So now we will get the chance to find out if Coach Kill is acceptable or if he is not acceptable. But, make no mistake: first he has to pass the lowest of the low...brewster. Then he has to pass Wacker, Salem, hoax, Gutey, Mason and Stoll. Then he has to take on the BIG BOYS: Murray and finally Bernie. How high on the list can Coach Kill climb???? Or, how difficult will he find it to earn enough Big Ten wins to start climbing and more importantly to continue climbing up the list?
The key in it all for the Coach who is lucky enough...or some may say unfortunate enough to accept the mission IMPOSSIBLE job at the University of Minnesota. It has been this way since 1967-1968. That is when Murray went from being a HALL OF FAME-WINNER of a National Championship kind of coach to basically being a Mason-like .400 coach in the Big Ten. (In 1969, 1970 and 1971, Murray stalled out with a 9-12-1 Big Ten record.) The first 15 years Murray was here, from 1954 through 1968, Murray won Big Ten games at about a .543 rate. His Big Ten record for the first 15 was57-45-3. Then, those last 3 years, he slipped to that 9-12-1 mark and we ran him outta there!!!!!! AND: he was fired. We are tough, unforgiving, mean and rough s.o.b.'s with our football coaches here at the University of Minnesota. We have been that way since 1971. We just won't take ANY crap. We DEMAND excellence from our football coaches. Murray wasn't much more than 56 years of age when we who demand EXCELLENCE in our football coaches and the people in the administration at the U of M ran Murray off. And, do know what? We ALSO did that to Bernie Bierman. We DESERVE to have been walking in the Wilderness for that long. When Murray Warmath was fired, his Big Ten w-loss percentage at Minnesota was about .520. So, that means that IF you don't win MORE than 52% of your Big Ten games, the administration and we fans will force you out the door.
It ONLY took our incompetent administrators at the U of M another 11 seasons to totally abandon Football. In 1982, they moved Gopher Football off campus and into the damn dome. They totally caved in to the twins and the stinking vikings. We ran a pretty darn YOUNG Murray Warmath off. We ran Bernie Bierman off. We watched the administration abandon the BRICK HOUSE for the damn dome. We have since then watched as the hapless administration has allowed the MEDICAL SCHOOL at the U of M to fall into it's own WILDERNESS TREK. prexy b has truely been asleep at the wheel with the MEDICAL SCHOOL. He has also allowed badger joel macturi to run the revenus sports into the ground.
So, bob_loblaw: that is the story. Coach Kill HAS to win Big Ten Football games at a rate significantly higher than the .400 rate. IF he doesn't, we will run him off. THAT is how we do it. That is who we are. That is what we are. THAT is what we deserve. We have had incompetent administrators who have been asleep at the wheel for over 50 years now. We USED to have a GREAT football program. We USED to have a great MEdical school. We should file suit against our administrators and against ourselves for having so many fine programs at the U of M just kind of slip-slide away.
We KNOW where the bar is set for Coach Kill. Now, we will start watching...and counting...and keeping track. This is who we are. This is what we are. This is EXACTLY how we have been for over half a century. probably going to have a very easy time here. EVERY Big Ten Win is like gold. It is ONLY Big Ten wins that will save our new coach from the same fate that EVERY Coach since Murray Warmath has experienced here at Minnesota. ONLY hoax and Mason have escaped that horrible FIRE THE LOSER cycle of between four and five seasons. hoax did it by firing Minnesota in a little less than two full seasons, and Mason did it by being ESSENTIAL in the process of obtaining a new football stadium. He lasted 10 seasons. They brought him back to nail the naming rights deal and then they paid him millions and millions of extra dollars to go away. The administrators were SO incompetent...and so were we fans. And, we ended up with a .222 coach for the last 3.5 seasons and then finished with a temporary coach who actually did a very nice job for a few games.
Coach Kill: Good luck and best wishes. Give the administration hell and give us miserable fans hell too! The administration and we fans have a HORRIBLE track record over the past half century...and, "just in case..." save as much as you can for a rainy day, because this is one TOUGH gig...Now, get out there and win at least half of the Big Ten game you coach. Then, YOU can personally break this nasty cycle. Join hoax and Mason. Either leave before we get you like hoax did OR find a way to hang in there for at LEAST 10 seasonslike Mason did. Remember, we threw Murray out the door when he was ONLY about 55. We have NO heart. We and our administrators like to "chew 'em up and spit 'em out..."