The Pat Reusse Nickname contest! Enter now!

Fatprick is my favorite.

Fulda the Hutt is also good.


I like the reference to "turkey". but the "fart" part kind of blows.

How about: "...Turkey Jerky ?" I think that kind of sums Reusse up pretty well.

Each needless rip becomes just another "...Turkey Jerky-ism..." in the eyes of the "Holy Gopher Posters..." Long live the GOPHERHOLE!

Grumbledoor... Writing vitriolic, slanted musings from his cave of solitude. Grudgingly painting on a smile toward gopher success, but secretly wishing that bud grant was there to just hug him.

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Grumbledoor... Writing vitriolic, slanted musings from his cave of solitude. Grudgingly painting on a smile toward gopher success, but secretly wishing that bud grant was there to just hug him.

Post of the day for metaphorical excellence. Grumbledoor...


Refuse to jump on the pig-pile here, as name-calling seems quite right pathetic to me, but damn, I am old enough to remember and tell when Mr. Patrick Reusse did actually care to write, and how he had the capacity to be absolutely fricken brilliant when he wished (or was moved to be).

I mean he was really, really, really fricken good, on an entirely hit or miss basis.

Anyway, I grew up reading him, and read some truly brilliant sh*t, emotionally affective so much it made you hurt, and made you feel, and how that is the finest form writing possible upon this earth, because when you can make them actually feel, well then, the world's your oyster but to shell.

And how I moved away (or more accurately fled) years and years and years ago, and so lost track of Patrick Reusse, and only see reminders of him here, and I will tell you what, it's a massive f*cking disappointment to see what's become of him, and what he's allowed himself to be.

Life is beautiful beyond end, each and every moment upon this earth. It is impossibly beautiful, and that in spite the hurt, and you cannot forget that fact, because this world will rip your heart right in f*cking two, if you allow it do so.

Anyhow, I'm just massively disappointed to see what he's become, as to descend into such sour and bitter snark, what is there to say other than utterly given up.

And regarding his writing, to be so lazy as to simply mail it in like that anymore, cheap-shots and all, it's just a crying shame, and how ultimately pathetic it is just simply give in like that.

IF you want to "play" that way I suppose that I could find a few minutes every once in a while to find the "truth" that Reusse writes. He really does make a lot of good, interesting and contrasting points that seem to drive some people around here to total distraction.

Sure, don: I suppose that I could find some of the "truth" in what Reusse says. I'll just have to wait until he makes a point that really distracts some from seeing the plain, common-sense truth that his columns bring.

So, if you want to infer that I am also known as Pat Reusse, I guess I might just as well point out pieces of "truth" that he publishes as well as to critique points that he misses the mark on re: my Golden Gopher Football Team...the administrators and the coaches. Believe me, don, the administration and the coach and the coaches are NOT above reproach and/or contrast from time to time.

Let's see what the 2014 season will bring. I am hoping for at LEAST 3 Conference wins and hopefully four or five Conference wins.

But, the key to the entire season will be and IS the need for my Gophers to BEAT wisky. The fate of the season will ride with that one.

And, thanks for the invitation for me to really take the merits of Pat Reusse's comments about my Golden Gopher Football Team and it's coaching staff and administration seriously enough to consider just for some spirited debate, contrast and light conversation during really "dead periods" during the off-season. It should be interesting WILL be fun. But all in due time don. Now get out there and tell everyone how much you drink...

IF you are going to try to associate me with old "Turkey Jerky" I might just as well have some fun with it.

I am very happy that you caught my sarcasm. However, I should have said "Pat Reusse aka imawalrus."

To be honest, wren, I lmao at the vitriol Pat delivers, as I take it all as sarcasm. And I laugh harder at how his sarcasm in his writings upsets GopherHolers.

Refuse to jump on the pig-pile here, as name-calling seems quite right pathetic to me, but damn, I am old enough to remember and tell when Mr. Patrick Reusse did actually care to write, and how he had the capacity to be absolutely fricken brilliant when he wished (or was moved to be).

I mean he was really, really, really fricken good, on an entirely hit or miss basis.

Anyway, I grew up reading him, and read some truly brilliant sh*t, emotionally affective so much it made you hurt, and made you feel, and how that is the finest form writing possible upon this earth, because when you can make them actually feel, well then, the world's your oyster but to shell.

And how I moved away (or more accurately fled) years and years and years ago, and so lost track of Patrick Reusse, and only see reminders of him here, and I will tell you what, it's a massive f*cking disappointment to see what's become of him, and what he's allowed himself to be.

Life is beautiful beyond end, each and every moment upon this earth. It is impossibly beautiful, and that in spite the hurt, and you cannot forget that fact, because this world will rip your heart right in f*cking two, if you allow it do so.

Anyhow, I'm just massively disappointed to see what he's become, as to descend into such sour and bitter snark, what is there to say other than utterly given up.

And regarding his writing, to be so lazy as to simply mail it in like that anymore, cheap-shots and all, it's just a crying shame, and how ultimately pathetic it is just simply give in like that.
Pretty simple, actually. Like many great writers, I assume that Reusse's brilliance was fueled by the sweet nectar of demon alcohol. Once that was taken out of the picture, the creativity waned. Now that he's had the gastric bypass surgery and gorging on mammoth dinners and rich desserts is also out of the picture, I'd assume that hostile and bitter attitude is going to intensify immensely.

Pretty simple, actually. Like many great writers, I assume that Reusse's brilliance was fueled by the sweet nectar of demon alcohol. Once that was taken out of the picture, the creativity waned. Now that he's had the gastric bypass surgery and gorging on mammoth dinners and rich desserts is also out of the picture, I'd assume that hostile and bitter attitude is going to intensify immensely.


some say Kill is not perfect so he should be criticized.

Well what the hell do they think reusse is, .......perfect and beyond criticism

ys from this point forward. Let's call a spade a spade. It can...and will go right at each of them during the heat of the battle. Some will win and some will lose, but ALL will be open to criticism and most likely all will give some hits and take some hits. NO one will be "safe..." No one will be immune.

Because we are the "holy Gopher Posters" and we call it like we see it. We tell it like it is. We rip on Reusse if we feel like it. We are no longer merely "killing" Kill with kindness now that he has joined the ranks of the overpaid college football coaches. He has GOT to win enough Conference games to justify his mid-contract huge pay raise. Good for him for getting it. Now he has to continuously earn it. Because we all know that he is pulling down 2.1 million bucks a year. It will be very easy to figure out how much each Conference win costs in terms of what the Coach earns.

So, Reusse will most likely give him a little ribbing when and if he let's any likely wins turn into unlikely losses. And border battle wins pretty soon will be expected...not just prayed for. Beat the stinking badgers or expect to take some heat...from Reusse...from "holy Gopher posters..." from people all across the Gopher State.

ys from this point forward. Let's call a spade a spade. It can...and will go right at each of them during the heat of the battle. Some will win and some will lose, but ALL will be open to criticism and most likely all will give some hits and take some hits. NO one will be "safe..." No one will be immune.

Because we are the "holy Gopher Posters" and we call it like we see it. We tell it like it is. We rip on Reusse if we feel like it. We are no longer merely "killing" Kill with kindness now that he has joined the ranks of the overpaid college football coaches. He has GOT to win enough Conference games to justify his mid-contract huge pay raise. Good for him for getting it. Now he has to continuously earn it. Because we all know that he is pulling down 2.1 million bucks a year. It will be very easy to figure out how much each Conference win costs in terms of what the Coach earns.

So, Reusse will most likely give him a little ribbing when and if he let's any likely wins turn into unlikely losses. And border battle wins pretty soon will be expected...not just prayed for. Beat the stinking badgers or expect to take some heat...from Reusse...from "holy Gopher posters..." from people all across the Gopher State.
2.1 million is roughly 8th in the conference maybe 7th, is it 7th, 8th or bust wren?

2.1 million is roughly 8th in the conference maybe 7th, is it 7th, 8th or bust wren?

"roughly..." 8th in the conference. So, are you saying that the "expectations" shouldn't be greatly expanded when "mid-contract", Prexy K and our new Norwood decided to raise him from last to 8th? It seems as though Prexy K and our new Norwood are the people who decided that it would be: "...8th or bust..." then bermidjigopher.

Will Coach Kill achieve the four Conference wins he managed last year when Prexy K and our new Norwood were striving for "...last or bust?"

Why didn't they increase his pay to "...third or bust" status?

The 2014 season will be very interesting, won't it bermidjigopher?

I do think that the more money a coach earns, the greater the expectations among the "common people..." will become. The "booster and blind loyalty crowd..." NEVER feel their guy is earning enough. At least not until the time they "cool" on the hire and want him fired.

Here is hoping for MORE Conference wins in 2014 than there were in 2013 now that Coach Kill has been granted: "...8th or BUST..." status by our Prexy K and new Norwood! Or, did they already jump him from last to 7th? It's ALL good,'s all for the better. However, it also introduces the risk of having the Coach of my Gopher Football team under achieving rather than over achieving. It gives the "holy Gopher posters..." a whole new possibility of topics to post about during the "off season..."

Personally, I think they should have just granted him "tenure" and they probably could have gotten by a little cheaper. But, he would have had the BEST deal in the conference. NO other Conference member school could possibly top that kind of an offer, regardless of the numbers. Because we LOVE Coach Kill and we feel he is the BEST coach in the world. And that was when he was earning the least money in the conference. So now we love him even four or five places in the conference pay rankings for football coaches more!

How many MORE conference wins can we expect in 2014? And can we now EXPECT a win over wisky every other year? That's what I want! How high would we have to raise his pay to achieve that?

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