophers are getting a fresh start. Some will deal with it by leaving.

What happened to not leaving a brother behind thingy the players did during the suspensions?

I've heard he is transferring and I've also heard it has nothing to do with the boycott. Family situation.

I've heard this as well. The timing is just coincidence and that he has been planning it for awhile.

I heard Bob Coughlin, Carter Coughlin's dad, on WCCO radio this morning. Bob talked about all the good things Claeys and staff had implemented. He said that nearly 100 football players were attending religious group meetings on campus and looking for ways to be a positive imfluence. Bob commented on the work Claeys had been doing to guide his players to be men of integrity. Coughlin said the bottom line is that you have over 100 kids who are doing great things and you have 10 kidd who are "alleged" to be horrible. He said that Coyle's will need to try find a new coach with integrity like Claeys and it will be hard to find.
Coughlin also mentioned the moral problems at the U when he played under Guty. He said that Guty had issues in his personal life and on the team that resulted in Guty being fired. He held Claeys up as being much more honorable and morally upstanding than Guty.
All that to say that Claeys is a man of integrity and what is left at the U is two snakes in the grass trying to lead the way.

He also said "We still don't know what happened back in Sept and it's so unfair to Coach Claeys" ... Not one time did he mention the young woman or the 80 page report. I thought the whole Dave Lee interview was one sided and filled with Bob Coughlin's religious convictions ...

What happened to not leaving a brother behind thingy the players did during the suspensions?

This is where Carter Coughlin and Sherels have to work the magic.

The Gophers are getting a fresh start. Some will deal with it by leaving.

We didn't need a fresh start. We were finally heading down a path of being a decent football program.

Oh well, I guess rebuilds are fun.

We didn't need a fresh start. We were finally heading down a path of being a decent football program.

Oh well, I guess rebuilds are fun.

The coaching search is the highlight and then it is all downhill for 2-3 years with annual blips around signing day as we try and convince ourselves our new recruits are better than they are.

The coaching search is the highlight and then it is all downhill for 2-3 years with annual blips around signing day as we try and convince ourselves our new recruits are better than they are.

Yeah, but then we get a new coaching search again!

This time around, after we get burned by the high energy recruiting type, we will go after an "actual football coach" who doesn't have a "used carsalesman" mentality. It will be refreshing, he'll be able to connect to rural MN better than the last guy (who is currently the next guy).

We didn't need a fresh start. We were finally heading down a path of being a decent football program.

Oh well, I guess rebuilds are fun.

Players were still going to leave the program and go backwards likely next year. Perfect time for Coyle to get who he wants as coach.

You and so many others are acting as immaturely as the players. Claeys was no leader and should have been let go. You can blame Kaler and Coyle all you want, but it started with the actions of some the players on September 2 and continued with the other players boycotting and Claeys tweet.

Yeah whether you agree or disagree with the firing, I am not sure why so many here appear to be cheering for transfers and bad attendance.

Yeah, but then we get a new coaching search again!

This time around, after we get burned by the high energy recruiting type, we will go after an "actual football coach" who doesn't have a "used carsalesman" mentality. It will be refreshing, he'll be able to connect to rural MN better than the last guy (who is currently the next guy).

LMAO...this sounds about right. Well played, sir.

Stop making sense...it deflects the insanity being spewed all over this board. This ALL starts with the actions of a few players and unwillingness to recognize right from wrong. Kaler is an utterly spineless piece of crap and Coyle to me is still an unknown. I played sports all the way through DIII and no team I was a part of would've tolerated this crap from teammates. There's plenty of blame to go around and the Gopher on Gopher fan hate on here is disheartening. We all want the some thing...a successful Athletic Department we can be proud of. The players, coaches and Administration all need to be held accountable.

I agree with this 100%. Spot on.

So you're throwing the entire team under the bus. Yeah you're a real teammate arent you? Many of us have played sports and participated in other activities that foster brotherhood and I don't agree with a single word you just wrote. You're a POS.

Sorry, S Tubby carries just a tiny bit more cred here than most.

I agree with this 100%. Spot on.

Sorry, S Tubby carries just a tiny bit more cred here than most.

Yeah, Slim Tubby played D3 basketball and he made sure his teammates had the same sexual preferences as him. He's a real man and he hates rape.

Stop making sense...it deflects the insanity being spewed all over this board. This ALL starts with the actions of a few players and unwillingness to recognize right from wrong. Kaler is an utterly spineless piece of crap and Coyle to me is still an unknown. I played sports all the way through DIII and no team I was a part of would've tolerated this crap from teammates. There's plenty of blame to go around and the Gopher on Gopher fan hate on here is disheartening. We all want the some thing...a successful Athletic Department we can be proud of. The players, coaches and Administration all need to be held accountable.

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I'm with you.

That's right, the scholarship is about playing. I'll try not to forget that ever again. What was I thinking? It is about how he will be coached on snapping a ball and blocking assignments, and not class assignments. Once again, I am reminded that I am wading in a football forum, with football fans, with people who are more likely to have never attended the U. And, I have been reminded that this is about a business decision.


With the APR ratings improvement that has taken place with this coaching staff, it appears that class assignments haven't been a problem.

Thanks for making my point...your Sig is quite fitting. Leadership starts from within and that begins with self-policing in the locker room. Not once did I throw the entire team under the bus. In fact, pointed out it was only a few that instigated the entire disaster that followed. I'm sure you were one hell of a teammate with your head buried up your a$$. You exemplify everything that is wrong with this situation...ignore the obvious, blame others and resort to name calling like a 3 year old rather than being part of an active dialogue that has many facets to it with no easy fixes. Stay classy, sir.

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Couldn't agree more with Slim. I need to disagree with Pompous and sm_25 on their last comments.

There is a distinct difference between supporting your teammates and making poor, ill-informed decisions. Sometimes you need to stand behind your teammates and sometimes you need to call them on their bad decisions and, if need be, stand alone. The few "leaders" of the team led the team to the boycott before getting all the facts and they are the ones that threw there lemming teammates under the bus, not the administration.

If you recall, the entire team or the head coach didn't even know all the details of the report before the team meeting(although the entire report was available online that afternoon) with Kaler and the Regents(who stood behind the school's decision) and the team didn't have the Kaler/Regent meeting until later that night. Claeys hadn't read it either before his tweet. After those meetings, when the whole team actually looked at the entire report, the players started to have second thoughts about the boycott. Collect ALL the facts, then discuss the pro/cons of a boycott. Had they done that things may have turned out much differently.

Regarding SM_25's quote above, the players were not charged because the police felt there was insufficient evidence to bring to trial. This has absolutely nothing to do with the EOAA investigation that was still going to proceed internally. Students(athletes or not) are held to the U's Student Conduct Code. At two different D1 schools one of my responsibilities was to enforce the code. The two are independent and Claeys and the entire team should have been aware of that. The public doesn't always understand the difference, but the players and the staff definitely do. If Claeys and his staff cannot clearly articulate that from day one to the team, then that only shows one aspect of the lack of leadership Claeys and his 12+ years of college coaching possessed.

Finally, Claeys was not fired due to his record. He was fired due to his lack of leadership on/off the field. He is supposed to be a leader and mentor in both. Look at Wolitarsky's, Leidner's and other players comments/posts pre/post Claey's firing. It's obvious that they all still think they are larger than the school they represent. They still don't realize that they, the team, played the part in getting their coach fired. You can point to a number of areas that Claeys played a part that was succcessful(don't give him full credit for these since there is a lag in these stats and he was only head coach for over a year)...grad rates, GPA, etc., but ultimately there are times that one or two mistakes are so immense they require the removal of the individual. This was the case. Same thing would have happened if something similar happened in the private sector.

When you decide to support the team, a fair process, and get off your absurd high horse check back in Slim. You are a slimy POS for calling out the team for standing up for their brothers. You on the other hand would throw them under the bus to avoid "tarnishing the team". You're a real stand up guy aren't you Slim.

Cut the name calling crap.

So let's be clear, he isn't throwing away a scholarship. He will be transferring and since he has not taken a redshirt he can use that to sit out a season and still have 2 years to play. So he would get his full 4 years. Additionally, he can transfer to FCS school, which is the old Division 1 AA and not have to sit out a season.

It's a business decision, like you being able to choose your employer. It's a bit of a hypocrisy for you to call him a quitter because he feels another team or coach is a better fit. And if you have ever left a position at a company for something else well then you to should be labeled a quitter as well.

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This ^^^^^

Immature, really, expecting Due Process when accused of something is immature, a coach supporting that concept is no leader, I guess the creators of our constitution would not be leaders today.
If the leaders at the U had their way, our Constitution would have been written by Vladimir Lenin.

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