STrib: Titans hit field for TCF Bank Stadium battle: Coke vs. Pepsi


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Nov 11, 2008
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The Minnesota Vikings and the University of Minnesota are playing their own version of Coke vs. Pepsi -- with millions of dollars at stake.

As the Vikings negotiate to use the school's TCF Bank Stadium during construction of a new professional stadium, one of the sticking points is the university's 10-year agreement making Coca-Cola the exclusive soft drink on campus. The Vikings have an agreement with Pepsi, and the National Football League also has an agreement with Gatorade -- which is owned by Pepsi -- to have "Gatorade-logoed coolers, cups and towels" on the sidelines of all NFL games.

Go Gophers!!

Wow.. lol Very interesting read. Great find, Bleed!

Oh the dilemma.

Interesting read that will now turn this thread into another opinionated pissing contest. This one will at least be fun.

Does anyone really like Pepsi better than Coke? (especially the diet versions)

Dr.Don said:
Oh the dilemma.

Interesting read that will now turn this thread into another opinionated pissing contest. This one will at least be fun.

Doc Don - Shut up and have a beer.

Pepsi sucks.

Mountain Dew is unbelievably awesome, though.

All of the sports drinks (Gatorade, Powerade, etc.) suck. The only palatable sports drink ever made was All Sport, and I don't think they've made that for years now.

EDIT: Apparently they do still make All Sport, but the last time I remember seeing it on the shelves was the late '90s (at least).

Pepsi sucks.

Mountain Dew is unbelievably awesome, though.

All of the sports drinks (Gatorade, Powerade, etc.) suck. The only palatable sports drink ever made was All Sport, and I don't think they've made that for years now.

EDIT: Apparently they do still make All Sport, but the last time I remember seeing it on the shelves was the late '90s (at least).

Wow, kicking it old school with an All Sport reference!!...nicely played. I loved that stuff, and agree, that it was the best of the sports drink category, and I also don't remember seeing it for years which is a shame.

Go Gophers!!

Does anyone really like Pepsi better than Coke? (especially the diet versions)

I do. I think Diet Coke is the worst tasting drink known to man. I'm not a big diet cola fan (Diet Mt. Dew I unfortunately inhale & drink way too much of), but of those two, totally prefer Diet Pepsi.

Coke Zero is a little in between Coke & Diet Coke, so I don't mind it. As for regular, what I haven't found is a person that prefers regular pepsi over regular coke. Especially a fountain coke at a game; fountain coke is as good as it gets. *Off topic (or on, I guess): I read somewhere in fountain coke, the syrup ratio or what have you is more concentrated taking into account that ice will be added & melt & dilute the drink, therefore it's expecting the ice to blend the drink a little more. As for Gatorade: Agree on the regular stuff. But I enjoy G2 a lot. Same with some flavors of Powerade Zero.

As for the topic at hand, a resolution "should" be able to be found; looks like the Falcons have figured out a way. And I'm guessing this happens in other sports & venues as well (MLB with Budweiser being the official beer, but you have two stadiums in Milwaukee & Denver that have naming rights after their hometown macrobrews). They should be able to figure this out, but it wouldn't shock me if they outhink themselves....

I will definitely take a pepsi over a coke any day.

Oh the dilemma.

Interesting read that will now turn this thread into another opinionated pissing contest. This one will at least be fun.

Oh Yeah! it's all your fault! now I'll be forced to have a rum and Pepsi.:rolleyes: And don't give me that crap about it being dispensed from an electronic soda fountain. It would be physically impossible. It is obvious to all that the drink was hand poured!

Mello Yello is a far better drink than Mountain Dew. That alone is reason to prefer Coke products.

But for my money, the best cola out there is RC. If you can't find RC, just combine 1 part Coke or Pepsi with 1 part battery acid, and you've got a reasonable substitute. Love the stuff!

Mello Yello is a far better drink than Mountain Dew. That alone is reason to prefer Coke products.

But for my money, the best cola out there is RC. If you can't find RC, just combine 1 part Coke or Pepsi with 1 part battery acid, and you've got a reasonable substitute. Love the stuff!
This one falls under "to each their own", as Moutain Dew far outsells Mello Yello. There's about 15 varieties of Mountain Dew out there, compared with two types of Mello Yello.

Not being a soft drink drinker I didn't realize the passion there is for this subject. So which one tastes better or is less filling?

Any of you old farts like Doc Don remember "The Pop Shop"? My parents bought crates of pop from there - they were big in Minnesota.

Not being a soft drink drinker I didn't realize the passion there is for this subject. So which one tastes better or is less filling?

I mostly drink diet. To me, diet Pepsi is undrinkable. Diet Coke is the best (I won't even drink Coke Zero even though it's a Coke product). The absolute best is McDonald's fountain Diet Coke.

If I am drinking a sugared pop I like Dr. Pepper (Pibb Xtra is good too).

I do miss Vault Zero...

A note on diet cola: Regular soda is actually better for you -- relatively speaking of course. If you're drinking it because you like the taste, that's fine. But don't get fooled that it's healthier or will help you loose weight, quite the opposite actually.

Dr. Pepper via fountain is about as perfect a soft drink you'll find.

A note on diet cola: Regular soda is actually better for you -- relatively speaking of course. If you're drinking it because you like the taste, that's fine. But don't get fooled that it's healthier or will help you loose weight, quite the opposite actually.

Dr. Pepper via fountain is about as perfect a soft drink you'll find.
It's not healthier. No soft drink is healthy. Cutting 150+ calories from every can of soda that you drink will add to weight loss, provided you don't replace those calories with food. If you're taking in 2000 calories per day and cut out 300 calories worth of soda, you're going to lose weight.

It's not healthier. No soft drink is healthy. Cutting 150+ calories from every can of soda that you drink will add to weight loss, provided you don't replace those calories with food. If you're taking in 2000 calories per day and cut out 300 calories worth of soda, you're going to lose weight.
Exactly right, calories in vs calories out.

Coke sucks, Pepsi products are light years better. Mello Yellow is swill compared to the sweet nectar of Mt. Dew.

I'm a big Diet Dr. Pepper fan. My favorite is the Cherry-Vanilla flavor.

I don't know how I'll cope if I can't buy a 20 oz. Coke to help dilute my flask contents. Pepsi will do in a pinch, but it's called a Rum and Coke for a reason. ;)

It's not healthier. No soft drink is healthy. Cutting 150+ calories from every can of soda that you drink will add to weight loss, provided you don't replace those calories with food. If you're taking in 2000 calories per day and cut out 300 calories worth of soda, you're going to lose weight.

While true, many people who drink diet pop (it's pop, not soda) could stand to lose a few hundred pounds but they only get bigger. Maybe it would be better off for them to drink a 150 calorie can of pop vs. drinking diet and eating another 300 calories of chips. Multiple studies have shown that those who drink diet have gained more weight over the years than those who drink regular.

I personally miss Jolt. A poor man's red bull.

Any of you old farts like Doc Don remember "The Pop Shop"? My parents bought crates of pop from there - they were big in Minnesota.

Shasta hater! it hasta be a Shasta!

((I wanna, pop, pop, pop!, I wanna Shasta!))

Shasta, the Buck horn beer of sodas.

Okay, enough of the silly talk, It is interesting that soda has often mirrored beer. At first most were regional, Then a few became truly national. Eventually due to aggressive marketing agreements there became two giants. Twenty six week end cap and sales promos for Coke, and the other 26 by Pepsi just may have had something to do with it.

BTW I recall hearing stories as a child that many breweries such as New Ulm's Schell brewed root beer (1919)
during prohibition to stay afloat. Discuss.

Any of you old farts like Doc Don remember "The Pop Shop"? My parents bought crates of pop from there - they were big in Minnesota.

Used to buy a lot of Pop Shop soda when I was a warming house attendant back in the day, and resell it to the kids at the rinks.

I don't know how I'll cope if I can't buy a 20 oz. Coke to help dilute my flask contents. Pepsi will do in a pinch, but it's called a Rum and Coke for a reason. ;)
That's always been Pepsi's biggest battle. In parts of the South, it's a "coke" no matter what flavor of soft drink it is. Pepsi is in the same boat as the people who make Curad bandages or Puffs tissues. Everyone wants a Band-Aid or a Kleenex.

While true, many people who drink diet pop (it's pop, not soda) could stand to lose a few hundred pounds but they only get bigger. Maybe it would be better off for them to drink a 150 calorie can of pop vs. drinking diet and eating another 300 calories of chips. Multiple studies have shown that those who drink diet have gained more weight over the years than those who drink regular.

I personally miss Jolt. A poor man's red bull.

Ha! Jolt. A bottle of No Doz or Vivarin in a can!

Regarding the soda vs Diet soda.:p discussion, I believe part of the reason many that drink diet pop still maintain their sweet tooth. They drink / low or no calorie soda, but in doing so their body still craves sugar so they eat more sugary foods (simple sugars) to feed the craving. BTW To your body a bag of chips is a big dose of sugar.

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