Shooter: Kill/Mason meet at Bierman this week

Lot's of commentors here would find fault with any coaches and/or referees and/or participants and/or the student section in pi$$ing contests.

And nothing will change their opinions.

You have always had the uncanny knack of describing me to a tee.

Wait, it is Prexy B's fault that the cheapskates in St. Paul keep cutting & cutting the U's funding?

That has more to do with the decline of the professional programs than the merger (which took place in 1996 under Nils Hasselmo).

So now we will get the chance to find out if Coach Kill is acceptable or if he is not acceptable. But, make no mistake: first he has to pass the lowest of the low...brewster. Then he has to pass Wacker, Salem, hoax, Gutey, Mason and Stoll. Then he has to take on the BIG BOYS: Murray and finally Bernie. How high on the list can Coach Kill climb???? Or, how difficult will he find it to earn enough Big Ten wins to start climbing and more importantly to continue climbing up the list?

The key in it all for the Coach who is lucky enough...or some may say unfortunate enough to accept the mission IMPOSSIBLE job at the University of Minnesota. It has been this way since 1967-1968. That is when Murray went from being a HALL OF FAME-WINNER of a National Championship kind of coach to basically being a Mason-like .400 coach in the Big Ten. (In 1969, 1970 and 1971, Murray stalled out with a 9-12-1 Big Ten record.) The first 15 years Murray was here, from 1954 through 1968, Murray won Big Ten games at about a .543 rate. His Big Ten record for the first 15 was57-45-3. Then, those last 3 years, he slipped to that 9-12-1 mark and we ran him outta there!!!!!! AND: he was fired. We are tough, unforgiving, mean and rough s.o.b.'s with our football coaches here at the University of Minnesota. We have been that way since 1971. We just won't take ANY crap. We DEMAND excellence from our football coaches. Murray wasn't much more than 56 years of age when we who demand EXCELLENCE in our football coaches and the people in the administration at the U of M ran Murray off. And, do know what? We ALSO did that to Bernie Bierman. We DESERVE to have been walking in the Wilderness for that long. When Murray Warmath was fired, his Big Ten w-loss percentage at Minnesota was about .520. So, that means that IF you don't win MORE than 52% of your Big Ten games, the administration and we fans will force you out the door.

It ONLY took our incompetent administrators at the U of M another 11 seasons to totally abandon Football. In 1982, they moved Gopher Football off campus and into the damn dome. They totally caved in to the twins and the stinking vikings. We ran a pretty darn YOUNG Murray Warmath off. We ran Bernie Bierman off. We watched the administration abandon the BRICK HOUSE for the damn dome. We have since then watched as the hapless administration has allowed the MEDICAL SCHOOL at the U of M to fall into it's own WILDERNESS TREK. prexy b has truely been asleep at the wheel with the MEDICAL SCHOOL. He has also allowed badger joel macturi to run the revenus sports into the ground.

So, bob_loblaw: that is the story. Coach Kill HAS to win Big Ten Football games at a rate significantly higher than the .400 rate. IF he doesn't, we will run him off. THAT is how we do it. That is who we are. That is what we are. THAT is what we deserve. We have had incompetent administrators who have been asleep at the wheel for over 50 years now. We USED to have a GREAT football program. We USED to have a great MEdical school. We should file suit against our administrators and against ourselves for having so many fine programs at the U of M just kind of slip-slide away.

We KNOW where the bar is set for Coach Kill. Now, we will start watching...and counting...and keeping track. This is who we are. This is what we are. This is EXACTLY how we have been for over half a century. probably going to have a very easy time here. EVERY Big Ten Win is like gold. It is ONLY Big Ten wins that will save our new coach from the same fate that EVERY Coach since Murray Warmath has experienced here at Minnesota. ONLY hoax and Mason have escaped that horrible FIRE THE LOSER cycle of between four and five seasons. hoax did it by firing Minnesota in a little less than two full seasons, and Mason did it by being ESSENTIAL in the process of obtaining a new football stadium. He lasted 10 seasons. They brought him back to nail the naming rights deal and then they paid him millions and millions of extra dollars to go away. The administrators were SO incompetent...and so were we fans. And, we ended up with a .222 coach for the last 3.5 seasons and then finished with a temporary coach who actually did a very nice job for a few games.

Coach Kill: Good luck and best wishes. Give the administration hell and give us miserable fans hell too! The administration and we fans have a HORRIBLE track record over the past half century...and, "just in case..." save as much as you can for a rainy day, because this is one TOUGH gig...Now, get out there and win at least half of the Big Ten game you coach. Then, YOU can personally break this nasty cycle. Join hoax and Mason. Either leave before we get you like hoax did OR find a way to hang in there for at LEAST 10 seasonslike Mason did. Remember, we threw Murray out the door when he was ONLY about 55. We have NO heart. We and our administrators like to "chew 'em up and spit 'em out..."

Remember the time coach Mason called you at home? That was awesome.

Here's the only known picture of Wren:


Actually Kelly Leeks posted a real picture of Wren on GH. Maybe Tipsy can contact Leeks and get a copy for re-posting.


1. There are those who think collegiate and professional sports in the USA are fair, honest, and on a level playing field. The bad luck run of the Golden Gophers started when the NFL / Vikings moved into town. Some people never heard of the likes of Meyer Lansky, Bugsy Siegel, Mickey Cohen, or the Genovese, Gambino, Lucchese, Columbo, or Bonanno families.

2. Before he was murdered and found in a land fill in Wilmington, Delaware, John Walker wrote in an email or blog to his West Point colleagues that USMA should pull out of the NCAA, because there is no honor or integrity in it. I don't know the exact quote, but it can be looked up.

3. It is all about money. The more incompetent the Golden Gophers are, the more money the NFL Vikings rake in to their own piggy bank. Think about it.

6 Nov 1999: you have a good point there.

I also believe that the administrators at the U of M have done a horrible job with the revenue sports, the medical school, and in a number of other areas re: their administration duties as is related to the management of key and vital elements so relevent to the future of this great university.

As for the vikings, a new stadium for them is not a done deal. And, the current leading potential site of any proposed viking stadium sits on top of a toxic waste dump site (an abandoned munitions plant.) Perhaps they are hoping to score big with a "toxic superfund" contribution from the Federal Government to help ease their pain. However, your "mob" referrences were so very fitting for this picture. A "toxic dump site" sounds SO mob-friendly! ; 0 )

I think the question WE all NEED to ask ourselves is:

Which ADMINISTRATOR has the most BIG TEN wins.

Baby, just get Big Ten wins

Actually Kelly Leeks posted a real picture of Wren on GH. Maybe Tipsy can contact Leeks and get a copy for re-posting.

A spring game siting...

<a href="" title="Spring Game 2011 - Walrus vs. Hot Dog by Sir Tipsy McStagger, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="372" alt="Spring Game 2011 - Walrus vs. Hot Dog"></a>

mcstagger must be on one of his six-month binges again. He's back to smacking his smack and working the streets again, I would guess. That good looking, gentleman is far better looking than I am. I am SO ugly that cameras break when they try to catch my image. I am SO old that I've seen any silly tricks that you dudes and dudettes may try to do to ever even be offended. I'm old and ugly. Life is really GOOD though!

And kelly leeks? He blew his mind out in a car.

You dudes and dudettes can try...but, life goes on. I never let the ba$tards get me down...

Ditch badger joel macturi NOW!

; 0 )

You Earned The Right To Speak What You Want!

mcstagger must be on one of his six-month binges again. He's back to smacking his smack and working the streets again, I would guess. That good looking, gentleman is far better looking than I am. I am SO ugly that cameras break when they try to catch my image. I am SO old that I've seen any silly tricks that you dudes and dudettes may try to do to ever even be offended. I'm old and ugly. Life is really GOOD though!

And kelly leeks? He blew his mind out in a car.

You dudes and dudettes can try...but, life goes on. I never let the ba$tards get me down...

Ditch badger joel macturi NOW!

; 0 )


1. When your country called, a long time ago during a most unpopular war, you answered the call. You did not run away. You did not hide under a college deferment. You put on your uniform, you went overseas, you did your duty, and patriotically performed it with pride and excellence. There are many hypocrites on this board who bash you, yet never give a thought to the fact that you protected the life style of their grandparents, the life style of their parents, their life style, the life style of their children, and their constitutional right to mock you and insult you.
2. They are not courteous. They have no shame. They have no honor.
3. So for you I have this quote, because it applies to you. “When asked what I am most proud of, I stick out my chest, hold my head high and state proudly, 'I served in the United States Navy!'” - John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th President of the United States.
4. God bless you shipmate!

Quick question. If I send a couple of samples of the posts to my family members that are protecting my life style right now, and they agree that communication is a valuable commodity that they are protecting, can I still try to improve the community in which I choose to be apart by ensuring that the quality of the posts are at a high level?


1. When your country called, a long time ago during a most unpopular war, you answered the call. You did not run away. You did not hide under a college deferment. You put on your uniform, you went overseas, you did your duty, and patriotically performed it with pride and excellence. There are many hypocrites on this board who bash you, yet never give a thought to the fact that you protected the life style of their grandparents, the life style of their parents, their life style, the life style of their children, and their constitutional right to mock you and insult you.
2. They are not courteous. They have no shame. They have no honor.
3. So for you I have this quote, because it applies to you. “When asked what I am most proud of, I stick out my chest, hold my head high and state proudly, 'I served in the United States Navy!'” - John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th President of the United States.
4. God bless you shipmate!

So since I served does that mean I can mock him now?

6 Nov 1999: Don't pay any attention to these people. They can't influence what I am going to talk about with their childish and boorish behavior. Thank you for what you said, and I do recall that I was fortunate to have answered my call from the draft board before the draft was ended with the first lottery in December of 1969. The first lottery was conducted on December 1st of 1969, I am quite sure. I had started active duty in March of 1968. They called, I answered. I served. I went home. In all, about four years had passed. The ages of 20 through 24 became much different than they would have been had I never been drafted.

The honor of being drafted is something the young men of America have NOT faced in a very long time. I guess I feel kind of sorry for them. Yes, I most definitely do feel sorry for them. It was a life altering and life shaping event. It was an opportunity to make one of life's most important decisions at a very young age. I was truely lucky and I must admit that in retrospect, I DID make a good decision with that largest of all decisions a young man could make back in those days. It was truely a good thing that did change my life and my future more than I could ever have known at that time. It was not always easy. It was not always what I wanted. Yet, it was fair. It was an honest way to spend my time and I did learn a lot of life's lessons. I did gain certin appreciations. I did learn to respect many things in ways I never could have understood had I not had the experiences that the honor of being drafted and therefore enlisting gave me. Yes, enlisting was my choice. However, I don't know if I would have made that choice without having been drafted. Yes, I was fortunate to have been drafted.

People much younger than myself never really did get that chance...that one opportunity...that one truely defining moment when you MUST make a choice. I said yes, to that moment and from that point in time, my future was forever changed from what it would have been had I made any other choice.

So, no matter what these people may say to really doesn't matter. They are all nameless, faceless nothings to me. But, I will tell you this: I learned very early on during my time spent serving my country that I would NEVER let the ba$tards get me matter what they said to me or how they acted toward me. I would continue...I would carry on and I would NEVER compromise what I believe to be true.

Thank you for your service and God bless you shipmate!

p.s. NEVER let the ba$tards get you down! ; 0 )

Your Right

God damn this thread sucks.

Wren can suck the life out of a string faster than anybody. It is what happens when a person who has lost touch with reality thinks he has something to say.

Glen the Recruiter

I bet ya if dear old Glen was a recruiter, he could suck the life right out of ya. Well, maybe only if he was a Navy recruiter.

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