STrib: Titans hit field for TCF Bank Stadium battle: Coke vs. Pepsi

Any of you old farts like Doc Don remember "The Pop Shop"? My parents bought crates of pop from there - they were big in Minnesota.

They still make it and heck, it's even in Minnesota!

Bought some at a Holiday (may have been an SA) in Cambridge within the past year. A few bottles where in the bottom of the cooler door. Don't think they can outbid Coke and Pepsi for TCF. When I told the clerk that I was surprised about it still being around he said "Me too!".

They still make it and heck, it's even in Minnesota!

Bought some at a Holiday (may have been an SA) in Cambridge within the past year. A few bottles where in the bottom of the cooler door. Don't think they can outbid Coke and Pepsi for TCF. When I told the clerk that I was surprised about it still being around he said "Me too!".

Looks like a Kowalski's thing. Just keep me away from the meat case. New York, Ribeye, Porterhouse, oh my...

Coke. Surprised there aren't more Pepsi fans here, turned off by Coke's red and white package.

It's not healthier. No soft drink is healthy. Cutting 150+ calories from every can of soda that you drink will add to weight loss, provided you don't replace those calories with food. If you're taking in 2000 calories per day and cut out 300 calories worth of soda, you're going to lose weight.
You'd think it'd be that easy. But studies find a correlation (not causation) between diet soda and weight gain. Primarily because, as you and others point out, the calories are replaced by something else. The calories in regular soda satisfy that need so you're not doubling down on the diet soda plus the substitute. There's also the issue of natural vs. artificial sweeteners.
Anecdotely, every person I see drinking a diet soda is fat; everyone I see drinking regular soda is thin(ner).
You're right in that no soft drink is healthy. If you really want to loose some weight, just cutting out soda will probably loose you some pounds in itself. With so many options these days, you should be able to find a satisfactory substitute.

Oh, and I'm a Pepsi guy. Coca-Cola is gross.

You'd think it'd be that easy. But studies find a correlation (not causation) between diet soda and weight gain. Primarily because, as you and others point out, the calories are replaced by something else. The calories in regular soda satisfy that need so you're not doubling down on the diet soda plus the substitute. There's also the issue of natural vs. artificial sweeteners.
Anecdotely, every person I see drinking a diet soda is fat; everyone I see drinking regular soda is thin(ner).

Duh - if you're thin why would you drink diet soda? Very few diet sodas taste anywhere near as good as regular. If you're fat (like me) you probably have other calorie intake issues regardless of what type of soda you drink (guilty as charged). If you drink nothing but water but still eat 5000 calories a day you will gain weight. If you drink 1000 calories worth of soda but only eat 500 calories of food you will lose weight. It's called conservation of energy. It takes energy (calories) to make fat. You can't make it out of nothing. See Second Law of Thermodynamics.

Personally I'm a Diet Coke guy. Actually, I'm even more of a Coke Zero (or Cherry Coke Zero) guy, but my wife prefers Diet Coke, so I end up being a Diet Coke guy. I think Diet Pepsi is disgusting. If I'm at a restaurant and they have only have Diet Pepsi as their diet soda I usually get iced tea - but I do really enjoy Diet Mt. Dew. I really don't like regular Mt. Dew much (too syrupy for me), where I do like Coke.

But I have a couple buddies that prefer Pepsi, and they really like Pepsi Throwback, with the cane sugar vs. corn syrup.

Regardless of preference, for years the Twins had Pepsi as their official soft drink but it was unavailable in the Dome. I would assume that the actual concessions won't change either way, but they might have the Gatorade jugs on the side line and cover up any Coke signs visible from the field during the NFL games.

You'd think it'd be that easy. But studies find a correlation (not causation) between diet soda and weight gain. Primarily because, as you and others point out, the calories are replaced by something else. The calories in regular soda satisfy that need so you're not doubling down on the diet soda plus the substitute. There's also the issue of natural vs. artificial sweeteners.
Anecdotely, every person I see drinking a diet soda is fat; everyone I see drinking regular soda is thin(ner).
You're right in that no soft drink is healthy. If you really want to loose some weight, just cutting out soda will probably loose you some pounds in itself. With so many options these days, you should be able to find a satisfactory substitute.

Oh, and I'm a Pepsi guy. Coca-Cola is gross.

Drinking diet pop will help you lose weight as long as you don't change your other habits. Bottom line, self control is much more important than what kind of pop you drink.

Whatever maximizes revenue for the U is fine my me. But I prefer Coke over Pepsi. Coke has just a little bit of bitter, Pepsi tastes more bland. I sometimes buy the Mexican Coke which uses cane sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup. That tastes a lot better.

I just can't drink a diet cola. It's just an awful experience. I can drink diet Mountain Dew. That may be because I normally drink coke, and for me, the diet tastes awful by comparison. On the other hand, I don't normally drink Mountain Dew, so when I drink the diet version, I'm not comparing it to anything else.

Former Coke employee here. The reason a Coke at McDonalds tastes better is that they require a higher concentration of syrup vs. water than anyone else or even Coke itself recommends. And I used to laugh at those blind taste tests they used to do on tv. I could tell you by smell which is which including RC.

I also remember both Shasta and Pop Shoppe growing up. Oh the cases and flavors we went through.

You'd think it'd be that easy. But studies find a correlation (not causation) between diet soda and weight gain. Primarily because, as you and others point out, the calories are replaced by something else. The calories in regular soda satisfy that need so you're not doubling down on the diet soda plus the substitute. There's also the issue of natural vs. artificial sweeteners.
Anecdotely, every person I see drinking a diet soda is fat; everyone I see drinking regular soda is thin(ner).
You're right in that no soft drink is healthy. If you really want to loose some weight, just cutting out soda will probably loose you some pounds in itself. With so many options these days, you should be able to find a satisfactory substitute.

Oh, and I'm a Pepsi guy. Coca-Cola is gross.


Q: Who drinks diet pop?
A: Fat people

Q: What to fat people usually do?
A: Get fatter

Q: Is someone going to respond by pointing out that some skinny people drink diet pop?
A: Yes, but maybe no. Yes because it would prolong the argument, but maybe no because I beat them to the punch.

BTW, does anyone remember a brand called Elf? We used to get that in 24-can flats at Super Value. Good stuff.

Duh - if you're thin why would you drink diet soda? Very few diet sodas taste anywhere near as good as regular. If you're fat (like me) you probably have other calorie intake issues regardless of what type of soda you drink (guilty as charged). If you drink nothing but water but still eat 5000 calories a day you will gain weight. If you drink 1000 calories worth of soda but only eat 500 calories of food you will lose weight. It's called conservation of energy. It takes energy (calories) to make fat. You can't make it out of nothing. See Second Law of Thermodynamics.

Personally I'm a Diet Coke guy. Actually, I'm even more of a Coke Zero (or Cherry Coke Zero) guy, but my wife prefers Diet Coke, so I end up being a Diet Coke guy. I think Diet Pepsi is disgusting. If I'm at a restaurant and they have only have Diet Pepsi as their diet soda I usually get iced tea - but I do really enjoy Diet Mt. Dew. I really don't like regular Mt. Dew much (too syrupy for me), where I do like Coke.

But I have a couple buddies that prefer Pepsi, and they really like Pepsi Throwback, with the cane sugar vs. corn syrup.

Regardless of preference, for years the Twins had Pepsi as their official soft drink but it was unavailable in the Dome. I would assume that the actual concessions won't change either way, but they might have the Gatorade jugs on the side line and cover up any Coke signs visible from the field during the NFL games.
My point is if you're going to drink soda, might as well go for the good stuff. Diet soda isn't doing you a lot of favors, unless you're in the very small percentage that regularily drinks diet soda and maintains an otherwise healthy diet.

The Pepsi with the cane sugar is quite good. They sell it in glass bottles at the convenience store across the street where I work. I don't always drink pop, but when I do, I drink Pepsi with cane sugar in glass bottles.

When I was living in Florida, Winn Dixie had a store brand knockoff of Dr. Pepper called "Dr. Chex". I called it "Dr. Robutussin", it tasted like cough syrup.

As for good stuff, there's Hires root beer. I haven't had it in years.

I would really like a nice cold Dewski right now because of this thread

My point is if you're going to drink soda, might as well go for the good stuff. Diet soda isn't doing you a lot of favors, unless you're in the very small percentage that regularily drinks diet soda and maintains an otherwise healthy diet.

I disagree. Diet pop is only worse for you if you have absolutely no willpower and fill up on other junk you would've probably eaten anyway regardless if your beverage choice was regular or diet. I drink a lot of diet pop nowadays because I grew tired of being a fat tub of sh!t and I am sticking to a strict daily calorie regimen. I can't drink exclusively water (especially when I splurge once in a while and have some pizza or pasta) without going crazy, and diet pop actually allows me to stay within my calorie allowance while still eating a fair amount of actual food. I have lost 30 lbs. since May 1. Drinking copious amounts of regular pop abetted my 60+ lb. weight gain since graduating from HS 14 years ago. Drinking a diet pop (or more) per day is greatly aiding my ability to lose all of that weight.

As far as sodas go nothing better than an icy cold Mountian Dew.

You never hear anyone ask for, "Jack Pepsi", "Captain Pepsi", "Whiskey Pepsi"...

BTW, does anyone remember a brand called Elf? We used to get that in 24-can flats at Super Value. Good stuff.

I drank tons of Elf Black Cherry in my youth. I don't remember if it was Elf or Pop Shoppe, but one of them had blue Cream Soda.
FYI-Shasta is still around. They sell it at Menards, but they don't have a wide variety of flavors.


Pepsi is for girls. Coke is a gift from God.

I disagree. Diet pop is only worse for you if you have absolutely no willpower and fill up on other junk you would've probably eaten anyway regardless if your beverage choice was regular or diet. I drink a lot of diet pop nowadays because I grew tired of being a fat tub of sh!t and I am sticking to a strict daily calorie regimen. I can't drink exclusively water (especially when I splurge once in a while and have some pizza or pasta) without going crazy, and diet pop actually allows me to stay within my calorie allowance while still eating a fair amount of actual food. I have lost 30 lbs. since May 1. Drinking copious amounts of regular pop abetted my 60+ lb. weight gain since graduating from HS 14 years ago. Drinking a diet pop (or more) per day is greatly aiding my ability to lose all of that weight.
I like how my one-man anti-diet soda campaign is getting so much attention. Thus, I will continue.
You've lost 30lbs since May 1!? That's awesome and congrats. But I'm guessing it has a lot more to due with other changes to your lifestyle rather than simply switching to diet. If you're exercising regularily, a can of regular soda may actually be a good thing to help replenish sugars and keep your energy up. Diet soda is doing nothing for you other than satisfying taste. Had you stuck with regular soda, I bet you would have lost 28-32 lbs.

Back in the early 70's, I remember going to the Holiday gas station and getting a soda from their vending machine. They had their own brand of soda, and there was no pull tab. You took your can, but it into an alcove of the machine, and pulled down a handle. It punched two holes in the can so you could drink it.

Then there was Bubble Up soda. I only had that when we were on vacation, it seemed to be available when we hit the road.

I will take either Pepsi or Mountain Dew any day of the week over Coke. The Diet soft drinks are terrible no matter what brand. That being said if you give me a Coke and fill it with ice I can drink it.

I like how my one-man anti-diet soda campaign is getting so much attention. Thus, I will continue.
You've lost 30lbs since May 1!? That's awesome and congrats. But I'm guessing it has a lot more to due with other changes to your lifestyle rather than simply switching to diet. If you're exercising regularily, a can of regular soda may actually be a good thing to help replenish sugars and keep your energy up. Diet soda is doing nothing for you other than satisfying taste. Had you stuck with regular soda, I bet you would have lost 28-32 lbs.

I don't exercise. I hate it. I've done nothing other than restrict my calorie intake. I know with certainty that I wouldn't be doing this well (averaging close to 3 lbs. lost per week) if I drank regular pop at the rate I do diet. I know that diet pop isn't doing anything nutritionally for me, but even one regular pop per day would be over 10% of my calories, whereas I could theoretically drink 100 diet pops a day a still lose at the rate I have been.

Sorry for the thread hijack everyone - I see this position advanced all the time (that regular pop is better for you than diet) and its basis is specious, in that it proposes a 100% link between drinking diet and consuming junk calories elsewhere.

Anecdotely, every person I see drinking a diet soda is fat; everyone I see drinking regular soda is thin(ner).

Unless you know the eating habits and personal health history of the people you see all you really know is that the thin people you observe prefer regular pop.

My point is if you're going to drink soda, might as well go for the good stuff. Diet soda isn't doing you a lot of favors, unless you're in the very small percentage that regularily drinks diet soda and maintains an otherwise healthy diet.

For most people who are trying to lose weight this means they'll have to cut back on other (ideally healthier options) to keep the calorie intake where it needs to be.

Unless you know the eating habits and personal health history of the people you see all you really know is that the thin people you observe prefer regular pop.

I've seen a great number of thin people drinking diet soda.

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