Estimates of the cost of a d1 power 5 conference football player for 4 years are $500K....taxpayer money...far more than just tuition, room and board...coaching, trainers, docs, flights etc.
As far as the posters who say that women are allowed to rape men (have sex with them without consent), that is not the case. The EOCC would also investigate that it just doesn't occur often. The reason it seems like women go to the EOCC so often is that statistics say that 93.7% of rapists are men.
What was it like for women before Title 9? There weren't organized sports for girls...not in elementary school, not in middle school, and very little in high school and college. When left to the men who controlled all the athletic departments back then, they did basically nothing for women. So if you complain about Title 9, you should complain about the guys who abused their power so much and who discriminated against women to such a degree that Title 9 became law. Those old boys didn't do a darn thing and Title 9 was the result...and now our girls can play sports at all ages.
As far as the posters who think donors don't matter (ie. Bob)...really? Want that new athletic facility? Think this kind of crap doesn't offend people in polite society who donate 7 figure donations? Does the school really want to alienate them so that the secondary plays well in a bowl game? You are so naive it's embarrassing.
Again, guys can have orgies with consenting women. Many donors won't however support a program where drinking, orgies, harassment are part of the culture. There are not the first guys accused of rape under Kill/Claeys. I am in Colorado and CU lost a chancellor, university president, AD and head coach over their sex scandal. I don't think a single player went to jail but not taking strong action made folks lose their jobs up the entire line. It divided the community but more folks were against the athletic department except for the hardcore boosters. It has taken 15 years for CU to recover...and considering they were ranked in the top 10 and still didn't sell out their modest sized stadium except once (I believe) is evidence that condoning this kind of or very damaging for a school and a program.
So until you are the one writing big checks, I'd be wary about supporting this kind of behavior even if it was consensual (which in this case it is allegedly not). We may have 4 rapes on our hand...where 4 players raped a drunk woman and a bunch of guys who harassed her and lied. If a recruit was present as one poster said, that is even more concerning. It is not creepy to think it is inappropriate to line up to screw a drunk woman. In my world is it "creepy" to think that is okay behavior and that we should give scholarships to athletes who do this kind of thing. People are allowed to have standards and morals and judge others based on their standards and morals. The tone of this board alone shows why it is necessary to have the EOCC in the first place.