STrib: Titans hit field for TCF Bank Stadium battle: Coke vs. Pepsi

Is this really a question? I mean do you get a Jack & Coke or a Jack & Pepsi? Come on! We all know the answer to this one, thus Coke is it.

Is this really a question? I mean do you get a Jack & Coke or a Jack & Pepsi? Come on! We all know the answer to this one, thus Coke is it.
As I said before, it's because a "Coke" has gone beyond a brand name. You're not getting a Band-Aid or a Kleenex everytime you ask for one and you're not getting a Jack and Coke every time you order one.

As I said before, it's because a "Coke" has gone beyond a brand name. You're not getting a Band-Aid or a Kleenex everytime you ask for one and you're not getting a Jack and Coke every time you order one.

I disagee that Coke has obtained Band-Aid, Kleenex or Q-tip status in the midwest. In the South, yes. And FYI...everywhere I go, I am getting Jack & Coke :)

I don't exercise. I hate it. I've done nothing other than restrict my calorie intake. I know with certainty that I wouldn't be doing this well (averaging close to 3 lbs. lost per week) if I drank regular pop at the rate I do diet. I know that diet pop isn't doing anything nutritionally for me, but even one regular pop per day would be over 10% of my calories, whereas I could theoretically drink 100 diet pops a day a still lose at the rate I have been.

Sorry for the thread hijack everyone - I see this position advanced all the time (that regular pop is better for you than diet) and its basis is specious, in that it proposes a 100% link between drinking diet and consuming junk calories elsewhere.
To average 3 lbs per week with only diet, that's a calorie deficit of 1500 per day with no extra burn. That's frankly amazing. So again, congrats. In your earlier post, you said a pop (or more) a day. A can of pop is about 150. If you cut out two of those a day, that's a 300 calorie deficit, or about 2/3 or a pound per week. That's why I didn't believe you got to 30 lbs in 2 1/2 months just by switching to diet. You sound pretty disciplined; you are in the minority.

You didn't hyjack anything. It's a Coke vs. Pepsi thread on the FB board. It's a long, hot summer til Aug 30; that's for sure.

Unless you know the eating habits and personal health history of the people you see all you really know is that the thin people you observe prefer regular pop.
I did write 'anecdotely'. Did I spell it wrong?

Is this really a question? I mean do you get a Jack & Coke or a Jack & Pepsi? Come on! We all know the answer to this one, thus Coke is it.

Rookies: What a waste of good Jack Daniels by ruining it with anything but "on the rocks".

I did write 'anecdotely'. Did I spell it wrong?

Nope, you just used your anecdote as further evidence of your argument. I was simply pointing out why an anecdote like that is worthless as evidence.

Rookies: What a waste of good Jack Daniels by ruining it with anything but "on the rocks".

I hear you Dr. Don, but I just like to have a splash of coke with it. It is a strong mix at the Stan House.

I don't exercise. I hate it. I've done nothing other than restrict my calorie intake. I know with certainty that I wouldn't be doing this well (averaging close to 3 lbs. lost per week) if I drank regular pop at the rate I do diet. I know that diet pop isn't doing anything nutritionally for me, but even one regular pop per day would be over 10% of my calories, whereas I could theoretically drink 100 diet pops a day a still lose at the rate I have been.

Sorry for the thread hijack everyone - I see this position advanced all the time (that regular pop is better for you than diet) and its basis is specious, in that it proposes a 100% link between drinking diet and consuming junk calories elsewhere.

Not to jump all in on this "Diet vs. regular" part of the thread, but this might point to why many think diet soda is worse for you than regular. Is Diet Healthier Than Regular Soda?

I think the main thing is if you believe those artificial sweeteners do indeed influence hunger and all that, then you probably believe Diet is worse. If you're just worried about pure calories in/out (taste aside), then you probably don't care and would go Diet.

In any event, I honestly can't tell the difference when someone hands me a Coke or a Pepsi. I order them interchangeably at restaurants, whatever is closest is the one I get. I'm not a big soda person though, so perhaps that influences my lack of preference.

I don't exercise. I hate it. I've done nothing other than restrict my calorie intake.

I'm calling B.S. on this. I sneaked into your office to find one of these:


It's a Cuba Libre...'s really called a Cuba Libre.

Personally, I'm a Pepsi guy.

I'm also a Dapper Dan man.
The Cuba Libre was first, but kinda of forgotten now. Off topic: Anyone else like the Lime Ricky favor of Pop Shoppe pop?

There's no lime juice in a Cuba Libre - only a lime wedge.

Does anyone really like Pepsi better than Coke? (especially the diet versions)

I hosted my brother's friend and his family for the Nebraska tailgate last fall. Knowing that the friend was a recovering alcoholic, I asked what he prefers to drink. He told me that he, his wife and his kids all only drink Pepsi. I went to the store and bought a case of Pepsi (since they didn't have 12 packs of the stuff). I still have 21cans of it in my basement.

Dr.Pepper is the best! I think Dr.pepper should be the solution as the brand is own by both. I like it too.

I'm in my later 40's. I remember Elf pop being 4 cents a can. We could go to the local gas station and get a can of Mark VII Root Beer for 3 cents. Recently, I bought a 4 pack of Lime Ricky Pop Shoppe pop from Kowalski's. It immediately brought me back to 1980. Well, maybe a little bit. It was $3.99, on sale.

Station 280 has their own kind of cola (not sure of the name) but it's pretty good. It tastes like a Coke/Pepsi hybrid.

I love reading Gopher Hole for diet advice! Lol. Btw, congrats dpo. Losing that much weight is awesome and incredibly difficulty.

For the record, I was weaned on coke since my Dad worked for Coca Cola Bottling Midwest. But, now I only drink Diet Pepsi! :eek: Believe it or not, my Dad hasn't disowned me.

I love reading Gopher Hole for diet advice! Lol. Btw, congrats dpo. Losing that much weight is awesome and incredibly difficulty.

For the record, I was weaned on coke since my Dad worked for Coca Cola Bottling Midwest. But, now I only drink Diet Pepsi! :eek: Believe it or not, my Dad hasn't disowned me.
Losing weight is incredibly easy compared to keeping it off. I started a diet shortly after Thanksgiving during my junior year of college. Didn't give up beer totally, but I drank a lot of Vodka and Crystal Light before I went out. By Christmas of my senior year, I had dropped more than 125 lbs. Since then, I've put on a bunch, lost a bunch, put on a bunch and now I'm back on the way down again. If you're not on top of things, it can get out of hand really quickly.

Every thin gal you have ever dated didn't drink sugar coke.

Losing weight is incredibly easy compared to keeping it off. I started a diet shortly after Thanksgiving during my junior year of college. Didn't give up beer totally, but I drank a lot of Vodka and Crystal Light before I went out. By Christmas of my senior year, I had dropped more than 125 lbs. Since then, I've put on a bunch, lost a bunch, put on a bunch and now I'm back on the way down again. If you're not on top of things, it can get out of hand really quickly.

I love your sandwiches, man.

I am sorry folks it is a waste of your hard earned money if you are mixing it with anything. You might as well drink a cheap rail whiskey etc.

Some of the worst I have had people order.

Hennesy and Coke

Scotch and sour

Jack Daniels Alexander.

That's my thought also. I drink my liquor "neat" but my wife loves a Margarita. Tried them with the "bar pour" and a good agave Tequila and the latter always seems better.

As for the O.P. couldn't they allow the Vikes to use the Gatorade tubs and cups but keep the Coke signage and leave it up to TV to keep the signs out of the broadcast?

That's my thought also. I drink my liquor "neat" but my wife loves a Margarita. Tried them wife the "bar pour" and a good agave Tequila and the latter always seems better.

As for the O.P. couldn't they allow the Vikes to use the Gatorade tubs and cups but keep the Coke signage and leave it up to TV to keep the signs out of the broadcast?

A little Freudian slip there?:)

It's sad no one make a real Margarita anymore. They all add the sweet and sour type mixes.


Squeeze of 1/2 lime
1 part triple sec
2 parts tequila
Shake and pour into a chilled cocktail glass


Since we're all going off the C vs. P topic:

I was at Oceanaire last night and had a Crown Royal and Ginger Beer cocktail that was surprisingly refreshing. Might have to break it out at the next BBQ.

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