Student Section's Back Must Hurt

This thread is hilarious. Rip on the oldsters if you want, but our student section is a joke. Some suggestions before you get too high on yourselves:

- Sell out. For once. The empty seats are embarrassing.
- Get a cheer or two. And ditch the "bulls shirt"...we're not in 6th grade, we can say/hear bullsh!t.
- Have any of you watched another student section when the opposing team is shooting free throws? Wave your freaking hands, jump, yell, do something.

Our student section is the worst in the conference, and they have the b@lls to rip on the fans paying some of the highest prices in the country. Sorry if I don't give a sh!t what u think.

And this comment by you makes you have sooooooo much credibility with us. Match our intensity for the full 40 minutes and then talk, k? K.

After outlawing any fans over the age of 25 from attending gopher bb games and making all the seats free to students only, the total attendance for the first game played under these conditions was 3,245. Would have been a lot higher if the game time was moved to a more appealing time for the students and the weather was warmer.Still a work in progress but I'm sure these concerns can be worked out.

This thread is hilarious. Rip on the oldsters if you want, but our student section is a joke. Some suggestions before you get too high on yourselves:

- Sell out. For once. The empty seats are embarrassing.
- Get a cheer or two. And ditch the "bulls shirt"...we're not in 6th grade, we can say/hear bullsh!t.
- Have any of you watched another student section when the opposing team is shooting free throws? Wave your freaking hands, jump, yell, do something.

Our student section is the worst in the conference, and they have the b@lls to rip on the fans paying some of the highest prices in the country. Sorry if I don't give a sh!t what u think.


No. Home with a sick kid - gave my tix to a friend. First game I've missed all year. Sounded great on TV.

I'm just sick of this everytime the students make any noise, this complaint comes up. WE GOT IT. You cheer loud, the old people don't. You stand up, the old people don't. You are good fans, the old people (some of which have spent 5 and maybe 6 figures on tickets to watch a whole lotta $hitty basketball) aren't.

We beat Purdue today to remain in the hunt, by the way.

I love how he just happened to miss his first game that night...

After outlawing any fans over the age of 25 from attending gopher bb games and making all the seats free to students only, the total attendance for the first game played under these conditions was 3,245. Would have been a lot higher if the game time was moved to a more appealing time for the students and the weather was warmer.Still a work in progress but I'm sure these concerns can be worked out.

Now that was funny.

Note: There seems to be some dissension amoung the ranks.:cool02:

After outlawing any fans over the age of 25 from attending gopher bb games and making all the seats free to students only, the total attendance for the first game played under these conditions was 3,245. Would have been a lot higher if the game time was moved to a more appealing time for the students and the weather was warmer.Still a work in progress but I'm sure these concerns can be worked out.

that's funny right there.

what happened to the flourescent green spandex suit guy? haven't seen him for a couple years

This thread is hilarious. Rip on the oldsters if you want, but our student section is a joke. Some suggestions before you get too high on yourselves:

- Sell out. For once. The empty seats are embarrassing.
- Get a cheer or two. And ditch the "bulls shirt"...we're not in 6th grade, we can say/hear bullsh!t.
- Have any of you watched another student section when the opposing team is shooting free throws? Wave your freaking hands, jump, yell, do something.

Our student section is the worst in the conference, and they have the b@lls to rip on the fans paying some of the highest prices in the country. Sorry if I don't give a sh!t what u think.

This post was effing hilarious. Just because im bored ill give you my time of day in replying to your uninformed cranky old guy pile of manure.

1. sell out? the tickets are sold out. the iowa game had students all the way up, not sold out enough for you?

2. Bulls shirt is hilarious for precisely the reason you stated.

3. Do you watch our student section? ever? or are you too busy reading your paper?

get out. you obviously give a *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# what we think or you wouldnt have posted.

I will say that our student section does a great job. That said, they should, its a frickin student section. When I was in the student section many moons ago, i didn't expect that we would follow the old timers lead. We just brought it (Clem's final years) and let the rest take care of itself. Not sure why one would focus on what one cannot control? Must be today's youth. :)

Another B10 home game, more empty seats in the student section. GREAT JOB!

I do have to give the suit+sombrero guy credit for giving Cole an earful after fouling out with 0 points. Where were the rest of the students on that? Nobody else could muster anything? A real student section would have been all over that.

Congrats on another awesome "Bulls shirt" chant, though. ZING!!11!

I will say that our student section does a great job. That said, they should, its a frickin student section. When I was in the student section many moons ago, i didn't expect that we would follow the old timers lead. We just brought it (Clem's final years) and let the rest take care of itself. Not sure why one would focus on what one cannot control? Must be today's youth. :)

My section called them the "deadheads". Now I'm a "deadhead" according to the current crop of students.

Middle Age - YIKES!

Another B10 home game, more empty seats in the student section. GREAT JOB!

I do have to give the suit+sombrero guy credit for giving Cole an earful after fouling out with 0 points. Where were the rest of the students on that? Nobody else could muster anything? A real student section would have been all over that.

Congrats on another awesome "Bulls shirt" chant, though. ZING!!11!

This entire argument on on both sides is getting retarded, but one reason the student section hasn't been filled is because classes don't start until tomorrow and people from out of state haven't been able to get back to/move in on campus until yesterday or today.

Is it a valid excuse, I don't know. I'm just stating a fact.

Compliment, followed by criticism, finished off with a compliment

Dear Long Time Season Ticket Holder,

Thank you for supporting our program, even during the tough times by consistently purchasing season tickets. It's the financial support our program needs. Despite that, PUT DOWN THE KNITTING KIT AND NEWSPAPER AND GET YOUR OFF OUR REAR ENDS AND CHEER DURING THE BIG MOMENTS DURING A GAME! We're not asking you to stand the entire game. However, when the team needs a big stop or the game is close in the final minutes, stand up and cheer. Just clapping your hands a couple of times doesn't cut it. Stop being so polite. This isn't a gala with the Queen of England. This is BIG TEN BASKETBALL. You're allowed to make noise. If you're someone that does actually get loud, on the refs, etc, encourage those around you to do the same. It's not too much to ask. There's a direct coorelation between crowd noise and the way the refs call the game (reference this weeks' SI for proof, good article actually). Regardless, we appreciate your loyalty to the program and the money you bring in.

Dear Students,

Thank you for being the most vocal group on any given home game. Your energy and dedication throughout the game is noticed and thank you for your contributions. However, YOU CAN DO MUCH, MUCH BETTER. WHERE'S THE CREATIVITY? WHERE ARE YOUR FRIENDS? FILL UP THE DARN SECTION! IT'S NOT THAT BIG! The administration isn't going to improve your location when you can't fill up you current spot. Winter break excuse? Ha. This is a gigantic university based in a major metro area. It's not like this is Ames, IA where the vast majority of the students are hours away from the arena during the break. The majority of you come from places like Eden Prairie, White Bear Lake, and Eagan. Get in your car or take a bus and get to Williams Arena. Poor, poor excuse. There should be students turned away for the Purdue game given the size of our student body. Despite that, for those of you that show up, you're still making the most noise in the gym and without you, it would definitely have a library vibe.

Pewterschmidt has summed up 6 pages of posts perfectly. Can we please cut b*tching on both sides? We are all cheering for the same team, right?

Another B10 home game, more empty seats in the student section. GREAT JOB!

I do have to give the suit+sombrero guy credit for giving Cole an earful after fouling out with 0 points. Where were the rest of the students on that? Nobody else could muster anything? A real student section would have been all over that.

Congrats on another awesome "Bulls shirt" chant, though. ZING!!11!

Empty seats? What? We had it full looking from where I sat.

and front row did a number on Cole, McCaffrey & Ted Valentine. Solid performance in another game where we did the heavy lifting.

Also, to respond to the need for creativity, the student section used to be creative. Printing the pictures of the Wisconsin dude in the dress (or whatever he had done), very edgy chants, etc. But ever since the "spirit initiatives" which put a huge and unnecessary emphasis on sportsmanship, anyone who dares to single out individual players, or chant anything even remotely questionable is quickly yelled at and threatened with being moved out of the front row(s).

just got back from the Badger board I frequent and one of the top posts is how disappointed they are with the dwindling student fan base. But they get the whole baseline and 3 levels.

This student section you speak of, where were they against Iowa. Id say in a zombie like trance for 90% of the game. Hawk at freethrow line, not one student waving their hands or yelling. On tv I only remember hearing 1 we hate Iowa chant, that is unaceptable. Can some body print up some giant Tubby heads, gotta love the big heads.

Also, to respond to the need for creativity, the student section used to be creative. Printing the pictures of the Wisconsin dude in the dress (or whatever he had done), very edgy chants, etc. But ever since the "spirit initiatives" which put a huge and unnecessary emphasis on sportsmanship, anyone who dares to single out individual players, or chant anything even remotely questionable is quickly yelled at and threatened with being moved out of the front row(s).


IIRC every attempt at honest creativity is shut down quickly by gopher staff.

Empty seats? What? We had it full looking from where I sat.

and front row did a number on Cole, McCaffrey & Ted Valentine. Solid performance in another game where we did the heavy lifting.

I tend to believe that the players did the heavy lifting but if delusions of grandeur help you get through the day have at it.

Watching Pitt vs Syracuse tonight. The student section is going nuts but all the old people in the rest of the arena are just sitting on their hands. This is the # 4 Team in the country at home against the # 3 team in the country.

Heavy lifting my a__. Our students do no more than 99% of the other student bodies in the country. They are just a bunch of Dukie wannabes. "Hey Justin, let's stand up the whole game like they do at Duke. Yeah that would be cool."

We lose four games in a row and they are gone with the wind...just like in football.

Front runners = Minnesota student body. Seen it year after year after year...Blah Blah Blah.

Heavy lifting my a__. Our students do no more than 99% of the other student bodies in the country. They are just a bunch of Dukie wannabes. "Hey Justin, let's satnd up the whole game like they do at Duke. Yeah that would be cool."

Are you saying they don't do the heavy lifting, or are you saying they are copying Duke, or both?

There's a reason every student section mimics the Cameron Crazies. I don't think being a Duke wannabe is a bad thing, at all.

Are you saying they don't do the heavy lifting, or are you saying they are copying Duke, or both?

There's a reason every student section mimics the Cameron Crazies. I don't think being a Duke wannabe is a bad thing, at all.

I am saying they are no better or worse than most every student section in the country (when they show up).

It gets very old constantly being told by some of them how awesome they are.

And you are correct. It is not at all a bad thing to want to be like the Duke student section.

Heavy lifting my a__. Our students do no more than 99% of the other student bodies in the country. They are just a bunch of Dukie wannabes. "Hey Justin, let's stand up the whole game like they do at Duke. Yeah that would be cool."

This post is exactly right. I mean, I was totally against standing the entire game. In fact, the thought never even entered my mind, even as a possibility. That is, until I watched Duke, what with the Cameron Crazies standing the whole game and all. Then I told my friend, Justin, that we should try that at the next Gopher basketball game. Justin agreed that it would be cool, and the rest is history.

I knew Duke was a great school, but who knew they also invented standing for a basketball game? They deserve credit for that. I mean, every other student section is standing the whole time, maybe even jumping up and down on big possessions, yelling, cheering, and chanting--and not to support their team and try to help them win. Nope, it's only to mimic Duke.

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