Tyler Moore transferring..

Look for many more to check out their options elsewhere. Not only was their coach thrown under the bus, but so we're 140 student athletes.

Do you have a source for this?

There will be many more.

He gone...

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This is just the start of it. After being lied to by President Kaler, having zero support from the AD Coyle, and now none of the coaches that brought many of these players to Minnesota, it's going to be hard to hold onto the players with options. This seemed like the coaches were the walking dead for weeks. I don't think that a lot of the players liked being painted in a negative light with the way Coyle handled the suspensions of there teammates. Some coach is going to take over but they are going to take over a limited talent team when it is all said and done. It's semester break, anyone that had previous options and had good seasons will be getting in touch with schools and coaches that recruited them in the past. Really sitting out one season probably will not be that big a deal for a lot of the young guy's. It's going to be hard for the new coach when he has lost 20 guy's before he even walks in the door.

Look for many more to check out their options elsewhere. Not only was their coach thrown under the bus, but so we're 140 student athletes.

You and so many others are acting as immaturely as the players. Claeys was no leader and should have been let go. You can blame Kaler and Coyle all you want, but it started with the actions of some the players on September 2 and continued with the other players boycotting and Claeys tweet.

Mr. Moore? Da man moves fairly quickly and I hope that he slow down cuz my boot is caught.

Mr. Moore? Da man moves fairly quickly and I hope that he slow down cuz my boot is caught.

So now you are a racist on top of being the idiot you've already proven yourself to be?

Ugh. I'm sick to my stomach. Was just starting to settle down and digest everything, but the reality is now setting in. And it will likely continue to get worse in coming days.

Coyle's savior better come riding into town pretty d@mn quick.

Apparently this was going to happen before Claeys was fired. Family things that are bringing him closer to home.

You and so many others are acting as immaturely as the players. Claeys was no leader and should have been let go. You can blame Kaler and Coyle all you want, but it started with the actions of some the players on September 2 and continued with the other players boycotting and Claeys tweet.

Stop making sense...it deflects the insanity being spewed all over this board. This ALL starts with the actions of a few players and unwillingness to recognize right from wrong. Kaler is an utterly spineless piece of crap and Coyle to me is still an unknown. I played sports all the way through DIII and no team I was a part of would've tolerated this crap from teammates. There's plenty of blame to go around and the Gopher on Gopher fan hate on here is disheartening. We all want the some thing...a successful Athletic Department we can be proud of. The players, coaches and Administration all need to be held accountable.

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Now all those Fr & So that didn't redshirt will be looking to redshirt their transfer year and have 2 or 3 years of eligibility at a school that actually thinks they matter.

You and so many others are acting as immaturely as the players. Claeys was no leader and should have been let go. You can blame Kaler and Coyle all you want, but it started with the actions of some the players on September 2 and continued with the other players boycotting and Claeys tweet.
The highest GPA ever. The highest graduation rates ever. That sounds like a leader to me. But, maybe you long for the Brewster days...

So now you are a racist on top of being the idiot you've already proven yourself to be?

Literary license, Vandy. Look it up. I'm sure you can find fault with me on more than one subject. I would hope we agree on this: Moore is tossing away a scholarship. And, I think he is quitting for really poor reasons. So, my foot wants to kick him in the proverbial arse. Is that really racist?

By the way, why would I be racist when I know my kids share the same melanin producing genes that he has? And, just soes ya knows, my white kids have brown eyes, with the same melanin that any God fearing American black man have coloring their skin. Same melanin. Different transport protein. Not a winks worth of difference. The difference between me and any black human being is 3 rather ordinary genes. One gene for the melanin production. One gene for the transport function of that pigmentation. And, one for general good looks.

You need idiots like me. You need idiots like me to keep screw-ups like you from making unnecessary mistakes. And, I hope that when I have said repeatedly on GH that character matters, that you would from time to time read that, remember it, and give me credit for it when I am just throwing crap against the wall because I'm grieving another loss, just like you, moron! So, enough about you and me. Why aren't you willing to kick Moore in the backside?

Literary license, Vandy. Look it up. I'm sure you can find fault with me on more than one subject. I would hope we agree on this: Moore is tossing away a scholarship. And, I think he is quitting for really poor reasons. So, my foot wants to kick him in the proverbial arse. Is that really racist?

By the way, why would I be racist when I know my kids share the same melanin producing genes that he has? And, just soes ya knows, my white kids have brown eyes, with the same melanin that any God fearing American black man have coloring their skin. Same melanin. Different transport protein. Not a winks worth of difference. The difference between me and any black human being is 3 rather ordinary genes. One gene for the melanin production. One gene for the transport function of that pigmentation. And, one for general good looks.

You need idiots like me. You need idiots like me to keep screw-ups like you from making unnecessary mistakes. And, I hope that when I have said repeatedly on GH that character matters, that you would from time to time read that, remember it, and give me credit for it when I am just throwing crap against the wall because I'm grieving another loss, just like you, moron! So, enough about you and me. Why aren't you willing to kick Moore in the backside?

Perhaps you should have typed your original post in a dialect other than "Uncle Remus", or just without any smart assed dialect at all. Would you send an e mail like the around your office?

I think the team knows more about the situation than you do. You're the one castigating the team and alleging rape. Shame on you. I stand by my statement. You're an pompous asshat and your teammates undoubtedly laughed behind your pious back.

Incorrect as usual...never once said the players were guilty of rape. The fact that no charges were filed tells us that probably wasn't the case. You never played an active role in any team sport beyond sharing the lingerie section of the JC Penny's catalog with the one "friend" that you actually had growing up. Do you think other players on the team didn't know about the incident that took place? That being a part of team creates a sense of pride that you don't want tarnished? That other team leaders in other sports haven't spoken up when their teammates did something that blemished the entire integrity of the team? But please...please continue to fabricate things that I never said or implied to push your own agenda. Stay classy, sir.

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Literary license, Vandy. Look it up. I'm sure you can find fault with me on more than one subject. I would hope we agree on this: Moore is tossing away a scholarship. And, I think he is quitting for really poor reasons. So, my foot wants to kick him in the proverbial arse. Is that really racist?

By the way, why would I be racist when I know my kids share the same melanin producing genes that he has? And, just soes ya knows, my white kids have brown eyes, with the same melanin that any God fearing American black man have coloring their skin. Same melanin. Different transport protein. Not a winks worth of difference. The difference between me and any black human being is 3 rather ordinary genes. One gene for the melanin production. One gene for the transport function of that pigmentation. And, one for general good looks.

You need idiots like me. You need idiots like me to keep screw-ups like you from making unnecessary mistakes. And, I hope that when I have said repeatedly on GH that character matters, that you would from time to time read that, remember it, and give me credit for it when I am just throwing crap against the wall because I'm grieving another loss, just like you, moron! So, enough about you and me. Why aren't you willing to kick Moore in the backside?

So let's be clear, he isn't throwing away a scholarship. He will be transferring and since he has not taken a redshirt he can use that to sit out a season and still have 2 years to play. So he would get his full 4 years. Additionally, he can transfer to FCS school, which is the old Division 1 AA and not have to sit out a season.

It's a business decision, like you being able to choose your employer. It's a bit of a hypocrisy for you to call him a quitter because he feels another team or coach is a better fit. And if you have ever left a position at a company for something else well then you to should be labeled a quitter as well.

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Incorrect as usual...never once said the players were guilty of rape. The fact that no charges were filed tells us that probably wasn't the case. You never played an active role in any team sport beyond sharing the lingerie section of the JC Penny's catalog with the one "friend" that you actually had growing up. Do you think other players on the team didn't know about the incident that took place? That being a part of team creates a sense of pride that you don't want tarnished? That other team leaders in other sports haven't spoken up when their teammates did something that blemished the entire integrity of the team? But please...please continue to fabricate things that I never said or implied to push your own agenda. Stay classy, sir.

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You were implying all of the above. Why do you think the boycott occurred? They were worried about "tarnishing the team"? You don't have any values to speak of. Fairness, due process. That's what this was about. Not defending rape or rapists.

Your pompous, pious posts are very revealing.

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