STrib: Jerry Kill and University of MN are parting ways after no agreement on role

Kill would be a poor hire at AD. Don't kid yourself, that is the position he wanted. The U offered alternatives. Kill didn't think they were good enough. I like JK as much as anyone, but the public outrage on how the U "couldn't find a position for Kill" is placing the blame for why he won't be around 100% on the wrong party. No issue with Kill wanting AD, Even less issue with the U not offering him that position.

Totally agree Spoofin. I love Jerry Kill as a FB coach, but when people like Doogie (awful reporter and known pot-stirrer) and others say that the U has to find some way to keep him, basically give him whatever he wants, is crazy. The U offered him positions, to which Kill admits, he just either didn't like, wanted more authority or wanted to be around "the kids" more.

Beth chimes in:

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Go Gophers!!

Beth chimes in:

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Go Gophers!!

Smart move by Beth. She keeps a positive spin on the relationship and they will find ways to bring him in from time to time.

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Smart move by Beth. She keeps a positive spin on the relationship and they will find ways to bring him in from time to time.

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Seems like a smart move to me too, but I'm really wondering if Brad Stevens thinks so?

It speak volumes and obviously in a positive way for Goetz and Kaler.

Kill was a good coach and still hasn't gotten over the anxiety of losing that job. He wants a job with power, a good salary, and direct contact with "kids". There is no way that you can have him hanging around the players. As close as he and TC are, they still have philosophical differences on some points and Kill is not accustom to taking a backseat. The head coach has to be the sole guiding voice.

The U can't afford to just create some made up job for him that some enterprising U grad can handle at 1/10th the cost. And the have to hire that grad anyway to be his assistant because Kill won't do the detail work.

Time to move on, the U offered Kill some jobs and he didn't want those jobs.

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Well said. Time to part ways. It's Claeys' program now. He needs to succeed or fail without Kill looking over his shoulder.

Eliminate coaches name from student section and shirts

Tape over Jerry's name with Sharpie to read Claeys-esota? :cool:

They should change the name to Goldy-Sota student section and shirts. Eliminate the coaches name from the thing all together.

They should change the name to Goldy-Sota student section and shirts. Eliminate the coaches name from the thing all together.

Perfect. Gold T-Shirts for all students. Then we can call for a Maroon-Out to start the season.

Clueless is commenting on something you know nothing about.

Question; what do I know about the situation?

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I'm saying the 2nd part of your statement is ridiculous. Kill created the most buzz around Gopher football since Lou Holtz. That's a fact! To say Mason would be better at any job is your opinion, just like I have an opinion.

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I'm saying the 2nd part of your statement is ridiculous. Kill created the most buzz around Gopher football since Lou Holtz. That's a fact! To say Mason would be better at any job is your opinion, just like I have an opinion.

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My opinion? Absolutely. Are you entitled to an opinion? Absolutely.

I disagree with you calling me clueless when you have no idea how I arrived at what I said.

Kills, gopher football, buzz, fact? Since it's a fact where's your quantitative proof? My man , that's also your that I disagree with but respect.

Here is an actual fact; Kill revived the Gopher football program and made it relevant again. Kill was not as successful as a gopher coach as Glen Mason.

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Scoggins: Neither side to blame for Kill's breakup with U of M

Jerry Kill and the University of Minnesota didn’t necessarily divorce this week. They just agreed to be friends.

Months of conversations led the two parties to a mutual decision that the former football coach won’t return to the university in a full-time capacity. The school will use Kill’s gift for fire-up-the-masses public speaking on a contract basis.

This resolution ends a delicate dance that has festered behind the scenes and led to hard feelings, particularly among Kill’s confidants.

Kill remains popular with fans and prominent boosters, many of whom blame the school, namely President Eric Kaler, for failing to bring Kill back in a leadership position.

Truth is, neither side is blatantly wrong or to blame for this outcome. And the decision they came to is best for both parties.

Go Gophers!!

From the article:

Kill’s shadow would have enwrapped the program if he had a daily presence within the athletic department. It’s no secret that Kill became upset with Claeys after he fired offensive coordinator Matt Limegrover and quarterbacks coach Jim Zebrowski after the season.

I don't recall hearing that.

Kill ran himself into the ground, causing his health to deteriorate to a point that he could no longer coach. He worked himself to complete exhaustion.

Some of Kill’s supporters — including wealthy donors — believe the school is complicit in his physical unraveling. Whether you believe that or not, that perception exists.

What the........

Kills, gopher football, buzz, fact? Since it's a fact where's your quantitative proof?

The Gophers just had its highest average attendance since 1987 (not to mention, following a pretty big price hike).

Kill is gone. He is not coming back.
He made a very big effort to get the game day experience on a level with the best game day schools in BIG despite unfounded fear of anarchy at the highest levels in admiistration. And he tried to make the product on the field better.
His treatment for what could have been a fatal condition left him without the focus and energy he felt he needed to the job.
So he made the right choice. It is too bad but life is often not fair.
There should be no need for hurt feelings by anyone.

Here is an actual fact; Kill revived the Gopher football program and made it relevant again. Kill was not as successful as a gopher coach as Glen Mason.

Can't argue it. Kill came in and revived the program after the disaster that was Brew. But all that said, he wasn't around long enough to better Mase. In fact, Mase came in an revived the program after 30 some years of being horrid, which was a bigger task, to be honest. And in the end, does it really matter? We can be happy we had both coaches and they both did some good things here. That's what is important. Now it's time to see if TC can be in that conversation or whether he'll be relegated to the Gutey comparisons...

I don't remember hearing any evidence of this. The article makes it seem like it is common knowledge.

TC said in an interview with JG/KFAN that Kill didn't know he was going to do it and that he wasn't happy with it. They have remained friends, but Chip was right in the article.

Can't argue it. Kill came in and revived the program after the disaster that was Brew. But all that said, he wasn't around long enough to better Mase. In fact, Mase came in an revived the program after 30 some years of being horrid, which was a bigger task, to be honest. And in the end, does it really matter? We can be happy we had both coaches and they both did some good things here. That's what is important. Now it's time to see if TC can be in that conversation or whether he'll be relegated to the Gutey comparisons...

Well said and I don't disagree. However I tend cut Brewster slack because he had far more genuine affection for his players and the program than one of the two previous coaches you mentioned.

Kill was never going to be a long term coach here. Glen Mason would have went Paterno (longevity) and Brewster would have stayed til retirement.

Personally I would have loved for the gophers to have bought Mason back.

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