I was a freshman in 1965. Being from a small town, Cloquet, I thought I'd join the "card section" since I didn't know anyone. Had a blast in old Memorial and we had good teams. Too many dead brain cells now to remember names (think Carl Eller was my dorm floor monitor) but believe Griese beat us out for the Rose Bowl. But the excitement of the campus on game day was unbelievable. Never forget the atmosphere. But then the program went south and they destroyed it by moving to the dome, off campus. Both of my kids graduated from the U and if I did not take them to a game, they'd never have seen one. BB was much bigger and hockey was as well. Incidentally, bought my season tix after Brewster's press conference. He pumped me up and I thought he could restore us to prominence so I jumped. Shows you my intelligence huh... Nothing like the atmosphere of a winning football team college campus on game day...hope we can experience the "high" again.