Tubby and Maturi To Determine Royce's Status Today

Mbakwe and White were going to be huge factors on this team. We have seen the last three games that without them we are an NCAA bubble team again. We have the exact same players and no new talent to make the returning players better.

They would have had to earn time, but no doubt they would have. I hope to see them back on the floor if cleared of actions.

I did see a note from Mike Max that White has been going to class and doing well.

If this was indeed Royce knocking the security guard to the ground twice, there is no way Royce didn't know who the security guard was. There is no way I would want Royce representing The U of M if I were Maturi. And if I was the security guard, I would be so pissed at the city attorney that the assault was dropped to a disorderly conduct charge. What I saw on the above video tape is a male being physically assaulted in a parking lot no matter what some basketball player or attorney said.

As far as posters laughing about the video, perhaps if it was their father, brother, or even mother being knocked down to the ground a couple of times, I wonder how funny it would be then.

This is done, put it to rest a$$holes!

I never saw the video until now.
What a punk.
Go play JUCO somewhere.

I disagree Rune. We have no idea what was on the audio of the tape. Maybe they knew what was happening, maybe they didn't. I think the attorney's explanation was plausible. Instinctually, if someone is coming at you like that, fear takes over. The pushes took a few seconds. Their was no flight by the other kids, the physical part of the confrontation ended quickly. It may sound like I'm making excuses, I'm not.

We know nothing about Royce's status for another day. Hopefully, someone will give something soon. Dammit.

You and some others seem to think that these are totally isolated incidents that simply came up out of nowhere. Seriously doubt that. It's just as, if not more likely, that these suspensions come out of patterns of behavior that Tubby wants to change. It might be smaller things like bitching at teammates, disrespecting coaches, refusing to run plays, etc. Then it escalates into something physical. I would guess there were warnings and perhaps smaller punishments that preceded the half game benchings.

It's not about Tubby thinking he'd rather be a father figure instead of a winning basketball coach. That's absolutely ludicrous, expecially since none of us know what is really going on with these players.

It's just as obvious that with White and Bostick there were more serious things at play, but those things were also patterns. Royce White isn't being solely punished because one day he acted completely out of character and decided to shoplift, shocking virtually everyone connected with the program. He and Bostick are being punished with lengthy suspensions because previous steps didn't work. You don't go looking to keep your players from getting on the court. You do it as one of your last resorts.

Main validity to the father reference is that it is like parenting because there's always a process going on and you're usually trying to balance things in that process. Pretty confident Tubby is aware of what's at stake even if you don't agree with how he is handling the process.

+1 Lots of salient points made in this post. E.G., if the coach tells the team to be somewhere not on the court or in a practice, as a member of the team you are expected to be there. Recalcitrance should not be rewarded, but rather punished.

If Tubby (whom I respect) reinstates them to active members of the team, I would sure hope it's not because the team needs them. If Tubby stays in character, it will not be for the reason that you guys need them.

With the legal process running its course, its time to let Royce back on the team. With the judgment allowing the charges to disappear in a year, there isn't a better incentive to keep himself out of trouble. He either shapes up or loses his freedom for a while. Nothing Tubby says or does will change that, so give him a shot. Royce needs to be accountable to himself and the legal system. This also gives Tubby a great opportunity to give Royce a chance to prove himself, and gives Tubby an out if things don't work out. There won't be any hand wringing if he messes up again.

I am completely done with Royce White. We need to move past him and his distractions to a good basketball team. First off, though I'm really disappointed with our 3 consecutive losses, we lost by a combined total of 11 points. Don't try to tell me that we would have won if we had Royce because we have no idea how good he really is against college level competition. We are going to be fine moving forward. We hit a rough patch in the schedule against some pretty decent teams. I would have liked to have Royce playing for us, but now I realize that he is going to end up in prison if he continues his habits. Most people on here don't know the extent of his attitude problems and his lack of acceptance of the rules that everyone has to abide by. He as been kicked out of numerous living situations (at least 3, but I've heard 4) in his short three months here at the University. As a student that knows someone living in Territorial Hall, it's not sounding like Royce had nothing to do with the laptop theft. That said, I still think Royce will not be charged or punished in this event because of lack of conclusive evidence. Don't forget about Royce's being kicked out of De La Salle or his terrible anger issues while on the basketball court. Stealing one hundred dollar worth of clothes from MOA is where it starts to get excessive. Basketball players get college paid for, a meal plan paid for, a stipend, and clothing provided to them! The video link posted before shows it all. In our society today, you can gently shove somebody and end up being charged with something, but what is apparent in the video is that Royce maliciously attacks this security guard. And what happens to him? He gets his charge reduced to a Disorderly Conduct. Bringing him back will not teach him anything. We are talking about a human being here, not just a puppet basketball player. He needs to learn something through all of this. To suggest that Minnesota needs this Freshman is ridiculous, especially since he hasn't been practicing with the team. Getting him back will not help the chemistry of the team and it may even hinder it. We have a strong team. If Trevor comes back (that's another story) then we can fill this 'gap,' but even without Trevor we are still fine. I am not against giving people second chances or even third chances, but Royce's actions are out of hand. I think, at most, Royce should be redshirted and possibly given a chance to play next year if he can keep his head out of his behind. To continually make excuses for his mistakes is wrong too. Everyone keeps saying that 'kids will be kids and make poor decisions.' Royce is not a kid! He is 18, making him a man. I've made my share of poor decisions and let me tell you that the University hasn't just let my punishment slide. I 'served my time' so to say and learned some important lessons believe it or not. My final thought is for all of you readers to look at this from a different perspective. I absolutely loved Royce as he was coming into the University and I really had no reason at all to love him other than people saying he was going to be good at basketball. Think if Royce was just some average 18-year-old and you didn't have to worry about him playing for our beloved Gophers. Wouldn't you want him to be punished with a firm hand and hope to turn his life in a positive direction? If it was me who had done all of these idiotic acts I would have been kicked out of the University a long time ago and may even be spending a brief time in the slammer. How I see it now is that people's morals will change if it can benefit them in some way (like possibly having a better basketball team). If Royce comes back, which I hope he doesn't, I will not idolize him. I will, however, still be cheering for my Gophs!

Man it feels good to get that off my shoulders.:eek:

I am completely done with Royce White. We need to move past him and his distractions to a good basketball team. First off, though I'm really disappointed with our 3 consecutive losses, we lost by a combined total of 11 points. Don't try to tell me that we would have won if we had Royce because we have no idea how good he really is against college level competition. We are going to be fine moving forward. We hit a rough patch in the schedule against some pretty decent teams. I would have liked to have Royce playing for us, but now I realize that he is going to end up in prison if he continues his habits. Most people on here don't know the extent of his attitude problems and his lack of acceptance of the rules that everyone has to abide by. He as been kicked out of numerous living situations (at least 3, but I've heard 4) in his short three months here at the University. As a student that knows someone living in Territorial Hall, it's not sounding like Royce had nothing to do with the laptop theft. That said, I still think Royce will not be charged or punished in this event because of lack of conclusive evidence. Don't forget about Royce's being kicked out of De La Salle or his terrible anger issues while on the basketball court. Stealing one hundred dollar worth of clothes from MOA is where it starts to get excessive. Basketball players get college paid for, a meal plan paid for, a stipend, and clothing provided to them! The video link posted before shows it all. In our society today, you can gently shove somebody and end up being charged with something, but what is apparent in the video is that Royce maliciously attacks this security guard. And what happens to him? He gets his charge reduced to a Disorderly Conduct. Bringing him back will not teach him anything. We are talking about a human being here, not just a puppet basketball player. He needs to learn something through all of this. To suggest that Minnesota needs this Freshman is ridiculous, especially since he hasn't been practicing with the team. Getting him back will not help the chemistry of the team and it may even hinder it. We have a strong team. If Trevor comes back (that's another story) then we can fill this 'gap,' but even without Trevor we are still fine. I am not against giving people second chances or even third chances, but Royce's actions are out of hand. I think, at most, Royce should be redshirted and possibly given a chance to play next year if he can keep his head out of his behind. To continually make excuses for his mistakes is wrong too. Everyone keeps saying that 'kids will be kids and make poor decisions.' Royce is not a kid! He is 18, making him a man. I've made my share of poor decisions and let me tell you that the University hasn't just let my punishment slide. I 'served my time' so to say and learned some important lessons believe it or not. My final thought is for all of you readers to look at this from a different perspective. I absolutely loved Royce as he was coming into the University and I really had no reason at all to love him other than people saying he was going to be good at basketball. Think if Royce was just some average 18-year-old and you didn't have to worry about him playing for our beloved Gophers. Wouldn't you want him to be punished with a firm hand and hope to turn his life in a positive direction? If it was me who had done all of these idiotic acts I would have been kicked out of the University a long time ago and may even be spending a brief time in the slammer. How I see it now is that people's morals will change if it can benefit them in some way (like possibly having a better basketball team). If Royce comes back, which I hope he doesn't, I will not idolize him. I will, however, still be cheering for my Gophs!

Man it feels good to get that off my shoulders.:eek:

I completely understand your frustration. I'm extrememly frustrated too as are probably all Gopher fans, but if you truly want him to turn his life in a positive direction, do you really think the right thing to do is take basketball away from him? When going through a tough time and trying to get your life on the right track you can't just take something that's dear to them without negative consequences. You need the things you love to help get you through it. I'm not saying people should just discard what he did and let him play basketball like nothing happened. I'm just saying kicking him off the team isn't the right answer either. Maybe keeping him on the team and allowing him to practice and prove that he's ready to come back while he has Tubby as a mentor/father figure to help him would be a better idea.

" Don't try to tell me that we would have won if we had Royce because we have no idea how good he really is against college level competition. We are going to be fine moving forward."

I believe we would have won at least two of those games, perhaps all three, with Royce. If we get Royce back we have a chance for the Tourney, if not well there is always Gopher Wrestling.

Update from Marcus...

Joel Maturi didn't meet with Tubby Smith on Thursday about Royce White. Maturi watched Gophers' women's basketball lose at Maryland. 24 minutes ago from web

He didn't say when they plan on meeting, I'm guessing maybe tomorrow?

royce hasn't played against top talent and we don't know how good he is. Anyone who thinks this is not in the loop and clearly lacks basketball knowledge. ITS CALLED HOARD PULLEY, he has played and owned great talent since he was 12.

ITS CALLED HOARD PULLEY, he has played and owned great talent since he was 12.

Stupid me, I was always going to the Howard Pulley games!

(Sorry, I'm never the spelling or grammar police, but when you posted in all caps, I had to make a little fun of you) :)

He's physical but doesn't look 6' 8' to me. I'd keep him out.

gopher lady I'm not going to try and pretend to know you like some of the posters do here, but I couldn't get mad at you because you do way to many good things for gopher sports. Anyways thanks for the correction. ITS CALLED HOWARD PULLEY, we have all seen royce against top talent.

Gopher Lady: I can see your point with not stripping Royce completely of basketball.
Caligoph: A chance for the tourney? I expect us to be there with or without Royce.
Brew_Recruit: I went to some Pulley games, and though Royce did impress, Howard Pulley league is a no-defense fun league. There is no doubt Royce is athletic and has huge potential, but would he 100% for sure be better and have the college basketball game time decision-making skills (not even one month into his Freshman season) than our other players on the court? I guess we may never know.

you do realize that high school basketball is not where players generate interest or usually get offers, Its almost all AAU now, so saying aau is no defense doesn't bother me becasue this is all the best players competing for scholarships.

gopher lady I'm not going to try and pretend to know you like some of the posters do here, but I couldn't get mad at you because you do way to many good things for gopher sports. Anyways thanks for the correction. ITS CALLED HOWARD PULLEY, we have all seen royce against top talent.

Haha - thanks!

I wouldn't put too much stake in HP, there are a lot of players (that shall remain nameless) that excelled year after year and dominated in that league - but continue to do nothing for us. As Goldy's push ups said, it's a no defense league, and with no one defending you tough, you can look pretty impressive on offense.

I will say, I have seen Royce play for the past 3 years, some than most, not as much as others. He is one of the two players that I have ever seen in HS and said they would go pro - barring any major issues, injuries, arrests, whatever. But one of the only 2 I ever thought had that currently, at a young age, has that natural build and talent - the other one is Seantrel. He's the real deal on the court, and impressive.

Goldy's push up - let the record show, I never any point of what the punishment for Royce should be. I've not done this, because I'm guessing we know a fraction of the big picture, and Tubby knows a lot more, so I trust him to do the right thing. I don't think I could make a jugdement based on the few details and rumors we know.

Haha - thanks!

I wouldn't put too much stake in HP, there are a lot of players (that shall remain nameless) that excelled year after year and dominated in that league - but continue to do nothing for us. As Goldy's push ups said, it's a no defense league, and with no one defending you tough, you can look pretty impressive on offense.

I never know what to think of the Pulley league either, but I remembered that Hopkins played in a national tournament last year and I found this article from last year on ESPN's website: http://sports.espn.go.com/ncaa/recruiting/basketball/mens/news/story?id=3912704

Some pretty big name high school players were at this event, including the guy that killed the Gophers on Wednesday. For what its worth, I think Royce will do fine against tough competition when the time comes.

There's no sense in doubting Royce's skills now. Sure, we haven't seen him play at the college level, but remember, he is still the top recruit in the big ten this year.

If he gets back I'm sure he'll be on 'double secret probation'.

What does this guy know? He even liked that Rice guy that went to Miami. I heard he was a total bust. Recently played some low level B10 team and how did he do against them? Oh, yeah, he lit 'em up.

I think its a tough balance between mentor and winning coach...I think Tubby has a fairly good balance, but clearly he leans farther in the father-figure role. I am torn; I love that he is trying to develop these players into men. when basketball ends, they will have to be members of society. that being said, I feel Monson's entire tenure was squeaky clean and we all know how that ended up (that Clemson game still gives me shivers!). I want to win, too. I don't want Tubby to be Jim Calhoun or Bob Huggins, BUT not turning every indiscretion into a teaching moment would be nice. these players aren't toddlers, technically they are adults.

I guess I like the balance, but I hope Tubby tips it a little more into the winning coach category...however, if we turn into a team of thugs (hopefully a large leap) I don't know if I will be able to get behind the Gophers as much as I want to. I want to like our team as well as see them win.

I don't know that I contributed anything to this discussion, lol

but what is apparent in the video is that Royce maliciously attacks this security guard.

I can't defend Royce' stupidity, but, is what he did really " malicious " or deliberately harmful? Not really.

I think it is time to " fish or cut bait". Kick him off the team or put him in uniform. By now Tubby and Maturi should have the information they need to make their decision. Let the kid get on with his life.

I think it is time to " fish or cut bait". Kick him off the team or put him in uniform. By now Tubby and Maturi should have the information they need to make their decision. Let the kid get on with his life.

I couldn't agree more. If something isn't announced today, I will be extremely disappointed in the athletic department.

I'm to the point where "the fish or cut bait" argument makes the most sense, as well. Whatever the decision's going to be, let's get it done with and move on. Remove the cloud of "is he or isn't he" going to play? It's pretty obvious whether they allow Royce to practice & play immediately (tomorrow) or not until January or sometime in between, either way any further missteps (no matter how freaking small) will/should result (I'd argue it already should have occurred) in a permanent pink slip from the basketball program.

I don't understand the rush to get him back in uniform. Even if he doesn't play this year he will still probably have at least 2 or 3 more years in the program if he stays. The added maturity won't hurt.

IMO, the combination of Royce's talent and his past behavior (HS & post HS) don't point to him being long for a college campus. Based on history (that's all we have to go by), I think Royce has a difficult task remaining in the program for 2-3 days/weeks/months, let alone 2-3 years.

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