Still a supportive fan - how many do we have left?


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Well enough with the negativity! The past is past. It is not going to help the team when all you nimrods boo at every bad play that happens in the stadium. We most likely are in for a long season. Unless there is a big turn around this season we will definitely have another coaching change. Enough said about that.

Go to the stadium ... cheer your players ... don't boo. Even if you are booing is directed at the coach, the players don't know that. This isn't the pros. You can't make trades or sign a free agent. This is your team like it or not. Do your part to make it better. Stay to the end of the game and cheer on your team no matter what the score is.

ok - caught my typo

Before all you English majors comment on my typo ... caught it already. :confused:

I'll be there cheering on the Gophers as always. I have never boo'd the Maroon & Gold and never will. I plan on singing Hail Minnesota at the end regardless of the outcome and I plan on being a proud alumni of the University of Minnesota at the end regardless of the outcome. I fully expect that the players and coaches will be doing everything they can to win the game and I respect them for it.

Go Gophers!

Two of us

Ok ... there are at least two of us.

If we don't win another game for five years, I will still be pumped up about the next saturday for the gophers...

That's four

Still counting but got to get some sleep. Keep the count and the support going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me! And by supportive, I don't mean maroon colored sunglasses, god knows I can see the program for what it is and what big changes need to be made.

With that being said, I will NEVER boo my team (aside from some freak of nature, like all the players being rapists or something), and I will buy season tickets, try to encourage others to go to games, and give them a good experience when they do.

gopher support

I will never boo the gophers. The kids are trying and I never understood booing your own team. It does not help them or give them a better chance to succeed. I have actually talked myself into believing that the Trojans can be beat. They just got by Virginia last week and their depth is not a typical USC team. I also know the Gophers can play better. They did just that against Middle Tennessee. Besides...its just more fun to be optimistic.

Good thread. Seriously.

As long as I'm able to talk my uncle into keeping his half of our season tickets, I'll be at every game I can be at. If not, I plan on going to as many as I can afford.

Either way, I'm over last Saturday. I can't believe how fast it took me to get over it.. I think 'discussing' it here with ya'll honestly helped. Anyway, I'm gonna be loud and proud, and will never boo the team. Never have, and never will. I'll laugh at the teams misdeeds.. But that's just how I deal with adversity. But I'll never boo.


I will never boo the gophers. The kids are trying and I never understood booing your own team. It does not help them or give them a better chance to succeed. I have actually talked myself into believing that the Trojans can be beat. They just got by Virginia last week and their depth is not a typical USC team. I also know the Gophers can play better. They did just that against Middle Tennessee. Besides...its just more fun to be optimistic.

Booing the Gophers is wrong. They are trying their hardest. There are lots of issues for sure.
Booing will not help or solve anything. Don't boo the Gophers! It's wrong!

Rant on here. Email your thoughts to Maturi. But go to the game and cheer. We all gotta somehow convince ourselves that the Gophers can beat USC. No idea how it's possible but I'm convinced it's time only....and that time needs to be this Saturday.

Of course I'm in. I might yell a little bit - you know, stuff like 'Dammit Weber!' and 'SOMEBODY PLEASE TACKLE!', but I'll always support the Maroon and Gold. No boos from this guy, and there's no reason to boo college kids. Save that for the millionaires who play on Sunday.

I'm in. I will never boo and I will be there win or lose.

Oh I want us to win this Saturday and every Saturday. If the coach is to loose this game, the next, or his job its not really what I want. I'd love nothing more than Brewster's squad to give a 'f#ck you world' and go to a New Years Day Bowl.

But I can barely dream those dreams. Of course that is what is most frustrating in that in many ways I can say I feel like we are as far away as we have ever been in my 11 years as a part of the 'Gopher Nation'.

I hope the 'fire Brewster' chants don't start in Saturday because it won't help anything. This decision wasn't made in '05 when the students chanted for Mason's head then nor in '06 and it only hurts our recruiting prospects. I would implore you to refrain, but I know many of you won't. Part and parcel to the pro mentality of the town I guess.

I still believe the talent is improving and we need to stick it out. The coaches and players need to develop a thick skin and get to work. Count me in.

This is our squad, and those kids are playing for us. Regardless of the performance, I love this team and will until I die. I want Brew to succeed and I love the mindset he's brought to the table, and until the administration says otherwise, he's our coach and deserves our support, for the sake of recruiting if anything. Turn the ship around for SC, fellas.

Still climbing

Let's keep the movement going. Cheer on the Gophers win or lose.

I've suffered through a lot of bad seasons that were far worse than Brewster's years (remember "Air Wacker"?). I believe the Gophers will have great effort on Saturday, which is all we can ask of them. Ski U Mah!

I'm in.

Best thread in a long time. I never understand the booing.

Frustration yes, booing no.

I'm still all in, too early in the year to give up hope. I'm going to enjoy the hell out of the next 11 Saturdays.

I'm still posting here, and not ripping, so count me in among the faithful.

Always support, always cheer, never boo.... Go Gophers!

Yeah me too. In but bouyed by Ben and Jerry's. I don't know how long that can sustain me.

Even though I sat there in total disbelief watching our defense (not) play, I didn’t boo. I honestly was thinking about Jon’s father and the picture that was flashed up of him. I thought to myself, would I boo my own child, probably not. I may give him a good butt chewing in private if he deserved it and this is just me personally and how I was raised. I did yell things that were not always positive about some obvious gap on the field, containment, getting your hands up, tackling, etc. I also stood up and cheered when we scored or made a nice play. I understand it is hard not to get emotional or passionate about OUR team.

I was pretty angry these past few days and it is hard to make the disappointment disappear any time soon, but I have been a Gopher fan for about 50 years. I have seen some really good football and some god awful football. Even though this last game rates up there with some of the other poor performances by OUR Gophers over the years, I will still always be a Gopher fan.

For OUR Gophers, I am always in!

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