The Pat Reusse Nickname contest! Enter now!

"roughly..." 8th in the conference. So, are you saying that the "expectations" shouldn't be greatly expanded when "mid-contract", Prexy K and our new Norwood decided to raise him from last to 8th? It seems as though Prexy K and our new Norwood are the people who decided that it would be: "...8th or bust..." then bermidjigopher.

Will Coach Kill achieve the four Conference wins he managed last year when Prexy K and our new Norwood were striving for "...last or bust?"

Why didn't they increase his pay to "...third or bust" status?

The 2014 season will be very interesting, won't it bermidjigopher?

I do think that the more money a coach earns, the greater the expectations among the "common people..." will become. The "booster and blind loyalty crowd..." NEVER feel their guy is earning enough. At least not until the time they "cool" on the hire and want him fired.

Here is hoping for MORE Conference wins in 2014 than there were in 2013 now that Coach Kill has been granted: "...8th or BUST..." status by our Prexy K and new Norwood! Or, did they already jump him from last to 7th? It's ALL good,'s all for the better. However, it also introduces the risk of having the Coach of my Gopher Football team under achieving rather than over achieving. It gives the "holy Gopher posters..." a whole new possibility of topics to post about during the "off season..."

Personally, I think they should have just granted him "tenure" and they probably could have gotten by a little cheaper. But, he would have had the BEST deal in the conference. NO other Conference member school could possibly top that kind of an offer, regardless of the numbers. Because we LOVE Coach Kill and we feel he is the BEST coach in the world. And that was when he was earning the least money in the conference. So now we love him even four or five places in the conference pay rankings for football coaches more!

How many MORE conference wins can we expect in 2014? And can we now EXPECT a win over wisky every other year? That's what I want! How high would we have to raise his pay to achieve that?

We used to have somebody here who would translate this dribble for this board in one word. As I recall there were about four basic redundant themes. One word would sum of each of his themes. Oh, for the good old days.

How about "Blowhardius, the long-winded, know-it-all jackass"?

Oh wait, we're still looking for one for Reusse, aren't we?

"roughly..." 8th in the conference. So, are you saying that the "expectations" shouldn't be greatly expanded when "mid-contract", Prexy K and our new Norwood decided to raise him from last to 8th? It seems as though Prexy K and our new Norwood are the people who decided that it would be: "...8th or bust..." then bermidjigopher.

Will Coach Kill achieve the four Conference wins he managed last year when Prexy K and our new Norwood were striving for "...last or bust?"

Why didn't they increase his pay to "...third or bust" status?

The 2014 season will be very interesting, won't it bermidjigopher?

I do think that the more money a coach earns, the greater the expectations among the "common people..." will become. The "booster and blind loyalty crowd..." NEVER feel their guy is earning enough. At least not until the time they "cool" on the hire and want him fired.

Here is hoping for MORE Conference wins in 2014 than there were in 2013 now that Coach Kill has been granted: "...8th or BUST..." status by our Prexy K and new Norwood! Or, did they already jump him from last to 7th? It's ALL good,'s all for the better. However, it also introduces the risk of having the Coach of my Gopher Football team under achieving rather than over achieving. It gives the "holy Gopher posters..." a whole new possibility of topics to post about during the "off season..."

Personally, I think they should have just granted him "tenure" and they probably could have gotten by a little cheaper. But, he would have had the BEST deal in the conference. NO other Conference member school could possibly top that kind of an offer, regardless of the numbers. Because we LOVE Coach Kill and we feel he is the BEST coach in the world. And that was when he was earning the least money in the conference. So now we love him even four or five places in the conference pay rankings for football coaches more!

How many MORE conference wins can we expect in 2014? And can we now EXPECT a win over wisky every other year? That's what I want! How high would we have to raise his pay to achieve that?
I'm not you're the one saying he should finished based on his pay. You're the one with that opinion as shown in your post. You also stated you wanted three wins, yet when it was Brewster it was five, why have your standards dropped wren

Nickname: "The Fulda Flush" (as in, his Gopher FB columns need to be flushed.....)

Now, explain this to me: Wren claims he supports coach Kill. BUT, he's on here defending Pat Reusse, who has basically said Kill is a phony.

Here's what I think. Jerry Kill is NOT Glen Mason. Therefore, he will never be good enough in Wren's eyes. Rather than really support the current coach, Wren would rather bask in the warm memories of all the B1G titles that Mason won, all the Rose Bowls that Mason led the Gophers to, all the...........

Nickname: "The Fulda Flush" (as in, his Gopher FB columns need to be flushed.....)

Now, explain this to me: Wren claims he supports coach Kill. BUT, he's on here defending Pat Reusse, who has basically said Kill is a phony.

Here's what I think. Jerry Kill is NOT Glen Mason. Therefore, he will never be good enough in Wren's eyes. Rather than really support the current coach, Wren would rather bask in the warm memories of all the B1G titles that Mason won, all the Rose Bowls that Mason led the Gophers to, all the...........

Hum...So are you saying he is delusional?

Nickname: "The Fulda Flush" (as in, his Gopher FB columns need to be flushed.....)

Now, explain this to me: Wren claims he supports coach Kill. BUT, he's on here defending Pat Reusse, who has basically said Kill is a phony.

Here's what I think. Jerry Kill is NOT Glen Mason. Therefore, he will never be good enough in Wren's eyes. Rather than really support the current coach, Wren would rather bask in the warm memories of all the B1G titles that Mason won, all the Rose Bowls that Mason led the Gophers to, all the...........



You are completely wrong Short, Ornery Norway. My appreciating something Reusse writes coupled with my wishing the VERY best for the suddenly very rich Coach of my Golden Gopher Football Team actually does go hand in hand in a surprising sort of way. Both Reusse and Coach Kill are very skilled and are really good at EVERYTHING they do that has allowed them to survive and to continue to have nice pay days in the rough, tough business that each has chosen to pursue.

Reusse makes a good living by having the average sports fan who takes a peak at the strib sports page or listens to him on KSTP continue to read or listen to his schemes, strategy, offensive and defensive moves and great ability to hold his position, stay in contention and survive in the cut-throat multi-media world of blow-dries, pretty boy on-air personalities and politically oriented leftists and right winger B. S. artists. More than anything else...he IS a survivor. And he KNOWS how to drive the "holy gopher poster" community straight up the wall. He has this little web site eating out of the palm of his hand. Not only do they provide the passionate opposition he needs...but...they provide fodder for his wit, crafty digs and easily churned-out trips to the wood-shed that he gives those clowns who still churn out apologies for brooster, the pathetic little ranger and the low "b-grade" prexy who forced brewball upon the masses for the opening of TCF BANK STADIUM.

And, just like Reusse, Coach Kill survives...thrives and totally owns the administrators for which he currently toils at the University of Minnesota. And he certainly won them over more quickly and effectively than any other football coach of my Golden Gophers has in the past fifty years or more. In his very first year, before he had even coached in a game, the almost brand new Prexy K extended Coach Kill to give him a chance to repair the damage brewball had inflicted upon the football program. And now, following a four game conference winning streak, the still somewhat new Prexy K and our partially new Norwood had to twist Coach Kill's arm until he finally agreed to a mid-contract raise to 2.1 million a year. Brilliant! Coach Kill has once again written the classic: "...with a little pluck...with a little the little engine that spite of all odds, happy fairy-tale ending chapter. He has survived. He will survive. Even in this cut-throat arms race of a great adventure known as the life of a Big Ten Football Coach. And, any mention of Coach Kill by Reusse immediately brings pledges of loyalty and love from "holy gopher posters" as they curse and vilify the words of Reusse.

These two are MADE to play bad-cop...good-cop roles on the same stage in the same city at the same time until each will successfully fade off into the promise of retirements they will some day be destined to experience and are very much entitled to.

Reusse is showing MORE genuine respect for Coach Kill than I have seen him ever show for any other football coach at the U of M while that coach was actually coaching. Sure, Pat grew softer and gentler with Murray Warmath long after Murray was no longer coaching my Gophers. He may have even had a bit more compassion for Cal Stoll's plight after the fact. I suppose he can now acknowledge a bit more regard for some of the offenses Mason Teams displayed following the Gutey decline and the Wacker years.

Enjoy this "love-fest" that Reusse is bestowing on Coach Kill. Realize that Coach Kill is accomplishing some things that have even turned the head of the jaded Reusse...especially following the disaster of the comedy of errors filled failed brewball experiment that ushered in the TCF BANK STADIUM ERA.

And, short ornery one: APPRECIATE the fact that you are privileged to be among those witnessing this truly remarkable performance by two real professionals as they take advantage of EVERYTHING they are given. As they survive. And, as Coach Kill parleys a four game conference winning streak into a multi-million dollar pay day. Why, even the "Turkey Jerkey" has transformed to a "Turkey Tender" as he admires the skill with which our good Coach has turned the down trodden Program my Golden Gopher Football Program had become during the failed brewball experiment into a real Horatio Alger story of pluck and luck and above all else survival skills!

This Reusse/Kill Saga has a few acts that remain and will be incredibly fun to observe...don't you think? And, besides that, I promised Dr. Don that I would take the time to consider the merits of Reusse when Dr. Don tried to take a pot-shot at me. Being a man of my word, I have fulfilled my promise...

Oh for the lost art of being concise

Oh for the lost art of being concise

You got that right! Never has anybody on the GopherHole said do little with so much. Any worse is that he says the thing over an over. In the good old days after people had enough of his crap he would be banned.

You got that right! Never has anybody on the GopherHole said do little with so much. Any worse is that he says the thing over an over. In the good old days after people had enough of his crap he would be banned.

To be fair, he has been banned at least twice. Although he is long winded, repetitive, parroting, redundant, reiterating, periphrastic, he has mostly stuck to his knitting since he signed on as 'walrus'. In the past couple of weeks, he has started wandering off into a realm that is similar to how he posted when he has been banned before.

One can only hope*.

*unless you're a mod, and then you can take action.

You got that right! Never has anybody on the GopherHole said do little with so much. Any worse is that he says the thing over an over. In the good old days after people had enough of his crap he would be banned.

I just skip over his posts. I'm not going to waste time reading all that nonsense.

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