"(They) came up to Phil and they're like, 'Hey, dude, best of luck at Rutgers. I hope everything works out,'" Kaus said. "But the kicker is that the bouncer that kissed her hand is half white, half black. Kolstad is half white, half black. Phil thought Kolstad was the bouncer."
When Nelson accused Kolstad of trying to hit on his girlfriend, Kolstad told Nelson he was married and wouldn't do that, Kaus said. At that point Nelson pushed Kolstad hard, which made Kolstad angry. That's when Kaus grabbed Kolstad and Thompson grabbed Nelson and took the men in different directions. Kaus and Thompson both said they tried to keep the other two men from taking the argument any further..
When Nelson and Veroeven were interviewed by investigators, they both said the person who had argued with Nelson and punched him had made comments about Veroeven. Both also said they had never met Kolstad.
"Yea, I mean he was like, you know, I was with your girlfriend," Nelson told an investigator during an interview at the jail. "Like what, what are you gonna do? What are you gonna do? Like, I mean that type of stuff."
Nelson admitted to pushing Kolstad before walking away. He said he was punched in the back of the head seconds later..
Veroeven was interviewed later in the day on May 11. She hadn't talked to Nelson since his arrest. She said Nelson pushed/hit Kolstad, who she had never met before, first but Kolstad started the fight.
"I was standing right next to Philip and the guy goes, 'I'm getting with your girlfriend tonight and that's what put him over the edge," she said..