It appears as thought quite a few posters here and on other sites are upset with the perceived "lenient" treatment Nelson is receiving. The focus of those opinions appear to focus on "the kick." The outrage seems to be two-fold: That Nelson kicked a man while he lie unconscious on the ground, and that the kick was the direct cause of Kolstad's injuries.
According to the facts in the record, after Nelson and Kolstad exchanged barbs, Nelson pushed Kolstad, and "friends" separated them. The surveillance video (and not witness testimony or opinions with speculation or conjecture that have emotional aspects) shows Kolstad hitting Nelson in the back of the head hard enough to send Nelson, Nelson's girlfriend, and Kolstad's friend, Sam Thompson, to the ground. A neurologist that treated Nelson and diagnosed him as having a concussion, which is reasonably believed to be caused by the incident (either the strike or hitting his head on the ground). The video surveillance also shows the co-defendant, Trevor Shelly, hiting Kolstad, knocking him out, and causing his head to hit the ground. Two seconds later, the emotionless video evidence (not testimony) shows "the kick" by Nelson. Two seconds. Think about that. As to the outrage that Nelson should receive a more severe punishment because the kick was the direct cause of the injuries, it seems as though some people choose to flat-out ignore the expert testimony of defense counsel's medical doctor AND the State's pathologist that both agreed that Kolstad's injuries were mainly and perhaps entirely due to being punched in the head and the smack of his head on the pavement when he fell, and NOT Nelson's kick.
Apparently, there is no evidence that will change people's minds, especially if you didn't like Phillip Nelson before this incident, or you are dead set on looking at this as a racial injustice. Facts and common sense be damned.